Monday, 19 December 2011

Inspirational Videos and Quotes

  1. Video titled "One of the best inspirational videos ever-Susan Boyle-Britains Got Talent 2009" illustrates that Never every underestimate and laugh on others. Link  
  2. "The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes"  She addressed a UN Meeting on issue of environment at
  3. Positive Quotes video at
  4. Positive & Inspirational Quotes by Melanie Moushigian with great pictures and peaceful music. Enjoy! at
  5. Everything Happens For a Reason at
  6. The Gandhi Rap - be the change you want to see 
  7. Life without Limbs with Life without Limits from Nick Vujicic, No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!
  8. Nick Vujicic-If You Can't Get A Miracle, Become One -- Nick Vujicic - Truth To Go at
  10. Laws of Attraction and Cosmic Forces
    11. 13 mins video by Brain Tracy, expert of Success coached 1000 of great achievers in US at
   -  Having a goal or goals is crucial to you success in life. Weather it's making money or having a dream. Any 
      can achieve there goals if they really work at it and give 100%. Brian Tracy has been a student of success 
      for more than 40 years and he's studied and coached thousands of super achievers. His analysis suggests  
      that success is totally predictable and his reasoning is simple and spot on in this video on achieving goals.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Inside Each of Us are Two Wolves! Which Wolf Do You Feed The Most?

The Political Ethics of Chanakya Pandit by Miles Davis

  • Chanakya Niti
    Sri Chanakya Niti-Sastra
    The Political Ethics of Chanakya Pandit
    Compiled by Miles Davis (Patita Pavana dasa)

    Chapter One

    1. Humbly bowing down before the almighty Lord Sri Vishnu, the Lord of the three worlds, I recite maxims of the science of political ethics (niti) selected from the various satras (scriptures

    2. That man who by the study of these maxims from the satras acquires a knowledge of the most celebrated principles of duty, and understands what ought and what ought not to be followed, and what is good and what is bad, is most excellent.

    3. Therefore with an eye to the public good, I shall speak that which, when understood, will lead to an understanding of things in their proper perspective.

    4. Even a pandit comes to grief by giving instruction to a foolish disciple, by maintaining a wicked wife, and by excessive familiarity with the miserable.

    5. A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant and living in a house with a serpent in it are nothing but death.

    6. One should save his money against hard times, save his wife at the sacrifice of his riches, but invariably one should save his soul even at the sacrifice of his wife and riches.

    7. Save your wealth against future calamity. Do not say, "What fear has a rich man, of calamity?" When riches begin to forsake one even the accumulated stock dwindles away.

    8. Do not inhabit a country where you are not respected, cannot earn your livelihood, have no friends, or cannot acquire knowledge.

    9. Do not stay for a single day where there are not these five persons: a wealthy man, a brahmin well versed in Vedic lore, a king, a river and a physician

    10. Wise men should never go into a country where there are no means of earning one's livelihood, where the people have no dread of anybody, have no sense of shame, no intelligence, or a charitable disposition.

    11. Test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortun.

    12. He is a true friend who does not forsake us in time of need, misfortune, famine, or war, in a king's court, or at the crematorium (smasana).

    13. He who gives up what is imperishable for that which is perishable, loses that which is imperishable; and doubtlessly loses that which is perishable also.

    14. A wise man should marry a virgin of a respectable family even if she is deformed. He should not marry one of a low-class family, through beauty. Marriage in a family of equal status is preferable.

    15. Do not put your trust in rivers, men who carry weapons, beasts with claws or horns, women, and members of a royal family

    16. Even from poison extract nectar, wash and take back gold if it has fallen in filth, receive the highest knowledge (Krsna consciousness) from a low born person; so also a girl possessing virtuous qualities (stri-ratna) even if she were born in a disreputable family.

    17. Women have hunger two-fold, shyness four-fold, daring six-fold, and lust eight-fold as compared to men.

Monsanto-Discussion with the US Ambassador Scott DeLsi

 I wrote in 9 December 2011 in response to the US Ambassador to Nepal, Scott H. DeLisi facebook post dated 2 Dec on the Monsanto titled "Setting the record straight on hybrid seeds" at
Your Excellency,
Namaste! We, Nepalese people are very grateful to you for your outstanding cooperation, friendliness, being very supportive towards our youth and people and making us and our people (leaders, politicians, political parties' cadres) aware about the democratic norms and rules to be followed.
I know it is not wise to post on other people's wall and especially yours being an ambassador of US I shouldn't dare to do so. However, I'm worried about our tiny beautiful country nature, farmers and people so I dare to post below on your wall. Apology for that!
Your Excellency, it would be highly appreciable if you could support in one more thing by considering deeply from your mind, body and spirit WHY we, Nepalese who loves our Nature and Farmers DON'T want MONSANTO in Nepal. Would highly appreciate if you could thoughtfully think, feel and act and understand this and don't force our government for the vested interest of US company. Please! Please! Please! I beg you! