Friday 30 November 2018

Nepal's pervasive Corrupt Bureaucracy Culture

Corruption is a social evil and devil since it is considered the virus of human mind and society which is pervasive in nature. In order to understand the corruption first of all we have to learn to explore and understand how corrupt attitude and behavior generates in an individual human being. Exploring to learn about human attitude and behavior in order to change oneself to change others I read many books written by different authors, scientists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, spiritual and religious leaders and gurus and others  relating to it. Then I came to realized and understood that corrupt attitudes and behaviors of human beings first generates within oneself mind with thoughts which is the seed of human behavior and that thoughts whether intentional or unintentional generate human behaviors and actions. In 24 hours period on an average 70,000 thoughts generate in an adult mind. Most of these thoughts are like a wind and river or stream water it comes and goes but we are unknown of it.
However, on the thoughts that generate in human mind if woven with the indoctrinate belief that has been imposed on them unintentionally and indirectly while they are in their early life of a human in mother's womb by our mother or parent and surrounding social environments and after the birth of an innocent and ignorant baby same will be continued throughout the life then whatever it has been downloaded in their mind will remain as a memory. That memory ideas woven in the free flow thoughts of an individual person's mind shaped their views and perspectives of their lives.
In the context of Nepal, ruling color, class, creed and caste people have been found to have their social culture and belief system are itself very much corrupt from where Nepal corrupt culture established. Nepalese and Indian ruling color (white), class (hierarchical top most occupational job), creed (Hinduism) and caste (Brahmin) major sources of ideas and knowledge are very much corrupt in itself if anyone analyze critically without any prejudice in our mind. Nepalese and Indian societies great source of knowledge and ideas are scripture based. These include Ramayan, Mahabharat, Manusmriti, Puran, Upanished and others that were conceived by corrupt mind thinking that male sex is a supreme powerful being than female and only white color that is assigned to Brahmin is the superior color than others such as Red-Kshatriya, Brown-Vaisya, and Black-Sudhra. Similarly, educator, priest, adviser and administrator roles that are assigned to Brahmin are the topmost tasks other than being a ruler and warrior assigned to Kshatriya;  merchant, trader and farmer assigned to Vaisya; and servant assigned to Sudhra. Likewise, among the creeds that were coined in Indian soil such as Vedism, Brahmanism, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism it is considered that only Brahmanism Hinduism is the top most because being a superior color white assigned to Brahmin and priesthood role assigned to Brahmin they are only responsible to teach, educate and preach holy scripture knowledge and perform ritualistic ceremonial activities in Hinduism. Based on such thoughts and belief the Law of Manu known as "Manusmriti" has classified Brahmin the top most caste, followed by Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudhra which is considered the lowest, poorest, uneducated, and untouchable. Being a conscious wise human being compared to other animals such thinking, feeling and perspective only can be generated in corrupt mind considering self superior and others inferior. It is the mindset of people who think and believe that "I am a super and duper" and "You are nothing in front of me." Isn't such mindset is itself corrupt? Such mindset people have been dominating in Nepalese society in the top most bureaucratic system including three pillars of the government's governing system-executive, legislative and judicial. Therefore, how anyone can be honest and moral in their thoughts and actions by being free from such corrupt attitudes and behaviors that have been imprinted in their mind from mother's womb to tomb in Hindu society, which is beyond the imagination of non-Hindu people of Nepal and India.
If a person belief system itself has defect or fault and promotes corrupt, ill, dishonest and immoral thoughts, ideas, attitudes and behaviors then how that person can be honest, descent, moral and non-corrupt and establish corrupt free society. I just wonder and ponder because we are what we think, which has proven from spiritually, psychologically and scientifically.
Yesterday on 29 November 2018, when I came across with the news report of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority published in the Annapurna Post on heading "Main responsible for corruption is political parties" it was not surprised to know that 65.5% corruption is found at government's Land Revenue, Improvement and Measurement Office (Malpot, Bhumi Sudhar Tatha Napi Karyalaya), 44% corruption at governmental development work in which Construction companies involved, 37.7% corruption at Transportation Management Office, each 17% corruption at District Administrative Office, and Internal Revenue Office,  13% corruption at District Education Office, 7% corruption at Ministry of Health Office, and 2% at Counselling Service. Similarly, the corruption was found to be pervasive rampant among political parities and their affiliated people showing 25.5% followed by 17.2% among mediators, contractors and technical service providers to the bureaucratic system of Nepal. 
Of the seven provinces of the country based on present federal structure the most corrupt in terms of Land Revenue, Improvement and Measurement was found to be province no. 5 (85%) followed by Province 2 and Gandak province (69%) respectively, province no. 1 (67%), Province no. 3 (56%), Farwestern province (54%) and least corrupt was found to be Karnali Province (52%). This is just the tip of the iceberg of social evil and devil virus that is very much pervasive in Nepalese social system from top to bottom and bottom to up which hardly anyone can eliminate and treat since it has been embedded in a genetic structural of ruling color, class, creed and caste where someone hardly found to be honest, moral and fights for human rights in establishing just society unlike some Jewish people do despite they are also considered god gifted people thus considered self as a Brahmin of the western world. 
Annapurna post news article in Nepal is as follow:
"अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले भ्रष्टाचारको मुख्य कारक राजनीतिक दल भएको निष्कर्ष निकालेको छ। सरकारी कार्यालयमा हुने अनियमितता, भ्रष्टाचार र घुस लेनदेनको मुख्य जिम्मेवार पक्ष दल र तिनका कार्यकर्ता भएको आयोगको अध्ययनमा पाइएको छ।
अध्ययन अनुसार भ्रष्टाचारका घटनामध्ये २५.५ प्रतिशतमा राजनीतिक दल र कार्यकर्ता जिम्मेवार छन्। १७.२ प्रतिशत भ्रष्टाचारमा भने मध्यस्थकर्ता, ठेकेदार र प्राविधिक जिम्मेवार छन्। त्यस्तै सबैभन्दा बढी भ्रष्टाचार हुने कार्यालय मालपोत, भूमिसुधार तथा नापी हुन्। यिनलाई अख्तियारले भ्रष्टाचारका लागि संवेदनशील कार्यालय भनेको छ। यी कार्यालयमा हुने काममध्ये ६५.५ प्रतिशतमा भ्रष्टाचार हुने पाइएको छ। सबैभन्दा बढी प्रदेश ५ का नापी, भूमिसुधार र मालपोतमा भ्रष्टाचार हुने देखिएको छ।
यी कार्यालयमा प्रदेश १ मा ६७.४, प्रदेश २ मा ६९, प्रदेश ३ मा ५६.६, गण्डकी प्रदेशमा ६८.७, प्रदेश ५ मा ८५.१, कर्णाली प्रदेशमा ५२.० र सुदूरपश्चिममा ५४.४ प्रतिशत भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको अध्ययनमा उल्लेख छ। यसमध्ये पनि सबैभन्दा धेरै घरजग्गासम्बन्धी कारोबारमा भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ।
विकास निर्माणका काममध्ये ४४ प्रतिशतमा भ्रष्टाचार हुन्छ। निर्माण व्यावसायी संलग्न भई हुने विकास निर्माणमा धेरै भ्रष्टाचार हुने देखिएको छ। यसमा पनि प्रदेश ५ मै सबैभन्दा बढी भ्रष्टाचार हुन्छ। प्रदेश १ मा १९.४, प्रदेश २ मा १०.५, प्रदेश ३ मा ४०.४, गण्डकी प्रदेशमा ५१.३, प्रदेश ५ मा ६०.४, कर्णाली प्रदेशमा ३३ र सूदुरपश्चिममा २८ प्रतिशत विकास निर्माणमा भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ।
तेस्रो धेरै भ्रष्टाचार हुने कार्यालय यातायात व्यवस्था कार्यालय हो। सवारी साधान र चालक अनुमतिपत्रमा बढी भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ। यातायात कार्यालयमा ३७.७ प्रतिशत भ्रष्टाचार हुन्छ। प्रदेश १ को यातायात व्यवस्था कार्यालयमा १९.४ प्रतिशत भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ। त्यस्तै, प्रदेश २ मा १०.५, प्रदेश ३ मा ४०.४, गण्डकी प्रदेशमा ५१.३, प्रदेश ५ मा ६०.४, कर्णाली प्रदेशमा ३३, सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेशमा २८ प्रतिशत भ्रष्टाचार भएको अख्तियारको प्रतिवेदनमा उल्लेख छ।
जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा हुने काममध्ये २८.५ प्रतिशतमा भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ। नागरिकता, राहदानी बनाउनेदेखि न्यायिक कार्यमा समेत भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ। विभिन्न सिफारिसमा प्रशासन कार्यालयमा घुसको लेनदेन हुने गरेको छ। प्रशासनमा प्रदेश १ मा २.७, प्रदेश २ मा २२.८, प्रदेश ३ मा २०.२, गण्डकी प्रदेशमा ६२, प्रदेश ५ मा ६४.८, कर्णाली प्रदेशमा २.५ प्रतिशत र सुपमा ५.५ प्रतिशत भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ।
आन्तरिक राजस्व कार्यालयमा १७.१, साविकको जिल्ला शिक्षा कार्यालयमा १३.२, स्वास्थ्य कार्यालयमा ८.३ र परामर्श सेवामा २.१ प्रतिशत भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ। प्रतिवेदन अनुसार साविकको जिल्ला शिक्षा कार्यालयमा विद्यालय भवन निर्माण, शिक्षक नियुक्ति, सरुवा समेतमा भ्रष्टाचार हुने गरेको छ।
तीन महिनामा ४१ स्टिङ, ८५ मुद्धा
अख्तियारले पछिल्लो दिनमा स्टिङ अपरेसनलाई तीव्रता दिएको छ। चालू आर्थिक वर्षको पहिलो तीन महिनामा ४१ वटा स्टिङ अपरेसन गरिएको छ। झुठा शैक्षिक योग्यता प्रयोग गरेर जागिर खाइरहेका ३० जना विरुद्ध अख्तियारले मुद्दा दायर गरेको छ। त्यस्तै, सरकारी रकम हिनामिना, अकूत सम्पत्ति र राजस्व हिनामिना १/१ र अन्य ७ वटा मुद्दा दायर भएको छ।
जिल्ला सरकारी वकिल कार्यालय रूपन्देहीका उपन्यायाधिवक्ता कोषहरि निरौला ८० हजार घुससहित पक्राउ परेका छन्। उच्च अदालत कास्कीका सहन्यायाधिक्ता सुरेन्द्रबहादुर थापालाई पाँच लाख घुससहित पक्राउ गरियो। प्रहरी महानगरीय वृत्त बौद्धका इन्चार्ज एवं डीएसपी श्यामकुमार राई पनि घुससहित पक्राउ परे। त्यस्तै, कम्पनी रजिष्ट्रार कार्यालयका उपरजिष्टारद्वय धर्मराज रोकाय र गंगाधर पौडेलविरुद्ध मुद्दा दायर गरिएको छ।
अख्तियारले ८५ वटा मुद्दा विदेश अदालतमा दायर गरेको सहायक प्रवक्ता मदन कोइरालाले जानकारी दिए।"
1. Kafle, S. 2018. भ्रष्टाचारको मुख्य जिम्मेवार राजनीतिक दलहरू accessed from

