Wonder how long we so-called literate citizens of Nepal wanted to be cheated by manu-minded rulers, politicians, and their advisors. Enough is enough lying and cheating imposing the Law of Manu to the innocent and ignorant Nepalese people and youths since the time of king Jaysthiti Malla, who had written in the first country code of conduct, Manab Nyaya Sastra in consultation hiring 5 Indian learned Brahmins that had incorproated the law of manu verses.
Let's be part of India officially and be a progressive nationalist rather than narrow, feudal and pseudo nationalist.
Sugat Kansakar sir said:
In Delhi, Prachanda criticised "narrow and feudal nationalism" favoring "progressive nationalism"! A new jargon in Nepalese politics?"
My response to him was:
I'm after progressive nationalism which means Nepal=India and India=Nepal and I'm after broad rather than narrow so that Nepal no need to be worry about broader enroachment, and federalism since if Nepal will be part of India it will be federal state anyway and also there will be larger opportunities for everyone in compete and trading seeking help from the central government and people. Also playing Blame Game and our politicians depending with India will STOP!!
STOP playing the blame Game and Being a Pseudo-Nationalist and Nationalism as a Nepali.
STOP remaining in Delusion considering Nepal is a sovereign nation. It is not such nation. There are enough historical evidences to prove that.
United We Stand, Divided we Fall as Aesop (c.620-564 BC), an ancient Greek Fabulist said.
In this Information Technology age ensuring everyone freedom, rights and social justice of Nepalese have to think by uniting rather than dividing among each other.
Here is an evidence how Nepalese have been uniting with India. The equation that I've given for our unity is Nepal=India, India=Nepal.
But some manu-made upper caste intellectual corrupt illogically blame to indigenous (Janajati), the western world and Christians for demanding their rights and freedom and India for intruding in Nepal internal affair that made be laugh because I realized how intellectual corrupt we are who just love to play the blame game.
Here are the evidences to prove it:
Evidence No. 1: The first codified law of Nepal, Manab Nyaya Shastra
By Rewatiram Khanal from Nepal ko Kanuni Itihash ko Ruprekha stated that:
"The Manab Nyaya Shastra is the first codified law of Nepal. It was written during the Malla Dynasty, which is known to be the 5th dynasty of Nepal. It was written by King Jayasthiti Malla in the 14th century along with the help of five learned persons from India, namely Kirtinath Upadhyaya Kanyakubja, Raghunath Jha Maithili, Srinath Bhatta, Mahinath Bhatta, and Ramanath Jha.
The Manab Nyaya Shastra was consequently written after the study of Manu Smriti, Yagyawalkya Smriti, Mitachhyara Tika, Brihaspati Smriti, Narad Smriti and other holy texts. It was written concentrating on the practices that prevailed in the society then. The Manab Nyaya Shastra has introduced many legal provisions regarding houses, lands, castes, dead bodies etc. It was the major source of rendering justice during the medieval period.
Much influence of religion can be found in the laws then."
In the book titled "Manusmriti Ma Sudra Ra Shitri" written under the guidanceship and coordinationship of Mr. Tilak Prasad Luitel, intellectual body of Manusmriti Nepali translater authored by Chitra Prasad Pant, Gopi Sapkota and Gita Subedi published in 2065 where Mr. Luitel has stated:
"Manusmriti Prachin Samaj Ko Bidibidhan Nirman ra Lagu Garne Garntha Ho. Aaja Pani Hamra Samajik Bewarma Tesko Niyam Haru Sakriya Raheka Chhan. Bibid Karan Le Samaj Ka Mulya Manniyata Paribartan Hunchan. Aaja Manusmriti Ma Ulekha Bhayeka Niyam Uhile Kai Jasto Rupa Samajle Dhanna Sakirahe Ko Chainnan.
Yo Paribartan Ko Praman Ho. Paribartit Samaj Le Par Gareka Aroha Aaroha Biyaagiya Manai Herna Sakin Chha. Samayeko Bibhinna Charanma Samaj Le Par Gare Ka Samajik Bewar Tarpha Pharkera Hernu Le Pragatima Badha Haldainan Ra Sudhar Ko Marga Khulau Chha. Tara Tesko Purbagrah Rakhnu Bhane Kimartha Hudhaina. Kunai Pani Sangsanstha Thalaanimai Subewastit Hudaina. Samaj Pani Testai Ho. Tesma Samayakul Paribartan Liyayera Sarbakalik Nyaya ra Sangit Khoji Garne Dhayitto Manish Ko Ho.
Tes Kamma Yestai Utsahi Janamanash Ko Yogdhan Hunchha. Yeslai Yug Ko Mag Prati Sachet Bhayeko Manna Sahikin Chha!"
Evidence 2: Balmiki Aashram, Chitwan
via Gopal Siwa
आफ्नै देश भित्र भारतीय सशस्त्र सुरक्षा कर्मीहरुबाट जनता विस्थापित गर्नु , सीमा मिच्नु भनेको राज्यको उपहास गर्नु हो। अब नेपाली सेना ,सशस्त्र बल र माओवादी सेनालाई व्यारेकमा थुपार्ने र उफार्ने मात्र होइन व्यापक रुपमा सीमा सुरक्षार्थ खटाउँनु पर्छ। तलको समाचार पढ्नुस
वाल्मिकी आश्रम नेपालकै भूमि भएपनि त्यहाँ पुग्न भारतको अनुमति लिनुपर्छ....
काठमाडौं,बैशाख २० । साढे १७ लाख वर्षको ऐतिहासिक र धार्मिक महत्व बोकेको चितवनस्थित वाल्मिकी आश्रममा भारतीयहरुको हस्तक्षेप बढ्न थालेको छ । चितवनको गर्दी गावीस वडा नम्बर ९ मा पर्ने वाल्मिकी आश्रममा पछिल्लो समय भारतीय हस्तक्षेप बढीरहेको छ ।वाल्मिकी आश्रम वरपरको सानो नेपाली वस्तीमा अहिले भारतीय सीमा सुरक्षा बल एसएसबीले मनपरी गर्ने गरेको छ । आश्रमको २०० मिटर पर भारतीय सिमा सुरक्षा बल एसएसबीको फौज छ । पहिले तमोसा र सोना नदी पर (झण्डै एक किलोमिटरको दुरीमा) बस्ने एसएसबी फौज अहिले नेपाली भूमि (वाल्मिकी आश्रम) तर्फ नजिकीएको हो । उनीहरु दिनदहाडै आश्रममा हतियार सहित आएर नेपालीहरुलाई कुटपिट गरी दुख दिने गर्दछन ।आश्रम वरपर रहेका नेपालीहरुका करिब १२ / १५ घरमा पनि एसएसबी जवानहरु आएर मनपरी गछ्र्रन् । ४ दशक भन्दा पहिलेदेखि बसोबास गर्दै आएकी सुनिता घलेले भनिन् – “एस एस बिका जवान आएर कहिले चुरोट ल्याईदे, कहिले रक्सी ल्र्याईदे भन्छन्, वरपर पसल छैन उनिहरुको लागि ६ ÷ ७ किलोमिटर पर गएर भनेको सामान ल्याईदिनुपर्छ नत्र गालीगलौज, कुटपिट मललाग्दी गर्न थाल्छन् । निक्कै सकस छ यहाँ बस्न ।”आश्रमकै मुल पूजारी शेखर सुवेदीले एसएसबीले दिएको दुख स्मरण गर्दै भने – “यहाँ केही छैन, नुन खान पर्योप भने भारतीय भूमिमा जानुपर्छ । अनि जाने बेलामा कहिले बोर्डर सिल भन्छन्, कहिले जाना आना बन्द भन्छन् , कहिले जाएगा त हतकडी लग जाएगा , नेपालीका लिए कुनै रिस्ता नहीँ हे यस्तै यस्तै भनेर थर्काउँछन् ।”
आफ्नै भूमिमा जाँदा भारतीय प्रबेशाज्ञा
वाल्मिकी आश्रम नेपालकै भूमि भएपनि त्यहाँ पुग्न भारतको अनुमति लिनुपर्छ । सो ठाउँमा चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जको छेउमा रहेकाले नेपालमा बाटो छैन । जसका कारण नवलपरासीको त्रिवेणी–सुस्ता गावीसको सिमा क्षेत्र (गण्डक नहर) मा पुगर भारतको विहार राज्य अन्र्तगत पश्चिम चम्पारण बगाह जिल्ला प्रहरीको अनुमति लिएर मात्र जान सकिन्छ । सो सिमा क्षेत्रबाट करिब १० / १२ किलोमिटर दुरी पार गरेपछि वाल्मिकी आश्रममा पुगिन्छ ।
किन राख्यो भारतले गाउँको नाम वाल्मिकीनगर ?
