Sunday 28 October 2012

Always wonder WHY we human beings want to have a captive mindset?

Though we are born as a human beings BUT majority of us don't have human nature in our perspective and don't have humanistic characteristic. To be a real and true human beings and show our humanist view and character we should be able to keep our mind open and free from ancient cleaver man-made GODs and Religions. Only then we can listen, understand and accept each others feelings, situations and problems so that we can establish just society. Otherwise, our religious Dogmatic thinking blocked our thoughts, don't allow to view beautiful world respecting everyone culture, value, traditions, religion, etc and always think MY WAY IS HIGH (My is good everything and yours is bad).

We talk about a lot about Basic Human Needs as theorized by Abraham Maslow, described his hierarchy of needs in 'A Theory of Human Motivation' BUT we carry Religious Dogmatic thinking about other things and human actions. 

Here are Major Thinkers in Humanistic Approach of life and perspective [1,2]:

1. Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a theory of self-actualization.

2. Carl Rogers, an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology.

3. Rollo May, an American existential psychologist.

4. Erich Fromm, a German social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist.

5. Carl Sagan, an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer, and science communicator in astronomy and natural sciences.

6. Corliss Lamont, a socialist philosopher, and advocate of various left-wing and civil liberties causes.

A humanist is one who value of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally place more importance on rational thought rather than on strict faith, supernatural or authorities. Humanism is an ethical perspective and a rationalistic system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters that emphasises human dignity, concerns, and capabilities, especially rationality. 

Humanism is a body of philosophies and ethical perspectives that emphasize the value of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally place more importance on rational thought than on strict faith.

Steps to become a Humanistic [1,2,3]:
1. Seek knowledge. Most humanists such as Corliss Lamont or Carl Sagan agree that humanity must seek the truth through reasoning and use of the scientific method to test hypotheses.

2. Deal with the practical aspects of life, and do not entertain metaphysical issues. For example, the existence or nonexistence of immortal beings is outside the realm of humanism, which concerns itself with mortal human only.

3. Be optimistic. A humanist believes that through hard work, humans can do good and make life better for others.

4. Love others, and show outgoing concern for humanity. Focus on the present, not the past or the future. Aim to do good and live well now, and leave the world a better place for posterity. The welfare of humanity is the primary concern for a humanist.

5. Be a free thinker. Because humans are the focus of humanism, a humanist will strive to determine right and wrong for himself. Avoid undue influence from others, superstitions, and prejudices.

6. Work out your happiness. For a humanist, happiness is achieved by doing good and living well ("Nicomachean Ethics", (1095a15-22) by Aristotle) Do good unto others, as you would have others do unto you.

Predecessors [3]: 

Human-centered philosophy that rejected the supernatural can be found as early as 1000 BCE in the Lokayata system of Indian philosophy.

In the 6th-century BCE, Gautama Buddha expressed, in Pali literature, a skeptical attitude toward the supernatural:
"Since neither soul nor aught belonging to soul can really and truly exist, the view which holds that this I who am 'world', who am 'soul', shall hereafter live permanent, persisting, unchanging, yea abide eternally: is not this utterly and entirely a foolish doctrine?"

In China, Huangdi is regarded as the humanistic primogenitor. Sage kings such as Yao and Shun are humanistic figures as recorded. King Wu of Zhou has the famous saying: "Humanity is the Ling (efficacious essence) of the world (among all)". Among them, Duke of Zhou, respected as an initial founder of Rujia (Confucianism), is especially prominent and pioneering in humanistic thought. His words were recorded in the Book of History as follows (translated into English):
"What the people desire, Heaven certainly complies?
Heaven (or "God") is not believable. Our Tao (special term referring to "the way of nature") includes morality (derived from the philosophy of former sage kings and to be continued forward)."

In the 6th century BCE, Taoist teacher Laozi espoused a naturalistic & humanistic philosophy which gave rise a loose-knit collection of movements known as "Daoism" with some sects adopting forms of Chinese "Yoga" & meditation, yet some other sects incorporating magical rites.

Confucius also taught secular ethics. The silver rule of Confucianism from Analects XV.24, is an example of ethical philosophy based on human values rather than the supernatural. Humanistic thought is also contained in other Confucian classics, e.g., as recorded in Zuo Zhuan, Ji Liang says: "People is the zhu (master, lord, dominance, owner or origin) of gods. So, to sage kings, people first, gods second"; Neishi Guo says: "Gods, clever, righteous and wholehearted, comply with human. 

Ancient Greece

1. Humanism from 
2. Humanistic Psychology from
3. Humanism from

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