Wednesday 28 November 2018

राजमार्गको डाकु रत्नाकार जसलाई पछि गएर बाल्मिकी भनियो उनले रचना गरेको हो रामायण ।
त्यसैले डाकु चोर फटाहाहरुले जस्तो सोच्छ त्यस्तै लेखेको छ भन्ने बुझेको छु मैले त रामायण पनि ।
किन कि बुद्धलाई चोर नास्तिक भनेका छन् रामायणमा स्वयं उ बुद्धु भएकोले गर्दा बुद्धको ज्ञान, शिक्षा, उपदेश नबुझ्नाले। जब कि स्वयं चोर थिए रत्नाकर डाकु वाल्मिकी ।
त्यस्तो रचनालाई पनि महान नैतिक ग्रन्थ मान्ने ठान्ने समुदाय कस्तो होला भनेर सहजै अनुमान लगाउन सकिन्छ एक चेतनशील विवेकशील प्राणी, मनुष्य भई सके पछि । अब भने नयाँ पुस्ताका ब्राह्मण समुदायका केहि शिक्षित ससक्त, सचेत, सतर्क र सजग महिलाहरुले समेत जिज्ञासु हुन् थालेका छन् भन्ने तथ्य हो यो निम्न लेख "मलाई रामजस्ता "भगवान्’सँग बिहे गर्न डर लाग्छ" नामक शिर्षकमा शितल दाहाल जीले लेख्नु भनेको ।