वाल्मिकी आश्रमको वरपर अहिले ठाउँठाउँमा भारतीयले वाल्मिकीनगर बगाह जिल्ला भनेर लेखेका छन् । त्यसरी लेख्नुको उद्देश्य पछि सो ठाउँलाई भारतको वाल्मिकी नगर भनेर प्रचार गर्नको लागि रहेको अनुमान धेरैको छ । भारतका अयोध्या, हरिद्वार भन्दा पनि पुरानो इतिहास बोकेको हुनाले पनि वाल्मिकी आश्रममाथि भारतीयहरुले ‘गिद्धे’ नजरले हेरिरहेका छन् ।
वाल्मिकी आश्रमको ऐतिहासीक पृष्ठभूमि
वाल्मीकी आश्रमसँग साढे १७ लाख वर्षको इतिहास जोडिएको छ । चर्चित धार्मिकग्रन्थ रामायण, रामायण लेख्ने वाल्मिकी अनि भगवान् सीता, लभकुशको सन्दर्भ त्यही ठाउँसंग जोडिएका छन् । वाल्मिकी ऋषीले रामायण लेखेको, लभकुशलाई शिक्षादिक्षा दिएको, सिता पाताल झरेको ठाउँ भनेर चिनीन्छ वाल्मीकी आश्रम ।झण्डै डेढ बिगाहा जमिनमा फैलिएको वाल्मिकी आश्रममा लभकुशले घोडा बाँधेको खम्बा, सीताले प्रयोग गर्ने गरेका सिलौटो तथा लोहोरो, उनैले प्रयोग गरेको गाग्री, इनार र कुवा, लभकुश जन्मिएको ठाउँ, विष्णुचक्र, अठासी हजार ऋषीमुनिहरुले हवन गरेको स्थल आदी अहिले पनि देख्न पाइन्छ । मन्दिरमा राखिएका प्राचिन मुर्तिहरुले पनि तपाई हाम्रो मन लोभ्याउन सक्छ ।विभिन्न आकार र प्रकारका मुर्तिहरुको बनावट अनि शिलालेखहरु निक्कै मनमोहक छन् । जीन्दगीको सुधारको लागि ऋषीले चालेको कदम र उनको जीवनशैली, सीताको पतिब्रता तथा निष्ठा अनि लभकुशले अश्वमेद यज्ञको घोडा कसरी समात्थे भन्ने कुरा धर्मशास्त्रमार्फत थाहा पाइन्छ, जुन सोही आश्रमसँग जोडिएका विषय हुन् ।
Evidence No. 3: Simmana Song from The Axe Band
via Gopal Siwa
राष्ट्र र राषट्रीयताको सवालमा सधैं आवज ऊठाऊँछ भनेर तर म गलत रहेंछु। मैले सोँचेको कुराहरु शत प्रतिशत नै गलत रहेछ। मिति २०६९-१२-२१ गते का दिन "नेपाल टेलीभिजनको NTV PLUS" मा प्रशारण हुने "Play it on reloaded" मा ऊपस्थित हुँदाको बखत ऐना जस्तै छर्लङ्ग भयो। मलाई जति नेपाली हुनुमा गर्ब लाग्थ्यो त्यो भन्दा कयौं गुणा ज्यादा घृणा "नेपाल टेलिभिजन" देखी लाग्यो। कार्यक्रम प्रत्यक्ष प्रशारण थियो हाम्रो Band को "सिमाना" बोलको गीत बज्ने बेलामा Censor को नाटक गरेर हाम्रो भिडियोको नेपाल टेलिभिजनका सम्पुर्ण कर्मचारीहरु (कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोता बाहेक) मिलेर सामुहिक बलात्कार गरे। गीत बजाईएन। हाम्रो "सिमाना" बोलको गीतलाई प्रतिबन्ध लगाईयो। तर प्रश्न ऊठ्छ किन ? के हामीले हाम्रो देशको सिमानाको बारेमा जानकारी राख्न पाऊने सम्मको पनि अधिकार छैन हामीसँग ? के हामी गैर नेपाली हौं ? हाम्रो राष्ट्रीयताको सवाल ऊठाऊने अधिकारबाट बञ्चित गर्ने हक कस्ले दियो "नेपाल टेलीभिजन"लाई हैन भने त्यसको नाम फेरेर "हिन्दुस्तान टेलिभिजन" भनेर राख! नत्र हाम्रो Band को "सिमाना" बोलको गीतले त्यहाँ स्थान पाऊनुपर्छ। यदि त्यो गीत बज्दैन भने "नेपाल" नामको दुरुपयोग गरेर भारतको दलाली गरिरहेकोछ "नेपाल टेलीभिजन"ले। एऊटा राष्ट्रीय गीत प्रशारण गर्न डराऊने सँस्थाले सहि सुचना सम्प्रेशण कसरी गर्नसक्छ ? यो एऊटा सबैभन्दा ठुलो प्रश्न बोकेको सँस्था हो।"
Lyrics of Simana song (via Ram Kumar Shrestha Full text of the song)
हाम्रो सिमानालाई मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो ?
पहिलो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ चक्रब्युह कसले रचेको हो ?
टनकपुर र कालापानी मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो ?
दोस्रो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ सम्झौता कसले रचेको हो ?
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाँच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छ
सधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी
सिमानाका किल्लाहरु दिनै पिच्छेकिन सर्छ
(हाम्रै बिचमा शत्रु भए त्यस्लाई चिन्दै मास्नु पर्छ )२
देश रहे पो हामी हुन्छौ यहि मन्त्र सबले जप्नु पर्छ
सिमानामा जंगे पिल्लर हैन बिशाल पर्खाल थप्नु पर्छ
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाँच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छ सधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी
देशको नक्सा खुम्चि सक्यो सिमा बेच्दै खाइ सक्यो
सुस्त जाउ रगत बगाउ लड्ने बेला आई सक्यो
चिन्नै पर्छ अब हामी सबैले जो-जो हिड्छन् सधै बुई चढि
सपना मत्रै पार्दै हिँड्नेहरु ठुला बैरी त ति हुन बढि
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाँच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छ सधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी
हाम्रो सिमानालाई मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो
पहिलो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ चक्रब्युह यो कसले रचेको हो
टनकपुर र कालापानी मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो
दोस्रो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ सम्झौता कसले रचेको हो
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छसधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी !!
Listen the song visiting at http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FfHJL-7ApnE
Evidence No. 4: Nepalese Politicians origin from India
via Sandip Kumar Jung SapKota
भारत जन्मथलो भई नेपालको संबिधान सभामा सभासद भएकाहरु !
