Yesterday, I got to read about Nepal's billionaire first time listed in the Forbes Magazine. I felt great since at least some Nepalese businessman's name had published in the international renowned magazine. Then I posted on my facebook status copied and pasted from the Forbes Magazine statement as follow.
"Man-made Poor nation Billionaire, Binod Chaudhary
Net worth: $1 billion
Country: Nepal
Source of wealth: Diversified
Hailing from a business clan with Indian roots, Binod Chaudhary is Nepal's first billionaire. From supplying goods to the erstwhile royal family and opening the country's first department store, the Chaudhary Group's interests today include banking, foods, cement, real estate, hotels, power and electronics." Source:
After a while some Nepalese brothers started to share different views about our billionaire. Here I've just cup and pasted from my wall.
"Man-made Poor nation Billionaire, Binod Chaudhary
Net worth: $1 billion
Country: Nepal
Source of wealth: Diversified
Hailing from a business clan with Indian roots, Binod Chaudhary is Nepal's first billionaire. From supplying goods to the erstwhile royal family and opening the country's first department store, the Chaudhary Group's interests today include banking, foods, cement, real estate, hotels, power and electronics." Source:
After a while some Nepalese brothers started to share different views about our billionaire. Here I've just cup and pasted from my wall.
- Urbatshering Mhamba Tamang, Nabin Bajracharya Nepali, Sierra Sudip and9 others like this.
- Spd Pun i became a billionare with hard work and labour.... of others! pfff... no rich guy ever made it himself..its called fucking people over to survive! and people glorify this cunt... ugh... BULLSHIT!
- Laxmi Tamang Kamse Kam Nepalese brother Forbes Magazine ma naam aayeko chha due to his mind used to make money I think first time as a billionaire congrats garnu chaina sabka sab ris garcha ba.
- Dravin Shrestha Actually this guy should be behind the bar for tax evasion, bribery, scam and fraud. Corrupt indian bastard....
- Laxmi Tamang No evidence to prove that Dravin Shrestha bro. And don't be jealous in what he did. Ke Garnu ta KTM bhasi as PN Shah said Masti ma baschan so they don't do anything at least he had done something we've to appreciated his brain.
- Laxmi Tamang Do you've any evidence to prove your claimed as a criminal to him. If not then just be tolerable to his deeds, name and fame. Jealously is no good ke bro. He is a Nepali as a citizenship holder so you can't say he is not my brother being a Nepali anyway.
- Dravin Shrestha No evidence!? Really? What about the news about a fradulent VAT scam some couple of years ago. And redirected all his black money to Singapore to make it white through investment in shares and various other businesses. Read this please. -
- Laxmi Tamang Media is not 100% correct and they usually defame people to earn and blackmail from rich like him or elites or politicians. I've no idea to prove him any guilty just by hearing the news and views hai. If he would have been the criminal then government of Nepal and people of Nepal would punished him anyway
- Laxmi Tamang via Shaterist Nepalese ji
विनोदका बाजे भुरामल चौधरी राजस्थानका मारवाडी थिए। सन् १८७० मा उनी नेपाल पसेका थिए। न्युरोडमा उनले कपडा पसल खोलेका थिए र दरबारमा सामान आपूर्ति गर्न थालेका थिए। उनका एक्ला छोरा लुनकरण दास चौधरीले अरुण इम्पोरियम नामको नेपालको पहिलो डिपार्टमेन्ट स्टोर खोलेका थिए।
चौधरी भ्याट छली कान्डमा सबैभन्दा बढी विवादमा परेका थिए। विनोद चौधरी स्वामित्वको वाइवाइ उत्पादक कम्पनी सिजी फुडले १० करोड रुपैयाँको नक्कली भ्याट बिल बनाएर राजस्व छलेको खुलासा भएको थियो। चौधरी ग्रुप अरु विभिन्न विवादमा पनि मुछिने गरेको छ। सात वर्षअघि नेपालका ४४ ओटा मानवअधिकारवादी संस्थाको साझा सञ्जाल मानवअधिकार सन्धि अनुगमन समन्वय समितिको स्थलगत अध्ययन टोलीको अनुसन्धानले चौधरी ग्रुपले एक व्यक्तिलाई ५७ दिनसम्म निजी हिरासतमा राखेको प्रतिवेदन दिएको थियो।
२ करोड ६६ लाख जनसंख्या रहेको देशमा विनोद ‘करोडौँमा एक’ बन्न सफल भएका छन्। भ्याट कान्डले धमिलिएको छविलाई के अब उनले ‘एथिकल बिजनेस’ गर्दै आउँदो पुस्तालाई उदाहरण बन्ने काम गर्लान् ? कि एनी हाउ, पैसा कमाउ कै रणनीति कायम राखी धन् झन् झन् थुपार्दै जान्छन् ? हेर्न बाँकी छ। विश्वले गरिब देशका रुपमा चिन्ने नेपालमा पनि आखिरमा एक अर्बपति त छन् नि भन्न चैँ पाइयो जे होस् ! - Dravin Shrestha The resignation of then finance secretary Khanal amid VAT bills scam is an ample proof that people like Khanal and Bhagwan koirala get no support from the government. The political donation would not go into the netas pocket if this billionaire gets cranky.
- Laxmi Tamang But now Former finance Secretary Mr Khanal is PM advisor I suppose he can take action if he wishes since Mr. Binod Chaudhari is not affiliated with Maobadi ni bro. He is affiliated with Emale!
- Dravin Shrestha Business ethics? Isn't it too far for you guys? Wait a minute! What does your ethics say? Your ethics says no matter what he did and what he does, that will not bother you because he has posed for forbes magazine and Nepal has at least produce one billionaire. What a shame!
- Laxmi Tamang Nepal ma jasko shakti, bhakti ra MONEY cha can do anythings, whatever we want. That's the beauty of Nepal being a holy nation, all punish are forgiveable. We are very good in moral and kindness in our heart!
- Laxmi Tamang Nepal ma jasko shakti, bhakti ra MONEY cha can do anythings, whatever we want. That's the beauty of Nepal being a holy nation, all punish are forgiveable. We've very good in moral and kindness in our heart! Ke Garnu FB ma hollering garera hunna kiyare. We can't do anythings! We are hopeless!
- Kalyan Bhattarai I will congratulate only if you have paid all the VAT dues and you/your all companies are not in the list of VAT evaders -so help me to publish the list of VAT evaders as ex parliamentarian.
- Laxmi Tamang For the first time, a Nepali businessman has made it to the Forbes’ billionaire list. The New York-based Forbes magazine has placed Chaudhary Group (CG) President Binod Chaudhary in the 1,342nd position in ‘The 2013 Billionaires List.’
According to Fo...See More - Laxmi Tamang Spd Pun bro, Laxmi Tamang is a stupid, assholes, foolish, dumb, etc sabainai ho ni didn't you know that.
- Today, I questioned to my friends network posing question "
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