"देशदेशावर घुम्ने रामले कसैप्रति जवाफदेही हुनु नपर्ने र सीताले चाहिँ अपहरित भएर घर फर्कंदा पनि आगोमा पोलिनुपर्ने ? समाजले रामकृत्यप्रति किन प्रश्न गरेन ?
मंसिर २६ गते विवाह पञ्चमीको अवसरमा भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्र मोदी आफैँ ‘जन्ती’ बनेर जनकपुर आउन इच्छुक थिए । तर, मोदीको भ्रमण अनिश्चित भएपछि उत्तर प्रदेशका मुख्यमन्त्री योगी आदित्यनाथ र केन्द्र सरकारका उद्योग वाणिज्य तथा नागरिक उड्डयनमन्त्री सुरेश प्रभु जनकपुर आउने भएका छन् । र, पुराण कथाको स्मृतिलाई ताजा गराउँदै उनीहरूले जनकपुरबाट ‘जनकपुत्री सीता लगेर भारतस्थित रामको घर अयोध्या भिœयाउनेछन् । गएको दसैँको छेको पारेर भारतका विभिन्न स्थान घुम्ने पारिवारिक तीर्थाटनका क्रममा तिनै रामको घर अयोध्यासमेत पुग्ने अवसर जुरेको थियो मलाई पनि ।
अयोध्या घुम्ने क्रममा एउटी बुढी तीर्थालु अर्की कुनै विवाहिता युवतीको टाउकोमा हात राखेर आशिष दिइरहेकी भेटिइन्– तेरा बेटा हो, बेटा भी गोरा ही हो । ‘अर्काे वर्ष तैँले छोरै पाएस्’ भनेर विवाहित युवतीलाई प्रौढ आफन्तले आशिष दिएको त दर्जनौँपटक सुनेको छु । छोरै चाहिने माग आफैँमा लैंगिक विभेद हो । त्यसमाथि छोरो पनि गोरै चाहिनुले नेपाली र भारतीय समाज कति रंगभेदी पनि छ भन्ने बुझ्न सकिन्छ । भन्नुपर्दैन, कालाकै बाहुल्य भएको भारतमा मात्र होइन, नेपालमा पनि काला मान्छेलाई मन पराइन्न, कृष्ण वर्णका सन्तान रुचाइन्नन् ।
बाल्यकालदेखि नै ‘मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम राम’को बयान सुनेर हुर्केकाले उनै भगवान् जन्मी, हुर्केको र ठूलो भएपछि बिहे गरी हाम्रै जनकपुरकी सीतालाई भित्र्याएको भनिएको स्थानमा पुग्न पाउँदा खुसी लाग्नु स्वाभाविक थियो । । भूगोलले छिमेकी र संस्कृतिले समानता भएका नेपाल र भारतमा हिन्दू (सनातनी) समुदायको बाहुल्य भएकाले हाम्रा आराध्य उस्तै छन् । ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महादेव, राम, कृष्ण र देवी आदि ।
राम भन्नेबित्तिकै एउटा नेपाली पुस्तालाई भारतीय हिन्दी सिरियल ‘रामायण’मा रामको भूमिकामा देखा परेका अरुण गोविलको तस्बिर आँखामा झट्टै आउँछ । तर, यसपटक रामलाई उनैको अयोध्या पुगेर ती पुराणपात्रको स्मरण गर्दा यसअघि कहिल्यै मनमा नआएका केही सवाल मनमा आए । करोडौँ भक्तजनका श्रद्धेय देवलाई लाञ्छना लगाउने ध्येय मेरो कदापि होइन । एक्काइसाँै शताब्दीको स्वतन्त्र मानिसले आफूलाई लागेको जायज जिज्ञासा राख्दा त्यसलाई अनर्थ ठानिन्न भन्ने ठहर हो ।
रामायण लेख्छ– जग जान्दछ र सो कुरो ‘मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम राम’लाई पनि थाहा थियो कि सीतालाई दानव भनिने रावणले अपहरण गरेर लंका लगे पनि उसले सीतालाई छोएको थिएन । तर, अन्ततः एक सर्वसाधारणले सीताको ‘चरित्र’माथि शंका गरेकै भरमा रामले सीतालाई अग्निकुण्डमा हुले । देशदेशावर घुम्ने रामले कसैप्रति जवाफदेही हुनु नपर्ने र सीताले चाहिँ अपहरित भएर घर फर्कंदा पनि आगोमा पोलिनुपर्ने ? यति हुँदा पनि हाम्रो समाजले रामकृत्यप्रति किन प्रश्न गरेन भन्ने सवाल मेरो मनमा पटक–पटक आए ।
राम र सीता वनवासमा रहेका बखत सीतालाई रावणले अपहरण गरी अशोक वाटिकामा चार वर्षसम्म लुकाएर राखेको थियो भन्छ स्वयं रामायण । चार वर्ष लामो समय सीता अशोक वाटिकामा कैदी जीवन बिताइरहँदा राम सीताकै खोजमा दश दिशा चहार्दै थिए । त्यस बखत राम त स्वतन्त्र थिए । तैपनि वाल्मीकि लिखित रामायणले स्वतन्त्र रामको अग्निपरीक्षा लिन चाहेन, किन ?
दक्षिण एसियाली समाजमा लोकप्रिय पुराण कथा हो, रामायण । रामायणकै करिब तीन सय थरी भिन्न कथा रहेको जानकारहरू बताउँछन् । त्यसमध्ये तुल्सीदासकृत रामायण र वाल्मीकि रामायण आममान्छेले सुनेको रामायण हो । यिनमा उपकथा केही फरक भए पनि मूलकथाले त्यही भन्छ– सीता रामद्वारा अपहेलित भए पनि राम नै मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम हुन् । तर, त्यति अमिल्दो तर्कलाई पनि हामी राम र हनुमानभक्तहरू सजिलै स्वीकार गर्छौं । यो शताब्दीमा पनि मासिकस्रावलाई अपवित्र मान्दै ‘बार्ने’ समाजले स्त्री भएकै कारण अपहेलित सीताको मर्म अहिले पनि बुझ्न चाहँदैन ।