1. महन्थ ठाकुर (तमलोपा ) सुरसण्ड विहार भारत
2. राजेन्द्र महतो (नेसपा ) सोनवर्षा विहार भारत
3. रामचन्द्र झा (नेकपा एमाले) जयनगर भारत
4. सरिता गिरी (नेसपा, आनन्ददेवी)सोनपुर, बिहार, भारत
5. रेणु कुमारी यादव (मजअफो, जनतान्त्रिक) मधुवनी, बिहार, भारत
6. उर्मिला महतो कोईरी (तमलोपा) सितामढी बिहार, भारत
7. कलावती दुसाध (मजअफो, लोकतान्त्रिक) पुर्वी चम्पारण, मोतिहारी बिहार, भारत
8. कृष्ण ठाकुर (नेपाली काँग्रेस) समस्तिपुर बिहार, भारत
9. चन्दन शाह (तमलोपा) डुमर्वाना, बैरगानिया, बिहार , भारत
10. दुर्गा देवी महतो (मजअफो, लोकतान्त्रिक) रक्सौल, भारत
11. निलम बर्मा (मजअफो, लोकतान्त्रिक) रक्सौल, भारत
12. रामनारायण सिंह (राप्रपा नेपाल ) कबई भारत
13. मुन्नी गुप्ता (नेपाली काँग्रेस) पिपरा बजार, सुपौल बिहार, भारत
14. निर्मला प्रसाई (नेपाली काँग्रेस) सिक्किम, भारत
15. मोहम्मद्द सिद्दिकी (नेपाली काँग्रेस) गोरखपुर, युपी, भारत
16. शान्तिदेवी चमार (नेकपा एमाले)मुम्बई, महरास्ट्र, भारत
17. बसन्ती झा (तमलोपा) सितामढी, बिहार, भारत
18. लीला देवी मेहता (एनेकपा,माओवादी ¬) सोनपुर, बिहार, भारत
19. सुरिता कुमारी शाह (मजअफो, नेपाल गणतान्त्रिक) मधुवनी, बिहार, भारत
20. रम्भादेवी यादव (मजअफो, नेपाल) मोतिहारी, पुर्वी चम्पारण, बिहार, भारत
21. रमधी राम (तमलोपा) मधुवनी बिहार, भारत
अव यति ठुलो झुण्ड नै नेपालको सरकारमा पटक पटक मन्त्रिहरु र संविधान सभाका पुर्व सभासद रहेपछि नेपालको ढल्काई र मर्काईमा भारतले किन हष्तक्षेप गरिराख्नु पर्ला र ?
सन्दर्भ सामाग्री
१. “आपत्तिजनक सम्झौता प्रति” सौरभ, कान्तिपुर दैनिक २०६८ माघ ८
२. यस कारण नेपालको राजनीतिमा भारतले खेल्ने गर्दछ,संगीन श्रेष्ठ
Evidence 5: Citizenship Distribution to Indian citizens
During Girja Prasad Koirala Prime Ministership around 400,000 ( 4 lakhs) citizenship had distributed to Indian citizens. Since then it has been on-going on and off especially whenever Nepal's government and politicians talk about election to hold.
Here is another news titled "घुम्ती शिविरमा नागरिकता किनबेच" regarding Nepalese citizenships distribution to Indian with fak documents and bribe.
Learn more from http://nagariknews.com/society/nation/story/1330
Evidence 6: Nepal's King family relationship with Indian Kings
King Tribhuvan, grandfather of the late king Birendra Bir Bikram Shah, had two wives, and both were daughters of the King of Kashipur whose son was the maternal grandfather of Martand Singh, scion of the Kapurthala royal family.
The late King Birendra was also directly related to the Maharaja of Jodhpur and Maharaja of Mayurbhanj in Orissa. Maharani Hemlata, wife of Maharaja Gaj Singh of Jodhpur, and the Rajkumari of Poonch before that, is the niece of King Mahendra, father of King Birendra.
Source: http://www.paklinks.com/gs/world-affairs/54343-and-now-the-indian-connection-to-nepals-royal-massacre.html
Evidence 7: Nepal's Ex-ministers and Koirala family mobilised from India
via Dirgha Raj Prasai, Political Analyst and ex-CA member
There was another family who was fighting for the Indian state with the Indians—the Koiralas. Koiralas were Indians who were born in the Northern Province of British India –modern day of Bihar or Uttar Pradesh in India. Koiralas were three brothers who were born and raised in India. The family claims to be originally from Nepal, however, their roots and bushes have been found only in India. Even today, much of Koirala family resides in India—respecting the motherland. The Koirala brothers joined struggled to give birth to India. During the later years when India was about to born, Koiralas were suggested to form Nepal Congress Party within India. Finally India was born in 1947. Most of the princely states were to join the Union of India. One of the biggest Kingdoms was the Kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir. Raja Hari Singh decided not to surrender his Kingdom to either of the countries. However, illegally, India annexed the Kingdom into its Union. It is interesting to see how Indian text books claim this beautiful Kingdom a part of India. In the last days of 1948, a ceasefire was agreed under UN auspices demanding plebiscite. Nehru never proceeded with the UN resolution and hence, the ascertainity of the instrument of accession is questionable. The Kingdom— falsely claimed by India and Pakistan as their territory—is still considered as the international disputed territory. Then India annexed the Kingdom of Gwalior, and the Kingdom of Hyderabad. By all means, they were illegal annexation. India’s vulture eyes were gazing the Kingdom of Sikkim and the Kingdom of Nepal. The Indian Congress had helped create Nepali congress because they had foreseen their fortune in Nepal. The Koiralas were assured by the Indians that they would help Nepal merge into India if the Indians help throw the Rana regime in Nepal. In 1950, King Tribhuwan fled to India to seek refuge from the Ranas. The only Royal member left was the 3 year old, the then prince Gyanendra. The Indians had thought to end the monarchy in 1950, but the Ranas, moving a mile ahead, crowned the 3 year old as the King of the Kingdom of Nepal. The Koiralas’ and the Indians’ dream shattered. Even though the Ranas were able to save Nepal’s monarchy, unfortunately, their Empire was brought down. Since Ranas were the true Nationalists, their downfall encouraged India to envision a possibility to annexing Nepal into India. (Source: http://creative.sulekha.com/why-india-killed-nepal-monarchy_354325_blog)
Evidence 8.: Nepal's school textbooks teaching against Nepal "My country India is My pride, and so forth"
Highly educated and intellect groups of Nepalese communities please keep running and fighting among each other and against those who are asking justice and rights for lost glory due to past rulers and politicians ill attitude.
I strongly prefer India must be part of Nepal so that all Nepalese will be in Win Win situation since those asking for identity based Federalism, those concerning to establish Hindu state and those worrying about Nepal identity related icons such as Buddha, Mt Everest and so forth will get what they dream for if India will be merged to Nepal.
Then BLAME game will be stopped. As you all know that Nepal is socio-culturally, geopolitically, religiously/theologically, spiritually, politically, anthropologically, psychologically, and economically already part of India since the formation of Nepal land.
Nepal=India and India=Nepal
Evidence from the school book that Nepalese students study in Birjung and Janakpur schools
Part 1: Power News https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLNo55SKpcWfm7akyfO6JOimvEqViORh0-&v=HwmpJawlXlw&feature=player_embedded&t=36
Part 2: Power News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7jGvg2mwEE&list=PLNo55SKpcWfm7akyfO6JOimvEqViORh0-
Evidence 9: Pseudo Anglo War Defeated by PN Shah with British
Some ignorant Nepalese brothers who was fan of PN Shah few weeks before said to me "If PN Shah wouldn't unified Nepal then British would take Nepal and colonised it."
It is so much hilarious view of manu-made upper caste brother because during British coming to India, India was also dividied into pieces ruling by different dynasties like Nepal was in 50 small principalities.
Maximum what would happen either present Nepal would be part of present India or Nepal will be still Nepal like Bangladesh and Pakistan which were before under British rule. Therefore, for me no worries no fake glories.
I don't see any glory to be a sovereign nation citizen at present as well since Nepal has been governed by India anyway and mass groups of Nepalese more than 60% are injustice facing anyway.
Nepalese had studied that King Prithvi Nārāyaṇ Shah managed to unify small principalities into one nation, Nepal. The unification was crucial as the British colonial forces had already started colonizing small kingdoms that formed present India. King Prithivi Narayan Shah was convinced that the British forces would slowly come for Nepal and as the present day Nepal was divided into more than 50 small principalities it would be very easy for the British to colonize Nepal. His unification campaign was very ambitious, especially as he was the King of a small kingdom surrounded by strong and powerful neighbors. But still King Prithivi Narayan Shah was able to unify Nepal and later the Nepali forces were able to fight against British colonial forces and prevent colonization of Nepal.
However, this was the false history Nepalese studying. In fact, it was a pre-planned pseudo war between British and Gurkhas as Austrian journalist, Dr. Hans Georg Behr in his book titled “Nepal Geschenk der Götter (Nepal Gifts of the Gods)” written in German reveals an unknown part of our history how the Gurkhas defeated British.
Evidence 10: Border Enroachment and Monopoly of Indian Border Security Force
Allowing India to enroach broader and destroy border pilliers and doing nothing is another major evidence to prove that how much Nepalese government and politicians are nationalist and national property protectors. Here are some evidences:
BAITADI, APR 11, 2012
BARDIYA, JUN 28, 2012
An official of the Seema Surakshya Bal ( SSB), border security force of India, reportedly thrashed Dipu Chaudhary of Sorhawa VDC-5 in the district on Thursday.
