Thursday 28 February 2013

STOP saying Bahunbad: Talk about Manubad!!

If we Nepalese believe in Peace, harmony, justice and unity then we've to learn to understand and use correct terms without hurting anybody based on the evidences rather than just an indvidual opionion. 

From the very early in 2011 when I came across the term "Bahunbad" used by many Janajati (indigenous) brothers I was always skeptical and tried to get its true meaning and also identify who coined this term and WHY. Came to know that Late respected Ganesh Man Singh had coined the term and popularized by Prof. Dor Bahadur Bista. Since then both Bahun as well non-bahun (Janajati, Khas Chhetri and dalit) scholars and people have been using it.
However, I still think and consider it is not the right way to promote this term since it hurts to good, honest and poor Bahun brothers and sisters who haven't done any Bahunbadi activities. They also love to see establishing Justice, Peace, Equality, Prosperity, Freedom and Equal opportunities for every Nepalese people to establish just society where everyone is happy and remain in peace in mind.

Therefore, I think the right term we've to learn to use without hurting any good people of the same community. In this regard, I strongly propose to use the term "Manubad or Manubadi" instead of "Bahunbad" "Brahmanbad" or "Bahunbadi" since whatever happening or doing in our society are as per the Law of Manu "Manusmriti" that had incorporated in our early national Code of Conduct "Manab Nyaya Shastra" and later carried on by Janga Bahadur Rana formulating "Muluki Ain" in 1854 based on the "Manab Nyaya Shastra". Therefore, our society and our country Law is still on the path of Manusmriti and Manubadi mentality that's WHY we still have entrenched caste and gender based discrimination in our society.

The Manusmriti Nepali translator intellectual Mr. Tilak Prasad Luital in the book titled "Manusmriti ma Sudra ra Shthri" authored by Chitra Psd. Panta, Gopi Sapkota and Gita Subedi said "Manusmriti Prachin Samajko Bidhi Bidhan Nirman ra Lagu garne Garntha ho. Aaja Pani Hamra Samajik Byewar Teska Niyamharu Sakriya Raheka Chan."

 Besides, I was suggested last year to go through "Manab Nyaya Shastra" by a lawyer, Mr. Adhikari to whom I met in one of the book shops in Bhota Hiti, Kathmandu. Here is the evidence of it.

"The Manab Nyaya Shastra is the first codified law of Nepal. It was written during the Malla Dynasty, which is known to be the 5th dynasty of Nepal. It was written by King Jayasthiti Malla in the 14th century along with the help of five learned persons; Kirtinath Upadhyaya Kanyakubja, Raghunath Jha Maithili, Srinath Bhatta, Mahinath Bhatta, and Ramanath Jha. The Manab Nyaya Shastra was consequently written after the study of Manu Smriti, Yagyawalkya Smriti, Mitachhyara Tika, Brihaspati Smriti, Narad Smriti and other holy texts. It was written concentrating on the practices that prevailed in the society then. The Manab Nyaya Shastra has introduced many legal provisions regarding houses, lands, castes, dead bodies etc. It was the major source of rendering justice during the medieval period. Much influence of religion can be found in the laws then."
Source: Khanal Rewatiraman,Nepal ko Kanuni Itihash ko Ruprekha

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