मलाई त सोध्न मन लाग्छ– पुराणकालदेखि आधुनिक कालसम्म योनि मात्रै अपवित्र र लिंगचाहिँ किन पवित्र हुन्छ ? यसो भनिरहँदा हाम्रा मन्दिरमा श्रद्धाले पुजिने ठाडा ढुंगाका सम्झना हुन्छ, जसलाई प्रायः शिवलिंग भनेर श्रद्धाले ढोग्ने गरिन्छ ।
कहिलेकाहीँ त यस्तो भान हुन्छ– पूरै रामायण सीतासँग रावणले शारीरिक सम्बन्ध राख्यो कि राखेन भन्ने शंका केलाउन मात्रै लेखिएको हो । अझ ‘मर्यादाका उत्कृष्ट उदाहरण र पुरुषमा पनि उत्तम राम’ले आफ्नी गर्भवती पत्नीलाई विनाकारण घरबाट निकालेको कथा हामी खुब स्वाद मानीमानी सुनिरहेका छौँ । इतिहासमा भएका अत्याचार र हिंसाका कुरा गर्दा कतिपय भन्छन्– त्यो अर्कै समयको कुरा हो, अहिले त्यस्तो कुरा गर्नु अनुचित हो ।
सम्भवतः यस पौराणिक कथाबारे पनि कतिपयले त्यही तर्क दोहोर्‍याउलान्, तर रामले सीतासँग गरेको दुव्र्यवहार क्षमायोग्य हिंसा होइन । गर्भिणी स्वास्नीले परपुरुष मानिससँग शारीरिक सम्बन्ध राखेकी थिइन् कि भन्ने शंकालाई लिएर घरबाट निकाल्ने रामले समाजमा कस्तो खालको मर्यादा कायम गर्न खाजेका थिए कुन्नि ?
रामायणकै कथाले सीधा–सीधा र बुझिने भाषामा भनेको छ– आफ्नी बहिनी सुपर्णखालाई गरिएको अपमानको बदला लिन रावणले सीताहरण गर्‍यो । सुन्दरी सीता देखेर ऊ लोभियो र रावणले सीतासँग प्रणय निवेदन गर्‍यो, तर सो सीताबाट अस्वीकृत भयो । सुन्दर स्त्री देख्नेबित्तिकै उपभोग गर्ने उद्देश्य राख्नु रावणको भुल हो ।
तैपनि, रावणको भुल क्षम्य लाग्छ किनभने रावणले बदलाको भावनाले सीताको अपहरण मात्र गरेको हो । कथालाई मान्ने हो भने रावणले सीतालाई कहिल्यै जबर्जस्ती गरेन । राक्षस भनिएको र पुष्पक विमानसमेत भएको धनाढ्य राजाले चाहेको भए आफ्नो बन्दीलाई जबर्जस्ती जेसुकै गर्न सक्थ्यो । तर, युद्धबन्दी भएर आएकी रूपवति स्त्रीमाथि रावणले अनुचित हर्कत गरेन । कमजोरमाथि यौनहिंसा नगर्नुको तारिफमा रावणबारे रामायणमा कतै केही उल्लेख छैन ।
त्रेता युगमा रामले जनकपुरकी ‘हाम्री सीतामैयाँ’लाई बिहे गरेर लगे । विरोधीले त उनलाई बन्दी बनाए–बनाए, आफ्नै पतिले समेत अत्याचार गरे । तर, आजसम्म उनीमाथि भएको हिंसाउपर कुनै शास्त्र तयार भएन । उनको पक्षमा कुनै न्यायप्रणालीले आजसम्म बोल्नु जरुरी पनि ठानेन ।
‘सीताराम–सीताराम’ भनेर हामीले भजनमा थपडी त बजाइरह्यौँ, तर पुरुषले लेखेको र जुगौँपहिलेको जड पुरुषसत्ताले भजेको रामायणभित्रको गहिरो हिंसालाई देखेनौँ । त्यसैले मलाई हरेक विवाह पञ्चमीमा अयोध्याबाट सीताहरूलाई विवाह गरेर लाने रामहरूसँग डर लाग्छ । कहीँ आज विवाह गरेर लगेपछि फेरि भोलि सोझा सीताहरूमाथि हिंसा होला भन्ने डर लाग्छ । हाम्रो तराई मधेस तथा भारतका उत्तर र विहार प्रदेशबाट दाइजो नपाएको निहुँमा परिवारले अग्निदाह गराइएका खबर आइहाल्ला कि भनेर उतिखेरै त्रस्त हुन्छु ।
यौन, योनी र यसकै नाममा कति सीताले अग्निकुण्डबाट आफूलाई जोगाउन सक्लान् ? दहेज, सम्पत्ति र शंकाबाट आफ्नो योनीको सुरक्षा तिनले दिन सकेनन् भने फेरि रामहरूले तिनलाई घरैबाट निकाल्नेछन्, चाहे ती गर्भवती नै किन नहून् । त्यसैले मलाई त्रेताका रामजस्तो ‘भगवान्’सँग बिहे गर्न डर लाग्छ । कुनै दिन दुर्घटनावश ममाथि कुनै खालको हिंसा भयो भने मेरा घरका ‘राम’ले मलाई पत्नीका रूपमा अस्वीकार गर्न पनि त सक्छन् ।
आउन त जगत्मा ठूलो हेरफेर आइसकेको छ । तैपनि म अझै लोग्नेले स्वास्नी कुट्न पाउने र चाहेमा घरैबाट समेत निकाल्ने हैसियत बोकेर दोबाटोमा उभिएको अर्धचेत समाजको एक हिस्सा हुँ । हुन त शंकाकै भरमा आफ्नी गर्भवती स्वास्नीलाई घरबाट निकाल्ने पुरुषलाई नजानी–नबुझी फुलपाती चढाएर शिर निहुर्‍याए पनि कुनै दिन साक्षात् राम अवतरण गरेर युवतीसँग विवाह प्रस्ताव गरे भने पनि अहिलेका दिदी–बहिनीले तिनको प्रस्ताव स्वीकार नगर्लान् । म त के स्विकार्थें ?
१. शितल दाहाल, २०१८, "मलाई रामजस्ता ‘भगवान्’सँग बिहे गर्न डर लाग्छ"
मेत जिज्ञासु हुन् थालेका छन् भन्ने तथ्य हो यो निम्न लेख शितल दाहाल जीले लेख्नु भनेको ।