Local people claimed SSB Sub-inspector Rakesh Jain entered intoNepali territory and severely beat Chaudhary at Phutaha Chowk. Superintendent of Police Ram Kripal Sah said the SSB official beat Chaudhary as he manhandled the former over a row while importing goods from India. He added that Chaudhary was carrying some 15 kg sugar and other essential goods from India evading customs.
"I did not hear the SSB official as he asked me to stop there. He later came on a motorcycle and beat me," the victim told the Post over phone. The SSB official fled to India leaving his motorcycle (UP 40 G 0078) after local people retaliated against him. Bikram Giri, a CPN-UML leader, said people took the motorcycle under control and demanded the SSB to appologise for the incident and not to repeat such incidents in future.
Nawalparasi SP Kamal Bahadur GT said the state should make strong presence in Susta and there should be no right to the Indiansecurity force to patrol with weapons.
In addition, there are other enough evidences to prove such allowing to establish brain Indian Embassy in Biratnagar, each and every decisions are made in India by our rulers and politicians and many more.
Please STOP playing the blame game to so-called Janajati, India, USA, westerners and Christians. Instead have a look critically who is trying to destroy unity by promoting injustice to vast group of Nepalese. Let's strive for unity for the betterment of everyone.
Let's try to understand that:
"Geography has made us neighbors.
History has made us friends.
Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies.
Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder."
- John F. Kennedy
"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first."
- Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), a French general and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
- Albert Einstein
Therefore, STOP playing the blame Game and Being a Pseudo-Nationalist and Nationalism as a Nepali.
STOP remaining in Delusion considering Nepal is a sovereign nation. It is not such nation. There are enough historical evidences to prove that.
United We Stand, Divided we Fall as Aesop, an ancient Greek Fabulist said.
However, good to know that Nepal is always safe since Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva had blessed Nepal.
It is believed that Lord Vishnu had organized the Nepali people and given them their flag, with the sun and moon as emblems on it [1].
In a Hindu Purana, it is written that it was Lord Shiva who handed the flag to Lord Vishnu, and then Lord Vishnu to Lord Indra, for the purpose for battling demons [2].
Imaginative punrana created by ancient Indian sages because all gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwor, Indra including others) are one. Lord Shiva has 1008 names as per the Shiva Purana, Kotirudra Samhita (Book IV), Chapter 35, 1-133 .
Suta said:
May this be heard, O great sages, I shall now recount the hymn of a thousand names of Shiva, whereby Shiva was pleased.
Evidence 11: Hindu language was attempted to make as Nepal's national language
1. Gorkhapatra Corporation The Nepalese Perspective
2. The Lotus & the Flame: An Account on Nepalese Culture By Dhooswan Saymi, Dhūsvāṃ Sāyami
3. लेख "फराकिलो नेपाल, फराकिलो नेपाली" प्रकशित मिति ९ जनवरी २०१५ ईसमता पत्रिकामा http://esamata.com/np
Let's be part of India officially and be a progressive nationalist rather than narrow, feudal and pseudo nationalist.
Sugat Kansakar sir said:
In Delhi, Prachanda criticised "narrow and feudal nationalism" favoring "progressive nationalism"! A new jargon in Nepalese politics?"
My response to him was:
I'm after progressive nationalism which means Nepal=India and India=Nepal and I'm after broad rather than narrow so that Nepal no need to be worry about broader enroachment, and federalism since if Nepal will be part of India it will be federal state anyway and also there will be larger opportunities for everyone in compete and trading seeking help from the central government and people. Also playing Blame Game and our politicians depending with India will STOP!!
STOP playing the blame Game and Being a Pseudo-Nationalist and Nationalism as a Nepali.
STOP remaining in Delusion considering Nepal is a sovereign nation. It is not such nation. There are enough historical evidences to prove that.
United We Stand, Divided we Fall as Aesop (c.620-564 BC), an ancient Greek Fabulist said.
In this Information Technology age ensuring everyone freedom, rights and social justice of Nepalese have to think by uniting rather than dividing among each other.
Here is an evidence how Nepalese have been uniting with India. The equation that I've given for our unity is Nepal=India, India=Nepal.
But some manu-made upper caste intellectual corrupt illogically blame to indigenous (Janajati), the western world and Christians for demanding their rights and freedom and India for intruding in Nepal internal affair that made be laugh because I realized how intellectual corrupt we are who just love to play the blame game.
Here are the evidences to prove it:
Evidence No. 1: The first codified law of Nepal, Manab Nyaya Shastra
By Rewatiram Khanal from Nepal ko Kanuni Itihash ko Ruprekha stated that:
"The Manab Nyaya Shastra is the first codified law of Nepal. It was written during the Malla Dynasty, which is known to be the 5th dynasty of Nepal. It was written by King Jayasthiti Malla in the 14th century along with the help of five learned persons from India, namely Kirtinath Upadhyaya Kanyakubja, Raghunath Jha Maithili, Srinath Bhatta, Mahinath Bhatta, and Ramanath Jha.
The Manab Nyaya Shastra was consequently written after the study of Manu Smriti, Yagyawalkya Smriti, Mitachhyara Tika, Brihaspati Smriti, Narad Smriti and other holy texts. It was written concentrating on the practices that prevailed in the society then. The Manab Nyaya Shastra has introduced many legal provisions regarding houses, lands, castes, dead bodies etc. It was the major source of rendering justice during the medieval period.
Much influence of religion can be found in the laws then."
In the book titled "Manusmriti Ma Sudra Ra Shitri" written under the guidanceship and coordinationship of Mr. Tilak Prasad Luitel, intellectual body of Manusmriti Nepali translater authored by Chitra Prasad Pant, Gopi Sapkota and Gita Subedi published in 2065 where Mr. Luitel has stated:
"Manusmriti Prachin Samaj Ko Bidibidhan Nirman ra Lagu Garne Garntha Ho. Aaja Pani Hamra Samajik Bewarma Tesko Niyam Haru Sakriya Raheka Chhan. Bibid Karan Le Samaj Ka Mulya Manniyata Paribartan Hunchan. Aaja Manusmriti Ma Ulekha Bhayeka Niyam Uhile Kai Jasto Rupa Samajle Dhanna Sakirahe Ko Chainnan.
Yo Paribartan Ko Praman Ho. Paribartit Samaj Le Par Gareka Aroha Aaroha Biyaagiya Manai Herna Sakin Chha. Samayeko Bibhinna Charanma Samaj Le Par Gare Ka Samajik Bewar Tarpha Pharkera Hernu Le Pragatima Badha Haldainan Ra Sudhar Ko Marga Khulau Chha. Tara Tesko Purbagrah Rakhnu Bhane Kimartha Hudhaina. Kunai Pani Sangsanstha Thalaanimai Subewastit Hudaina. Samaj Pani Testai Ho. Tesma Samayakul Paribartan Liyayera Sarbakalik Nyaya ra Sangit Khoji Garne Dhayitto Manish Ko Ho.
Tes Kamma Yestai Utsahi Janamanash Ko Yogdhan Hunchha. Yeslai Yug Ko Mag Prati Sachet Bhayeko Manna Sahikin Chha!"
Evidence 2: Balmiki Aashram, Chitwan
via Gopal Siwa
आफ्नै देश भित्र भारतीय सशस्त्र सुरक्षा कर्मीहरुबाट जनता विस्थापित गर्नु , सीमा मिच्नु भनेको राज्यको उपहास गर्नु हो। अब नेपाली सेना ,सशस्त्र बल र माओवादी सेनालाई व्यारेकमा थुपार्ने र उफार्ने मात्र होइन व्यापक रुपमा सीमा सुरक्षार्थ खटाउँनु पर्छ। तलको समाचार पढ्नुस
वाल्मिकी आश्रम नेपालकै भूमि भएपनि त्यहाँ पुग्न भारतको अनुमति लिनुपर्छ....