My journey from full time employee to social entrepreneur!! 😋

After graduating as a nurse from a three-year diploma-level nursing education program in 1995, I began my professional career at Koshi Zonal Hospital in Biratnagar, where I worked for 10 months. Based on the suggestions and advice of my Campus Chief, Aaitu Maya Chhetri, I then joined the Women's Rehabilitation Centre, where I worked for nearly 18 months. Subsequently, I joined Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital for an additional 10 months. During this 38-month period, I was actively seeking an opportunity to pursue further education.

In November 1998, I enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing program at Lalitpur Nursing Campus under Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine. I successfully completed my degree in November 2000 and subsequently joined CARE International in Nepal in January 2001. I worked with CARE for three years until January 2004, during which I had the opportunity to go to Australia and pursue a Master's in Public Health through the financial support of the Australian Development Scholarship.

Upon my return from Australia in April 2006, I made the decision not to work as an employee. However, the social environment was not conducive to this choice. Consequently, I joined Hope International Nepal as a Lecturer, teaching Bachelor of Public Health and Bachelor of Nursing students. Despite the teaching role, I felt dissatisfied as I yearned to make a direct impact on women's lives and address the issues I observed during my time working with nursing students.

Drawing on my previous experiences at Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital and the Women's Rehabilitation Centre, I aspired to do something different that could truly make a difference in the lives of women. My Master's project on Maternal Health, based on fieldwork I conducted in Mahottari district through CARE Nepal, further solidified my dedication to this cause.

Given my diverse professional experiences within different organizations over a six-year period, I was eager to embark on a path that would empower nurses, nursing students, and childbearing women while fostering personal autonomy. It was during this period of contemplation that I stumbled upon the "National Policy on Skilled Birth Attendants 2006" while researching references for my teaching. These words, coupled with the encouragement of my colleague Pushpa Lata Pandey from CARE Nepal, who often advocated for entrepreneurship, sparked the idea of establishing a birthing center. In 2007, partnering with 15 women working in various organizations, we successfully established the birthing center, investing our own personal funds. Drawing on our collective experiential learning, we registered the center as a private limited company instead of an NGO, as we aimed for sustainability and self-reliance rather than dependence on donors.

This marked the beginning of my journey from employee to entrepreneur and employer, gaining seven years of work experience across five different organizations: Koshi Zonal Hospital, WOREC, Prasuti Griha, CARE Nepal, and HOPE International. Although I personally bear the expenses of employee salaries and rent for our birthing center, I find fulfillment in the work I do for society and the people of Nepal. Any income I generate from freelancing or other sources is dedicated to the survival and growth of our Birth Center. While this may not be the most progressive or sustainable approach to entrepreneurship, it is the current reality I face. Despite efforts to form partnerships through private-public collaboration with Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital and Lalitpur Metropolitan City, those endeavors unfortunately did not come to fruition.

In 2008, despite my reluctance, I had to seek employment to cover employee salaries and rent for our birthing center. Consequently, I joined GIZ Support to Peace Process and worked there until January 2011. Following this, I went to Australia to pursue my doctorate.

While pursuing my doctorate in Australia from 2011 to March 2015, supported by the Australian Leadership Award, I saved a portion of my scholarship stipend and sent it to Nepal to cover rent and salaries, ensuring the continued operation of our Birth Center.

Through my own experiential learning over 11 years of operating the APS Birth and Reproductive Health Centre, I have realized the immense difficulties and challenges of sustaining an enterprise driven by social motives. However, partnering with professional women and others, I have learned the importance of mutual support for growth, development, survival, and thriving. Although we may not accumulate material wealth, the metaphysical and spiritual rewards are significant.

Life is a journey of learning, struggling, and self-correction, guided by the laws of nature. Moving forward, I am committed to continuing my learning, persevering through challenges, and finding joy in pursuing my passion, all with the aim of making a difference in the lives of Nepalese women and girls.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

By profession being a nurse with public health education WHY passionate about Midwifery!!!

Being a public health professional with a nursing background no one knows why I am very much passionate about Midwifery service and workforce.
I am not associate with any external development partners nor I do full time work for any organisations. Despite this WHY I am very much passionate on midwifery sometime I myself wonder and ponder.
In fact, I am very much passionate about midwifery because as a nurse my developmental career as a profession started from Women Rehabilitation Centre in 1996 where I got an opportunity to learn and about the importance about sexual and reproductive health and women's health. Since then I have been continuously involving in sexual, reproductive and maternal health in different capacities and abilities that I have.
However, after establishing APS Birth and Reproductive Health Centre in 2007 partnering with 15 female professions and housewives I came in to contact with midwives across the world especially from high income countries such as UK, Canada, USA, Australia, Sweden, Germany, New Zealand and so forth.
And in 2009 while I was working for GIZ "Support to Peace Process Project" that support People's Liberation Army (by then Maoist Combatants) in their 28 different cantonment located from east to west of Nepal where again I was very much involved educating about Reproductive Health to the Maoist combatant health workers and got an opportunity to attend "IX International Confederation of Midwives Regional Asia-Pacific Midwives’ Conference" held in 19-22 Nov, 2009 in Hyderabad, India where I also presented about "Factors that Persuaded Nurses to establish a Maternity Care Centre: Experience from Nepal".
From this conference I got to learn and understand that only workforce that makes difference in the lives of girls and women's is a MIDWIFE because they are prepare and produce for "Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Adolescent Health (SRMNAH).
After coming back to Nepal together with Rita Pokharel from Nick Simon Institute I took lead role to initiate for the establishment Midwifery Association of Nepal known as "Midwifery Society of Nepal" under the president-ship of Prof. Kiran Bajracharya partnering with 11 nurses working for maternal and women's health and was fully registered the organisation in 2010 February.
Global evidence suggests that Well-trained midwives together with a recruitment, deployment and retention plan could help avert roughly "two-thirds" of all maternal and newborn deaths (UNFPA, ICM & WHO 2014). Midwives could also deliver up to 87% of all essential sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn health (SRMNH) services. Midwives are one of the most cost-effective and culturally sensitive path to achieving universal health care, if practicing in an enabling environment and supported by regulations.

UNFPA, ICM & WHO 2014. The State of the World Midwifery 2014: A Universal Pathway. A Women's Rights to Health. United Nations Publications, New York.

Monday 26 November 2018

Unbelievable fact about Nepal rape culture

No one imagine that any father or grand-father can rape their own daughters and grand-daughters in civilized society like animals do. There might be immoral human societies other than animals in this world who has sex with their own blood relation offspring. However, in the context of Nepal no human beings can imagine such despite being deprived socioeconomically. 
When I first heard from my senior employee, Mrs. Jha that her youngest brother raped his own daughter I could not believe and was shocked to hear such a barbaric inhuman act done against own daughter aged 12. His brother lived in the same district where I lived and he was a businessman. Because I couldn't believe what she had told me so I wrote about it as my first blog in June 11, 2011 which is the most read blog article of my blog. 
Since then, now and then I have been keep reading on newspapers and hearing from media about the incidents of fathers and grand-fathers raping own daughters and grand-daughters as well as uncle raping niece in Nepal. Rape culture has been well-established in Nepal as evidence suggests but due to lack of information and ignorance we are not that much aware and inform about it. It made me realized that when we, human beings are not aware, inform or involve on any issue or incident our attention and focus won't go on such issues and incidents. 
Last night (25 Nov 2018, Sunday), when I read the newspaper article on 5 years facts and figures reported by police about raped to young girls their own father and grand-fathers I was very much disturbed. I couldn't believe in the last 5-years in Nepal total 204 girls raped by fathers and grand-fathers. Among them large numbers of them, 169 girls were raped by their fathers and another 35 girls were raped by their grand-fathers [1]. 
While I was trying to understand the root of raped culture of South Asian context some years back since I considered raped is fruit so there should be some root of it then I came to realized that the creator, the Brahma, who is considered in Indian world had impregnate his own daughter Saraswati. I couldn't believe. So, I searched more evidences as much as to triangulate what I had read about it. Finally, I accepted that it is in fact in the holy scripture of Indian belief system it has written such. 
While I was in Nepal in 2012 for 7 months for my field world I came across Rita Banerji’s non-fiction book Sex and Power:Defining History, Shaping Societies was first published in India in 2008. Then when I was doing my doctorate in Australia in 2011 to 2015 March many times I posted status on my facebook about Brahman raped own daughter Saraswati usually Indian and Nepalese Hindu blame Muslim and western scholars especially British are the one who had distorted and manipulated their holy scriptures.  However, when I explored the historical facts before Muslim and British invasion to India I found the different stories than what they had asserted, blamed and claimed. Then I realized it is just the assertion, blame and claim that they made due to cognitive dissonance.  
Here is the unbelievable and indigestible excerpt from Indian holy scripture. 
"Brahma's daughter Sarasvati said to herself, 'After begetting me from his own body, how could he copulate with me? I know, I’ll hide myself.’ So she became a cow. But he became a bull and copulated with her. From their union cattle were born. Then she became a mare, and he a stallion; she became a female donkey, and he, a male donkey. And again he copulated with her, and from their union one-hoofed animals were born. Then she became a female goat, and he, a male goat; she became an ewe, and he, a ram. And again he copulated with her, and from their union goats and sheep were born. In this way he created every male and female pair that exists, down to the very ants." 
--- Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 1:4:2-6 
Realizing the problem of human belief system I tried to learn and understand about human belief and human behavior and came to learn that William James, Father of American Psychology said, "Our belief creates actual reality". I could not denied this fact because Buddha also said, "What we believe we become." Same thoughts and ideas had acknowledged by ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu. Reading both western and eastern world philosophers and psychologists statement regarding human belief and behavior relationship I realized that human beings main problems lie in their belief system that shape their behavior, attitude and thought process. Therefore, in order to change the rape culture we have to learn to change our belief system which doesn't mean we have to change our religion. The vast majority of people who can't think differently claim that religion or belief system makes oneself moral. In fact, it is baseless to assert it since mortality of human being doesn't come from any outside educational indoctrination instead it comes from inner conscience. I realized that religion is a tool to fool, bull and rule mass by a handful of clever people who succeed in indoctrinate their  dogmatic belief system. Acknowledging these facts and problems of dogmatic world I became an irreligious, non-believer and striving to be a free thinker in this inhuman robotic world full of dogmatic belief imposed during childhood socialization process. 
1. हाडनाताको यौन हिंसाः भन्न पनि गाह्रो, लुकाउन पनि....... accessed at
2. Truth about Hinduism accessed from

Difference between western and eastern world capitalism and masculinism

Always makes me smile and laugh within myself whenever I hear anyone asserting, blaming and claiming that Nepal has been ruined by the western world philosophical thoughts and ideas relating to socioeconomic (capitalism, communism) and socio-cultural (feminism, sexism, genderism) political movements for women empowerment and emancipation. In fact, it is baseline to assert, blame and claim in such way because there is no evidence till date that Nepal has been ruined by the western philosophical thoughts and ideas. However, there is an ample historical evidence to prove that Nepal has been ruined by Brahmanism patriarchal masculinism and capitalism governed by the Law of Manu, conceived as per the thoughts and ideas of Indian Brahman sage, Svayambhuva Manu, who is considered the first law giver of Indian subcontinent and the world. 
In the memory of Indian sage Svayambhuva Manu, the Law of Manu was written in-between 185 BCE to 75 BCE during the Shunga dynasty, also known as a Brahmin dynasty, established in 185 BCE, about 50 years after Ashoka's death, when the emperor Brihadratha Maurya, the last ruler of the Maurya Empire, was assassinated by his Senānī or commander-in-chief, Pushyamitra Shunga, while he was reviewing the Guard of Honour of his forces [1]. Pushyamitra Shunga then ascended the throne. 
The law of Manu also known as Manusmriti is the profound socioeconomic, cultural, political and legal document of by then Indian society. Based on this Law of Manu color, class, creed and caste based social hierarchy had created which is still very much prevalent in Indian and Nepalese society since almost all ancient so-called holy scriptures, books and literature of India are based on it. In Nepal, the Law of Manu has been introduced officially in 14th century with the support of five Indian learned Maithili Brahmin during Jayasthiti Malla kingship promulgating "Manav Nyaya Shastra". Later in 1854 AD by then prime minister, Junga Bahadur Rana promulgated Nepal's code of conduct known as "Muluki Ain" on which all the thoughts, ideas and provision articles of Manav Nyaya Shastra borrowed in addition to new thoughts, ideas and provisions were introduced based on the Europe tour done by Junga Bahadur Rana. Therefore, whatever socio-economic, sociocultural, political and religious problems that Nepal has today is all due to this two code of conduct imposed by rulers rather than western world philosophical ideologies borrowed by our politicians. 
Nepal Communist party's politicians and people blame to Nepal's democratic political party, Nepali Congress asserting that western world capitalism is the root cause of Nepal sociopolitical unrest because class hierarchy has been created by Nepali Congress due to privatization of business, education and health sectors. Similarly, so-called communists blame to women and girls who are raising their voices against historical marginalization, discrimination and injustice against women taking part in education, economics, politics and socio-cultural and religious events are due to western world feminism ideology promoted by NGOs and Nepalese women are studying abroad in the western world. In fact, these both blame and claim are baseless when we dig out the historical reason for injustice, discrimination, marginalization and unrest of sociopolitical status of Nepal.
In my understanding, western world capitalism, patriarchal and masculinism are based on Abrahamism Judaism whereas eastern world, especially South Asian or eastern world capitalism, patriarchal and masculinism are based on Manuism Brahmanism. These two are core differences between western and eastern world philosophical thoughts, ideas and concepts based on how society functions on economic, education, environment, entrepreneurship, sociopolitical and cultural issues.  Therefore, it is baseless to blame western world capitalism by communists as well as religious dogmatic people, priests, public servants and politicians. 
Communism ideology has been coined by German philosopher, Karl Marx, who belong to an elite family known as Jewish. His class concept was based on Abrahamism religious belief mainly relating to Judaism and Christianity whereas Nepalese class concept is based on Manuism Brahmanism philosophy that classified human beings on hierarchical order  according to their skinned colors (while, red, brown and black) and accordingly they have been assigned job what they suppose to do or don't depending upon their skinned colors. For example, Brahmin, considered born from Brahma, the creator's mouth is responsible for teaching, educating, adviser of rulers and carry out priestly activities. Therefore, they are the top most members of the society. Other than Brahmin no one is allowed and eligible to carry out holy activities and studying holy scriptures. Therefore, Nepal capitalism is not borrowed from western world instead coined in India by Indian society law giver Brahmin sage, Manu. Similarly, feminism movement to empower and emancipate are not borrowed from western world since feminine icons powers are conceived by ancient Indian sage as powerful goddesses such as Laxmi the prosperity goddess, Sarswati goddess of wisdom, Durga goddess of courageous and Kali as a destroyer of any social evil and devil doers.  