काठमाडौं,बैशाख २० । साढे १७ लाख वर्षको ऐतिहासिक र धार्मिक महत्व बोकेको चितवनस्थित वाल्मिकी आश्रममा भारतीयहरुको हस्तक्षेप बढ्न थालेको छ । चितवनको गर्दी गावीस वडा नम्बर ९ मा पर्ने वाल्मिकी आश्रममा पछिल्लो समय भारतीय हस्तक्षेप बढीरहेको छ ।वाल्मिकी आश्रम वरपरको सानो नेपाली वस्तीमा अहिले भारतीय सीमा सुरक्षा बल एसएसबीले मनपरी गर्ने गरेको छ । आश्रमको २०० मिटर पर भारतीय सिमा सुरक्षा बल एसएसबीको फौज छ । पहिले तमोसा र सोना नदी पर (झण्डै एक किलोमिटरको दुरीमा) बस्ने एसएसबी फौज अहिले नेपाली भूमि (वाल्मिकी आश्रम) तर्फ नजिकीएको हो । उनीहरु दिनदहाडै आश्रममा हतियार सहित आएर नेपालीहरुलाई कुटपिट गरी दुख दिने गर्दछन ।आश्रम वरपर रहेका नेपालीहरुका करिब १२ / १५ घरमा पनि एसएसबी जवानहरु आएर मनपरी गछ्र्रन् । ४ दशक भन्दा पहिलेदेखि बसोबास गर्दै आएकी सुनिता घलेले भनिन् – “एस एस बिका जवान आएर कहिले चुरोट ल्याईदे, कहिले रक्सी ल्र्याईदे भन्छन्, वरपर पसल छैन उनिहरुको लागि ६ ÷ ७ किलोमिटर पर गएर भनेको सामान ल्याईदिनुपर्छ नत्र गालीगलौज, कुटपिट मललाग्दी गर्न थाल्छन् । निक्कै सकस छ यहाँ बस्न ।”आश्रमकै मुल पूजारी शेखर सुवेदीले एसएसबीले दिएको दुख स्मरण गर्दै भने – “यहाँ केही छैन, नुन खान पर्योप भने भारतीय भूमिमा जानुपर्छ । अनि जाने बेलामा कहिले बोर्डर सिल भन्छन्, कहिले जाना आना बन्द भन्छन् , कहिले जाएगा त हतकडी लग जाएगा , नेपालीका लिए कुनै रिस्ता नहीँ हे यस्तै यस्तै भनेर थर्काउँछन् ।”
आफ्नै भूमिमा जाँदा भारतीय प्रबेशाज्ञा
वाल्मिकी आश्रम नेपालकै भूमि भएपनि त्यहाँ पुग्न भारतको अनुमति लिनुपर्छ । सो ठाउँमा चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जको छेउमा रहेकाले नेपालमा बाटो छैन । जसका कारण नवलपरासीको त्रिवेणी–सुस्ता गावीसको सिमा क्षेत्र (गण्डक नहर) मा पुगर भारतको विहार राज्य अन्र्तगत पश्चिम चम्पारण बगाह जिल्ला प्रहरीको अनुमति लिएर मात्र जान सकिन्छ । सो सिमा क्षेत्रबाट करिब १० / १२ किलोमिटर दुरी पार गरेपछि वाल्मिकी आश्रममा पुगिन्छ ।
किन राख्यो भारतले गाउँको नाम वाल्मिकीनगर ?
वाल्मिकी आश्रमको वरपर अहिले ठाउँठाउँमा भारतीयले वाल्मिकीनगर बगाह जिल्ला भनेर लेखेका छन् । त्यसरी लेख्नुको उद्देश्य पछि सो ठाउँलाई भारतको वाल्मिकी नगर भनेर प्रचार गर्नको लागि रहेको अनुमान धेरैको छ । भारतका अयोध्या, हरिद्वार भन्दा पनि पुरानो इतिहास बोकेको हुनाले पनि वाल्मिकी आश्रममाथि भारतीयहरुले ‘गिद्धे’ नजरले हेरिरहेका छन् ।
वाल्मिकी आश्रमको ऐतिहासीक पृष्ठभूमि
वाल्मीकी आश्रमसँग साढे १७ लाख वर्षको इतिहास जोडिएको छ । चर्चित धार्मिकग्रन्थ रामायण, रामायण लेख्ने वाल्मिकी अनि भगवान् सीता, लभकुशको सन्दर्भ त्यही ठाउँसंग जोडिएका छन् । वाल्मिकी ऋषीले रामायण लेखेको, लभकुशलाई शिक्षादिक्षा दिएको, सिता पाताल झरेको ठाउँ भनेर चिनीन्छ वाल्मीकी आश्रम ।झण्डै डेढ बिगाहा जमिनमा फैलिएको वाल्मिकी आश्रममा लभकुशले घोडा बाँधेको खम्बा, सीताले प्रयोग गर्ने गरेका सिलौटो तथा लोहोरो, उनैले प्रयोग गरेको गाग्री, इनार र कुवा, लभकुश जन्मिएको ठाउँ, विष्णुचक्र, अठासी हजार ऋषीमुनिहरुले हवन गरेको स्थल आदी अहिले पनि देख्न पाइन्छ । मन्दिरमा राखिएका प्राचिन मुर्तिहरुले पनि तपाई हाम्रो मन लोभ्याउन सक्छ ।विभिन्न आकार र प्रकारका मुर्तिहरुको बनावट अनि शिलालेखहरु निक्कै मनमोहक छन् । जीन्दगीको सुधारको लागि ऋषीले चालेको कदम र उनको जीवनशैली, सीताको पतिब्रता तथा निष्ठा अनि लभकुशले अश्वमेद यज्ञको घोडा कसरी समात्थे भन्ने कुरा धर्मशास्त्रमार्फत थाहा पाइन्छ, जुन सोही आश्रमसँग जोडिएका विषय हुन् ।
Evidence No. 3: Simmana Song from The Axe Band
via Gopal Siwa
राष्ट्र र राषट्रीयताको सवालमा सधैं आवज ऊठाऊँछ भनेर तर म गलत रहेंछु। मैले सोँचेको कुराहरु शत प्रतिशत नै गलत रहेछ। मिति २०६९-१२-२१ गते का दिन "नेपाल टेलीभिजनको NTV PLUS" मा प्रशारण हुने "Play it on reloaded" मा ऊपस्थित हुँदाको बखत ऐना जस्तै छर्लङ्ग भयो। मलाई जति नेपाली हुनुमा गर्ब लाग्थ्यो त्यो भन्दा कयौं गुणा ज्यादा घृणा "नेपाल टेलिभिजन" देखी लाग्यो। कार्यक्रम प्रत्यक्ष प्रशारण थियो हाम्रो Band को "सिमाना" बोलको गीत बज्ने बेलामा Censor को नाटक गरेर हाम्रो भिडियोको नेपाल टेलिभिजनका सम्पुर्ण कर्मचारीहरु (कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोता बाहेक) मिलेर सामुहिक बलात्कार गरे। गीत बजाईएन। हाम्रो "सिमाना" बोलको गीतलाई प्रतिबन्ध लगाईयो। तर प्रश्न ऊठ्छ किन ? के हामीले हाम्रो देशको सिमानाको बारेमा जानकारी राख्न पाऊने सम्मको पनि अधिकार छैन हामीसँग ? के हामी गैर नेपाली हौं ? हाम्रो राष्ट्रीयताको सवाल ऊठाऊने अधिकारबाट बञ्चित गर्ने हक कस्ले दियो "नेपाल टेलीभिजन"लाई हैन भने त्यसको नाम फेरेर "हिन्दुस्तान टेलिभिजन" भनेर राख! नत्र हाम्रो Band को "सिमाना" बोलको गीतले त्यहाँ स्थान पाऊनुपर्छ। यदि त्यो गीत बज्दैन भने "नेपाल" नामको दुरुपयोग गरेर भारतको दलाली गरिरहेकोछ "नेपाल टेलीभिजन"ले। एऊटा राष्ट्रीय गीत प्रशारण गर्न डराऊने सँस्थाले सहि सुचना सम्प्रेशण कसरी गर्नसक्छ ? यो एऊटा सबैभन्दा ठुलो प्रश्न बोकेको सँस्था हो।"
Lyrics of Simana song (via Ram Kumar Shrestha Full text of the song)
हाम्रो सिमानालाई मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो ?
पहिलो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ चक्रब्युह कसले रचेको हो ?
टनकपुर र कालापानी मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो ?