1. Shunga Dynasty accessed from

नेपाल हिन्दुस्तानको उपनिवेश हो भन्ने ऐतिहासिक तथ्यगत प्रमाण ।

नेपाल राष्ट्रको प्राचिन र मध्यकालीन युगको इतिहास अध्धयन गर्दा मुसु मुसु हास उठ्दो छ ।
किन कि काठमाडौँ उपत्यका विशेषत भक्तपुरमा हिन्दुस्तानबाट शरण लिएका राजारानीहरुले राजकाज गरी उनीहरुको आफ्नो कुल देउता, "तलेजु भवानी" आजको दिनसम्ममा पनि काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाबासीहरुले ताजा रुपमै पुज्दै आई रहेका छन् ।
नेपाललाई कहिल्यै बाह्य मुलुकहरुका मानिसहरुले अतिक्रमण गरी उपनिवेश बनाएका छैनन् भन्ने गर्छन ।
हो भौतिक युद्धको हातहतियारद्वारा अतिक्रमण गरेका छैनन् |
तर मनोहतियार "धर्म" द्वारा नेपाललाई हिन्दुस्तानीहरुले गुलाम बनाउदै आई रहेको थियो र छ भन्ने तथ्य छ नेपालको प्राचिन मध्यकालीन युगको इतिहास अध्धयन गर्दा ।
जसरी अफ्रिका अंग्रेजहरुले अफ्रिकनहरुलाई आँखा चिम्लेर प्राथाना गर्न लगाए र आँखा खोल्दा उनीहरुको हातमा बाईबल र अंग्रेजहरुको हातमा उनीहरुको जमिन थियो नोबल पुरस्कार विजयता देस्मन तुतुले भने झैँ काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाबासीहरुको हातमा पनि त्यस्तै भएको देखिन्छ, भेटिन्छ र पाइन्छ । आजसम्म काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाबासीहरुले कहिल्यै नेपाल राज्यको प्रमुख भई शासन सत्ता बसेर सरकारको प्रमुख भएका छैनन् । उनीहरुको मन र मस्तिष्कमा भगवान, देवी देउता, पुजाआजा, जात्रा बाहेक अन्य केहि सोच्न सक्ने क्षमता र सक्षमता छदैछैन् । किन कि उनीहरु मनोदास भएका छैन हिन्दुस्तानबाट भागेर शरणार्थी लिन आएका भगौडा राजारानीहरुले लादि दिएको आफ्नो कुल देउता पुज्न "तलेजु भवानी" लगायत अन्य पुज्न व्यस्त पारी दिएको छ ।
विश्व राजनीतिक विश्लेषक नोमन चोम्सकीले भनेका छन्,
"शासक शोसकहरु जति सक्दो आम जनमानस /नागरिकहरुलाई निष्कृय राख्न सक्यो उनीहरुलाई त्यतिकै लाभ मिल्छ । त्यस्तो गर्ने सबैभन्दा उपयुक्त उपाय भनेको उनीहरुलाई "देउता" दिनु पर्छ तब उनीहरु पुजेर व्यस्त रहने गर्छन ।"
नोमन चोम्सकीको यो भनाई नेपालको सन्दर्भमा र्याङ्ग ठ्यांग मिल्छ काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाबासीहरुमा । उनीहरुले दावी र हावी गर्ने गर्छन हामी नेपालीहरु जो उपत्यकाभन्दा बाहिरबाट आएर बसेका छौ उनीहरु चाही बाहिरको रे, तर जो हिन्दुस्तानबाट आएर उनीहरुलाई "४ जात ३६ वर्ण लादयो" "हिन्दुस्तानको कर्नाटक राज्यको राजाहरुको कुल देउता तलेजु भवानी पुज्न संस्कार संस्कृति स्थापना गरायो" र "काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाबासीहरुको आफ्नो सत्ता र सरकार खोस्यो" उनीहरु स्वयंले चालनपाईकन उनीहरु चाही आफ्नो राजा रे अनि हामी आम नेपाल भुमि र भूगोलका नेपालीहरु चाही बाहिरको रे । हा हा हा क्या उत्कृष्ट मनुबादी बुझाई छ उनीहरुको आफ्नै मनको अज्ञानताले गर्दा आफ्नोलाई पराई र पराईलाई घर भित्रको कराई झैँ गरेर राखेको छ ।
प्राय खस पढे लेखेका शिक्षित दीक्षितहरुको बुझाई पनि त्यस्तै रहेछ ।
काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा खसले राज्य गर्यो भन्ने गर्छन | तर ऐतिहासिक तथ्यगत रुपमा बुझ्दा उही हिन्दुस्तानबाट शरण लिन भागेर आएका भगौडा राजपुतहरुले नै पो राजकाज गरेका रहेछन जसरी पृथ्वी नारायण शाहको पुर्खाहरु हिन्दुस्तानको राजिस्थानबाट नेपालमा शरण लिने भागेर आई राजकाज गरे त्यस्तै रहेछ उपत्यकाको खस राज्यको इतिहास पनि ।
हामी मुर्ख मनुवाहरुको अज्ञानता देखेर कुरा बुझेर हास्नु बाहेक के नै गर्न सकिन्छ ।
"The History of Ancient and Medieval Nepal: In a Nutshell with some Comparative Traces of Foreign History" written by D.B. Shrestha and C.B. Singh published in 1972 can be accessed from