दोस्रो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ सम्झौता कसले रचेको हो ?
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाँच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छ
सधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी
सिमानाका किल्लाहरु दिनै पिच्छेकिन सर्छ
(हाम्रै बिचमा शत्रु भए त्यस्लाई चिन्दै मास्नु पर्छ )२
देश रहे पो हामी हुन्छौ यहि मन्त्र सबले जप्नु पर्छ
सिमानामा जंगे पिल्लर हैन बिशाल पर्खाल थप्नु पर्छ
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाँच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छ सधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी
देशको नक्सा खुम्चि सक्यो सिमा बेच्दै खाइ सक्यो
सुस्त जाउ रगत बगाउ लड्ने बेला आई सक्यो
चिन्नै पर्छ अब हामी सबैले जो-जो हिड्छन् सधै बुई चढि
सपना मत्रै पार्दै हिँड्नेहरु ठुला बैरी त ति हुन बढि
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाँच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छ सधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी
हाम्रो सिमानालाई मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो
पहिलो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ चक्रब्युह यो कसले रचेको हो
टनकपुर र कालापानी मिचेको हो कि बेचेको हो
दोस्रो कुरा यो बुझ्नु छ सम्झौता कसले रचेको हो
पुर्खाले लडे नालापानी अब हामी लड्छौं कालापानी
नत्र हामी बाच्नु नै धिक्कार हुन्छसधै छिमेकीको डर मानी मानी !!
Listen the song visiting at http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FfHJL-7ApnE
Evidence No. 4: Nepalese Politicians origin from India
via Sandip Kumar Jung SapKota
भारत जन्मथलो भई नेपालको संबिधान सभामा सभासद भएकाहरु !
1. महन्थ ठाकुर (तमलोपा ) सुरसण्ड विहार भारत
2. राजेन्द्र महतो (नेसपा ) सोनवर्षा विहार भारत
3. रामचन्द्र झा (नेकपा एमाले) जयनगर भारत
4. सरिता गिरी (नेसपा, आनन्ददेवी)सोनपुर, बिहार, भारत
5. रेणु कुमारी यादव (मजअफो, जनतान्त्रिक) मधुवनी, बिहार, भारत
6. उर्मिला महतो कोईरी (तमलोपा) सितामढी बिहार, भारत
7. कलावती दुसाध (मजअफो, लोकतान्त्रिक) पुर्वी चम्पारण, मोतिहारी बिहार, भारत
8. कृष्ण ठाकुर (नेपाली काँग्रेस) समस्तिपुर बिहार, भारत
9. चन्दन शाह (तमलोपा) डुमर्वाना, बैरगानिया, बिहार , भारत
10. दुर्गा देवी महतो (मजअफो, लोकतान्त्रिक) रक्सौल, भारत
11. निलम बर्मा (मजअफो, लोकतान्त्रिक) रक्सौल, भारत
12. रामनारायण सिंह (राप्रपा नेपाल ) कबई भारत
13. मुन्नी गुप्ता (नेपाली काँग्रेस) पिपरा बजार, सुपौल बिहार, भारत
14. निर्मला प्रसाई (नेपाली काँग्रेस) सिक्किम, भारत
15. मोहम्मद्द सिद्दिकी (नेपाली काँग्रेस) गोरखपुर, युपी, भारत
16. शान्तिदेवी चमार (नेकपा एमाले)मुम्बई, महरास्ट्र, भारत
17. बसन्ती झा (तमलोपा) सितामढी, बिहार, भारत
18. लीला देवी मेहता (एनेकपा,माओवादी ¬) सोनपुर, बिहार, भारत
19. सुरिता कुमारी शाह (मजअफो, नेपाल गणतान्त्रिक) मधुवनी, बिहार, भारत
20. रम्भादेवी यादव (मजअफो, नेपाल) मोतिहारी, पुर्वी चम्पारण, बिहार, भारत
21. रमधी राम (तमलोपा) मधुवनी बिहार, भारत
अव यति ठुलो झुण्ड नै नेपालको सरकारमा पटक पटक मन्त्रिहरु र संविधान सभाका पुर्व सभासद रहेपछि नेपालको ढल्काई र मर्काईमा भारतले किन हष्तक्षेप गरिराख्नु पर्ला र ?
सन्दर्भ सामाग्री
१. “आपत्तिजनक सम्झौता प्रति” सौरभ, कान्तिपुर दैनिक २०६८ माघ ८
२. यस कारण नेपालको राजनीतिमा भारतले खेल्ने गर्दछ,संगीन श्रेष्ठ
Evidence 5: Citizenship Distribution to Indian citizens
During Girja Prasad Koirala Prime Ministership around 400,000 ( 4 lakhs) citizenship had distributed to Indian citizens. Since then it has been on-going on and off especially whenever Nepal's government and politicians talk about election to hold.
Here is another news titled "घुम्ती शिविरमा नागरिकता किनबेच" regarding Nepalese citizenships distribution to Indian with fak documents and bribe.
Learn more from http://nagariknews.com/society/nation/story/1330
Evidence 6: Nepal's King family relationship with Indian Kings
King Tribhuvan, grandfather of the late king Birendra Bir Bikram Shah, had two wives, and both were daughters of the King of Kashipur whose son was the maternal grandfather of Martand Singh, scion of the Kapurthala royal family.
The late King Birendra was also directly related to the Maharaja of Jodhpur and Maharaja of Mayurbhanj in Orissa. Maharani Hemlata, wife of Maharaja Gaj Singh of Jodhpur, and the Rajkumari of Poonch before that, is the niece of King Mahendra, father of King Birendra.
Source: http://www.paklinks.com/gs/world-affairs/54343-and-now-the-indian-connection-to-nepals-royal-massacre.html
Evidence 7: Nepal's Ex-ministers and Koirala family mobilised from India
via Dirgha Raj Prasai, Political Analyst and ex-CA member
There was another family who was fighting for the Indian state with the Indians—the Koiralas. Koiralas were Indians who were born in the Northern Province of British India –modern day of Bihar or Uttar Pradesh in India. Koiralas were three brothers who were born and raised in India. The family claims to be originally from Nepal, however, their roots and bushes have been found only in India. Even today, much of Koirala family resides in India—respecting the motherland. The Koirala brothers joined struggled to give birth to India. During the later years when India was about to born, Koiralas were suggested to form Nepal Congress Party within India. Finally India was born in 1947. Most of the princely states were to join the Union of India. One of the biggest Kingdoms was the Kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir. Raja Hari Singh decided not to surrender his Kingdom to either of the countries. However, illegally, India annexed the Kingdom into its Union. It is interesting to see how Indian text books claim this beautiful Kingdom a part of India. In the last days of 1948, a ceasefire was agreed under UN auspices demanding plebiscite. Nehru never proceeded with the UN resolution and hence, the ascertainity of the instrument of accession is questionable. The Kingdom— falsely claimed by India and Pakistan as their territory—is still considered as the international disputed territory. Then India annexed the Kingdom of Gwalior, and the Kingdom of Hyderabad. By all means, they were illegal annexation. India’s vulture eyes were gazing the Kingdom of Sikkim and the Kingdom of Nepal. The Indian Congress had helped create Nepali congress because they had foreseen their fortune in Nepal. The Koiralas were assured by the Indians that they would help Nepal merge into India if the Indians help throw the Rana regime in Nepal. In 1950, King Tribhuwan fled to India to seek refuge from the Ranas. The only Royal member left was the 3 year old, the then prince Gyanendra. The Indians had thought to end the monarchy in 1950, but the Ranas, moving a mile ahead, crowned the 3 year old as the King of the Kingdom of Nepal. The Koiralas’ and the Indians’ dream shattered. Even though the Ranas were able to save Nepal’s monarchy, unfortunately, their Empire was brought down. Since Ranas were the true Nationalists, their downfall encouraged India to envision a possibility to annexing Nepal into India. (Source: http://creative.sulekha.com/why-india-killed-nepal-monarchy_354325_blog)
Evidence 8.: Nepal's school textbooks teaching against Nepal "My country India is My pride, and so forth"
Highly educated and intellect groups of Nepalese communities please keep running and fighting among each other and against those who are asking justice and rights for lost glory due to past rulers and politicians ill attitude.
I strongly prefer India must be part of Nepal so that all Nepalese will be in Win Win situation since those asking for identity based Federalism, those concerning to establish Hindu state and those worrying about Nepal identity related icons such as Buddha, Mt Everest and so forth will get what they dream for if India will be merged to Nepal.
Then BLAME game will be stopped. As you all know that Nepal is socio-culturally, geopolitically, religiously/theologically, spiritually, politically, anthropologically, psychologically, and economically already part of India since the formation of Nepal land.
Nepal=India and India=Nepal
Evidence from the school book that Nepalese students study in Birjung and Janakpur schools
Part 1: Power News https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLNo55SKpcWfm7akyfO6JOimvEqViORh0-&v=HwmpJawlXlw&feature=player_embedded&t=36
Part 2: Power News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7jGvg2mwEE&list=PLNo55SKpcWfm7akyfO6JOimvEqViORh0-
Evidence 9: Pseudo Anglo War Defeated by PN Shah with British
Some ignorant Nepalese brothers who was fan of PN Shah few weeks before said to me "If PN Shah wouldn't unified Nepal then British would take Nepal and colonised it."
It is so much hilarious view of manu-made upper caste brother because during British coming to India, India was also dividied into pieces ruling by different dynasties like Nepal was in 50 small principalities.
Maximum what would happen either present Nepal would be part of present India or Nepal will be still Nepal like Bangladesh and Pakistan which were before under British rule. Therefore, for me no worries no fake glories.
I don't see any glory to be a sovereign nation citizen at present as well since Nepal has been governed by India anyway and mass groups of Nepalese more than 60% are injustice facing anyway.
Nepalese had studied that King Prithvi Nārāyaṇ Shah managed to unify small principalities into one nation, Nepal. The unification was crucial as the British colonial forces had already started colonizing small kingdoms that formed present India. King Prithivi Narayan Shah was convinced that the British forces would slowly come for Nepal and as the present day Nepal was divided into more than 50 small principalities it would be very easy for the British to colonize Nepal. His unification campaign was very ambitious, especially as he was the King of a small kingdom surrounded by strong and powerful neighbors. But still King Prithivi Narayan Shah was able to unify Nepal and later the Nepali forces were able to fight against British colonial forces and prevent colonization of Nepal.
However, this was the false history Nepalese studying. In fact, it was a pre-planned pseudo war between British and Gurkhas as Austrian journalist, Dr. Hans Georg Behr in his book titled “Nepal Geschenk der Götter (Nepal Gifts of the Gods)” written in German reveals an unknown part of our history how the Gurkhas defeated British.
According to the accord, Prithvi Narayan Shah received 800 muskets along with 21 British advisors. And in 1766, armed with British weapons and intelligence, the Gorkhas attacked Kirtipur. The people of Kirtipur could not resist the superior arms, and two third of them were killed. The cruel Gorkhas cut off the noses of the survivors. Till today, this place is known as the “Village of the noseless”. The Mallas then realized that the situation had become precarious.
Jaya Prakash Malla, the king of Kathmandu, was an intelligent ruler. He wrote a very touching letter to the East India Company appealing for assistance against the Gorkhas. The East India Company subsequently sent 15 very strong men under the command of a captain named Kinlock to help the Mallas. This captain was quite fond of drinking alcohol. When the British arrived at the hills leading to the Kathmandu valley, they faked being defeated by the Gorkhas. The Gorkhas pretended to hit them and they acted as if they were wounded. (Like we say in Nepal Bhasa “Chhan daye then ya, jin khwaya then yaye.”)The British wanted the Mallas to think that the Gorkhas were too powerful to fight with.
Jaya Prakash Malla then looked to religion for support. A priest he trusted told the king that the future of Nepal depended on the Kumari (Living Goddess). And so in 1768, the festival of Indra Jatra was celebrated with fervour. The Nepalese (the Newar people) drank lots of rice beer during the festivities, especially on September 13 on the day of the chariot festival. They did not notice that the Gorkhas had entered the city until they had surrounded the Kumari’s chariot. Pandemonium broke out that Jaya Prakash Malla jumped down from the royal chariot with his two wives and escaped to Lalitpur. Prithv Narayan Shah stepped in front of the bewildered crowd and shouted, “I’m now your king. Carry on with your drinking.” Prithvi Narayan Shah was a that time 46 years old.
Many Newars drank rice beer because they were terror-stricken. The Gorkhas put their swords to the necks of the Newars who refused to accept the new king, so they had no choice but to obey. In the following winter, the Gorkhas also conquered Lalitpur without any opposition. The Mallas then gathered at the palace in Bhaktapur. The palace was well defended. And following the advice of his British advisors, Prithvi Narayan Shah imposed a blockade. After three years, Bhaktapur’s food stock ran out. And one night, some illegitimate children of the Mallas opened the gates to the city. The valley’s three kings were arrested in their bedrooms. Jaya Prakash Malla committed suicide. To show his big-heartedness, Prithvi Narayan allowed Jaya Prakash to be brought to Pashupatinath for the final rites.
Bhaktapur’s king Ranajit Malla, who had given shelter to Prithvi Narayan, was not killed; instead his eyes were blown up to blind and banished to the Hindu city of Benaris. Tej Narasingh of Patan did not want to exchange any words with Prithvi Narayan. Tej Narasingh was imprisoned in a vault and walled up. A small hole was left open to pass food to him.
And for two days, a bowl of rice was left near the hole. When they saw that Tej Narasingh had not touched the food, the hole was bricked up. Prithvi Narayan Shah did everything according to Captain Ceane’s suggestions. He said to Prithvi Narayan, “The people of Nepal are very hard working and intelligent. That is why they are very dangerous. We need to strike terror into their hearts in order to control them. Do not let them come to power even after many centuries. We need to obliterate from their minds the idea of rising up to seize power. This can only be achieved through harsh laws and violence.”
Accordingly, Newars were not allowed to read, write or repair their houses. If they broke the law, they faced the dealth penalty. In 1770, two and half thousand Newars were killed. The second generation was thoroughly intimidated, and gave up. The third generation started to forget.
After Prithvi Narayan Shah took control of the valley, the old cities began to stagnate even though so much money was pouring into the country. The only changes in the cityscape that occured were the result of earthquakes.
The British naturally benefitted greatly from their cruel plan. In 1776, the Mogul Empire became bankrupt and was forced to become a colony of Britain. The whole of central Asia suffered after Prithvi Narayan Shah took over Nepal and closed the old trade routes. Tibet’s economy too was negatively affected. The depressed economy forced monasteries to become financially self-reliant. This was how feudalism emerged as a shadow in the land of the Buddha. There was a negative effect even in China.
The British were also not very happy with the Gorkhas. The Gorkhas had tasted the blood, and did not give up violence. In this way, they conquered all the hill states. The Gorkha turned the country into a “forbidden land”. As long as the country remained closed up, the British were not disturbed. But in 1789, the Gorkhas became crazy and went to war with China and England.
Britain’s General Ochterlony said, “We have to keep the Gorkhas busy so that other things besides conquest come to their minds.” Lord Hastings wrote in his diary in 1817, “To bring peace in Nepal, the Gorkhas must be kept busy and far from their country.” This policy led to the recruitment of Gorkha soldiers into British army. The Nepal government took one-third of the money sent home by the Gorkhas. It was an important source of income for the government of Nepal.
After the Gorkhas began leaving Nepal, there was peace on the frontier as well as within the country. But there was no peace in the king’s palace. The Shahs fought among themselves. They didn’t care about the country or the people. They remained engrossed in their own interests.
Then came the Kot Parwa, and the Jung Bahadur Rana took over power from the Shah king.
Source: Dr. Hans Georg Behr, “Nepal Geschenk der Götter (Nepal Gifts of the Gods)” published in 1976 (304 pages) http://newah.lefora.com/2010/01/11/the-fall-of-newah-kingdom/Then came the Kot Parwa, and the Jung Bahadur Rana took over power from the Shah king.
Evidence 10: Border Enroachment and Monopoly of Indian Border Security Force
Allowing India to enroach broader and destroy border pilliers and doing nothing is another major evidence to prove that how much Nepalese government and politicians are nationalist and national property protectors. Here are some evidences:
BAITADI, APR 11, 2012
Indian border security force, Seema Suraksha Bal (SSB), allegedly seized 25 sacks of cement and 500 kg rice imported from India and dumped them into the Mahakali River in Baitadi district on Monday.