नेपालको राजाहरुको थर "खान"बाट शाह कसरी भयो? गोरखा भनेको के हो? बहादुर पदवी कसरी कहाँबाट प्राप्त गरे?

साहसीक वीर बहादुर निडर शासक शोसक र साम्राज्यबादीहरुबाट पदवी उपाधि लियो गर्व गर्यो मुर्ख मनुवाहरु ।
हिन्दुस्तानको दिल्ली स्थित मुगल साम्राज्यहरुले दिएको पदवी उपाधिहरु रहेछन "गोरखा, शाह, बहादुर" जुन हाम्रो देश, नेपालको आनुधिक निर्माता/पिता भनेर चिनिने जनिने बुझिने पृथ्वी नारायण शाहसंग सम्बन्धित छ ।
"द्रब्य शाह" जसले गोरखा राज्य स्थापना गरे उनको बाजे "कुलमण्डन खान" थियो जो हिन्दुस्तानको मेवार राज्यबाट मुसलमानहरुको आक्रमणबाट भागेर मर्नु भन्दा शरण लिनु बुद्धिमानी भनेर भागेर नेपाल शरण लिन आएका थिए कसरी उनको सन्तान/पुत्रहरु "खान" बाट "शाह" भए सो को बारेमा एक चेतनशील विवेकशील प्राणी मनुष्य भई सके पछि जिज्ञासा लाग्नु स्वाभाविक हो ।
तर कुलमण्डन खानबाट उनको जेठो छोरा, द्रब्य शाहको पिता, यशेाब्रह्म शाह, लम्जुङ्गको राजाले कसरी "शाह" थर लेख्न पुग्यो भनेर खोतल्दा प्राप्त तथ्य हो यो ।
खान, शाह, गोरखा, बहादुर सबै नै सैनीय पदवी उपाधिहरु रहेछन शासक, शोसक र सत्ताधारी साम्राज्यका प्रमुखहरुले लिने र प्राप्त गर्ने जुन सम्पूर्ण मुसलमान राजामहाराजाहरुले प्रयोगमा ल्याएको र दिएको उपाधिहरु रहेछन हिन्दुस्तानको राजस्थानको मेवारबाट नेपालमा शरण लिन आएका भगौडा राजपुतहरुलाई ।
गोर्खान भन्नाले खानहरुको प्रमुख भन्ने अर्थ लाग्दो रहेछ । "खान" भन्ने शब्द "खगान"बाट उत्पति भएको रहेछ जसको अर्थ टर्की मुसलमानहरुमा शाही पद रहेछ राजखलकहरुमा प्रयोग गर्ने । हिन्दुस्तान टर्की देशको मुसलमानहरुले सातौ र आठौ शताब्दीमा आक्रमण र अतिक्रमण गरेको देश हो जसबाट मुगल साम्राज्य स्थापना भयो हिन्दुस्तानमा । अंग्रेजहरुले व्यापार व्यवसायको लागि यदि १७ औ शताब्दीमा हिन्दुस्तान प्रवेश गरी अतिक्रमण नगर्दो हो त आज हिन्दुस्तान पाकिस्तान, बंगालदेश र अफ्घानिस्तान जस्तै मुस्लिमहरु बाहुल्यताको राष्ट्र हुने सुनिश्चित छ । हिन्दुस्तानमा टर्की र अरबबाट आएको मुसलमानले आक्रमण गरेकै कारणले गर्दा त्यहाँबाट राजपुत शासकहरु भागेर नेपालमा शरण लिन आएकै कारणले गर्दा उनीहरुले काठमाडौँ उपत्यका, कास्की, लम्जुङ्गमा आफ्नो शासन र सत्ता स्थापित गर्न सफल भएको ऐतिहासिक तथ्य भेटिन्छ ।
हामी पढे लेखेका शिक्षित दीक्षित उच्च वर्ण, वर्ग, जात र लिङ्गका नेपालीहरु राजामहाराजाहरुको सल्लाहकार, गुरु शिक्षक, राज गुरु पुरोहित पण्डित, समाजमा अनेक थरिका कर्मकाण्ड गर्ने ठेक्कापट्टा लिएकाहरु कति मुर्ख छन् भन्ने तथ्य प्रष्ट रुपमा देखिन्छ बुझिन्छ जब राजकीय "पद", "पदवी" र "कानुनी शब्द" हरुको बारेमा गहन, गम्भीर र गहिरो रुपमा खोजतलास गर्दै अध्धयन अनुसन्धान गर्ने गर्छौ ।
हाम्रो राजा महाराजाहरुको पुर्खाहरुको बारेमा सत्य, तथ्य र यथार्थ बुझ्न चासोका साथ अध्धयन गर्ने क्रम "गोरखा" शब्दको उत्पति कसरी भयो, खानबाट कसरी शाह र बहादुर पदवी प्राप्त गरे भनेर खोजी गर्दा मुसु मुसु हास्नु सिबाय केहि छैन ।
मुसलमानलाई अतिनै घृणा गर्ने र उनीहरुसंग किन डराउने गर्छन हिन्दुहरु भनेर बुझ्न धेरै टाडा जानु पर्दैन मात्र नेपालको प्राचिन र मध्यकालीन युगको इतिहासको साथै आधुनिक नेपालको इतिहासलाई गहन, गम्भीर र गहिरो रुपमा विश्लेष्णात्मक अध्धयन अनुसन्धान कोठामा बसी बसी ईन्टरनेट मार्फत गरे पुग्छ ।