According to Kumbha Chand, nearly 15 armed SSB men marched into the Nepali territory, confiscated the imported goods and chucked them into the river. “They (SSB) rebuked us for bringing in the goods and threw them in the river. But, the Nepali police personnel did nothing to stop them,” he claimed. Deputy Superi-ntendent of Police (DSP) Bishnu Bahadur Karki said a police team from Melauli has been deployed to Dimbarghat to find out what had happened.
The local people from the Tallosworad region in the district have been complaining against SSB mistreatment from time to time. “We’ve been raising this issue during the border security talks, but the situation still remains the same,” said DSP Karki. http://www.ekantipur.com/2012/04/11/national/ssb-harassment/352152.html
BARDIYA, JUN 28, 2012
An official of the Seema Surakshya Bal ( SSB), border security force of India, reportedly thrashed Dipu Chaudhary of Sorhawa VDC-5 in the district on Thursday.
Local people claimed SSB Sub-inspector Rakesh Jain entered intoNepali territory and severely beat Chaudhary at Phutaha Chowk. Superintendent of Police Ram Kripal Sah said the SSB official beat Chaudhary as he manhandled the former over a row while importing goods from India. He added that Chaudhary was carrying some 15 kg sugar and other essential goods from India evading customs.
"I did not hear the SSB official as he asked me to stop there. He later came on a motorcycle and beat me," the victim told the Post over phone. The SSB official fled to India leaving his motorcycle (UP 40 G 0078) after local people retaliated against him. Bikram Giri, a CPN-UML leader, said people took the motorcycle under control and demanded the SSB to appologise for the incident and not to repeat such incidents in future.
SSB jawans of Indian security force have been patrolling in Susta of Nawalparasi district in Nepal with arms openly.
As per security policy, security force of one country can not enteranother country with weapons. But the SSB have been entering in Susta with arms.
Although encroachment of Nepali territory by Indian side has been in 14,000 hectares in Susta so far, no special initiative has been taken to return it to Susta people.
Nepali administration is silent despite the entry of Indian SSB with arms openly. On this, when CDO of Nawalparasi Parashuram Aryal was asked, he said he was unaware of it and added one can not enter another country with arms, and if found so, he will take initiative to take action on the Indian security forces as per the law.
Susta has a population of 2,500 in 267 households. In the past, Susta was different VDC but it is now in Tribeni Susta VDC Ward No. 4 because of Indian encroachment.
The Indian SSB has shown its strong presence by establishing three camps in the boarder near Susta.
On this, the APF SP of Nawalparasi, Chitra Bahadur Khatri said he was unaware and added Indian security forces can not enter Nepali territory with arms as per the law.
In addition, there are other enough evidences to prove such allowing to establish brain Indian Embassy in Biratnagar, each and every decisions are made in India by our rulers and politicians and many more.
Please STOP playing the blame game to so-called Janajati, India, USA, westerners and Christians. Instead have a look critically who is trying to destroy unity by promoting injustice to vast group of Nepalese. Let's strive for unity for the betterment of everyone.
Let's try to understand that:
"Geography has made us neighbors.
History has made us friends.
Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies.
Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder."
- John F. Kennedy
"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first."
- Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), a French general and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
- Albert Einstein
Therefore, STOP playing the blame Game and Being a Pseudo-Nationalist and Nationalism as a Nepali.
STOP remaining in Delusion considering Nepal is a sovereign nation. It is not such nation. There are enough historical evidences to prove that.
United We Stand, Divided we Fall as Aesop, an ancient Greek Fabulist said.
However, good to know that Nepal is always safe since Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva had blessed Nepal.
It is believed that Lord Vishnu had organized the Nepali people and given them their flag, with the sun and moon as emblems on it [1].
In a Hindu Purana, it is written that it was Lord Shiva who handed the flag to Lord Vishnu, and then Lord Vishnu to Lord Indra, for the purpose for battling demons [2].
Imaginative punrana created by ancient Indian sages because all gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwor, Indra including others) are one. Lord Shiva has 1008 names as per the Shiva Purana, Kotirudra Samhita (Book IV), Chapter 35, 1-133 .
Suta said:
May this be heard, O great sages, I shall now recount the hymn of a thousand names of Shiva, whereby Shiva was pleased.
Evidence 11: Hindu language was attempted to make as Nepal's national language
अमर गिरी, प्रगतिशील लेखक संघका अध्यक्ष लेख्नु हुन्छ (३),
"हिन्दी भाषा नेपालमा लाद्ने प्रयत्न २००८ सालदेखि नै हुन थालेको देखिन्छ । २००८ सालमा गठित तराई काङ्ग्रेसको एक मुख्य माग हिन्दी भाषालाई राष्ट्रभाषा बनाउनुपर्छ भन्ने थियो । पञ्चायती कालमा गजेन्द्रनारायण सिंहले यसलाई निरन्तरता प्रदान गरेका थिए । २०१५ सालमा मधेश जनक्रान्ति दलका नेता रघुनाथ ठाकुरले नेपाललाई भारतमा मिलाइयोस् भनी भारतको संसद भवनअगाडि धर्ना दिएका थिए । मातृकाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई अगाडि सारेर हिन्दी भाषालाई राष्ट्रभाषा बनाउने योजना भारतले बनाएको देखिन्छ । मधेशमा मात्र होइन पहाडका कैयौं ठाउँमा त्यस अवधिमा हिन्दीका पाठ्यपुस्तकहरू पढाइन्थे । पढाउने भारतका नागरिकहरू हुन्थे । ‘दिल्ली हाम्रो राजधानी, तिरङ्गा हाम्रो झण्डा, नेहरू हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री’ भनेर पढ्नुपर्थ्यो । यो उदेकलाग्दो अवस्थामात्र थिएन, डरलाग्दो अवस्था पनि थियो । देवकोटाहरूको संघर्ष यसको प्रतिवाद थियो । एक स्वतन्त्र मुलुक रचनाको ध्येय थियो । देवकोटाहरूको राष्ट्र र राष्ट्रवादका सीमा थिए तर यी नितान्त प्रतिगामी थिएनन् । सुगौली सन्धि, गोरखा भर्ती, सन् १९५० को सन्धि र नेपालमाथि बाह्य हस्तक्षेपका दृश्य–अदृश्य गतिविधिसँग पनि यी सबै कुरा जोडिएका छन् ।"Source:
1. Gorkhapatra Corporation The Nepalese Perspective
2. The Lotus & the Flame: An Account on Nepalese Culture By Dhooswan Saymi, Dhūsvāṃ Sāyami
3. लेख "फराकिलो नेपाल, फराकिलो नेपाली" प्रकशित मिति ९ जनवरी २०१५ ईसमता पत्रिकामा http://esamata.com/np
अब यस्तै चाला हो भने Nepal दुइ ढुंगाको "तरुल" होइन "सुठुनी" भन्ने दिन आउने भयो!
ReplyDeletewhat the hail is this????????? yo blog ni nepali ko name liyara dhoti chalauxa ki k ho?
ReplyDeleteDear Rabin Acharya brother,
DeleteDon't get surprised and amazed reading the collections of historical facts or evidences. In fact, this blog is managed by a Nepali person, who believe in sharing the available historical documents, facts and incidents had that been taken place to date in our nation.
I know to digest the fact or truth is not an easy for us since we have been fooled for long time by our rulers, politicians and society as a whole since we were born.
Anyway, we've to learn to digest the facts and truths after all sun, moon and truth cannot be long hidden as Buddha said.
Also I can understand that "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." as Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), a German philosopher said.
K garnu hamro nepalko netaharule guhu khayo pachhi
ReplyDeleteFrom this blog post it is clear that our rulers and leaders along with their Indian masters want us -the Nepalese people to follow the path of capitulation and liquidation. And you are advising the same in clear cut words?
ReplyDeleteBijaya ji,
ReplyDeleteYeah, I suggested based on the available evidences since 14th century to date because I didn't see any solution that can be taken to be independent in making any decision to address the issues and problems that we've with present level government and politicians. If such can't be done than rather than victim and mental slave of them it is either better to merge or dare to be free from mental slavery of India.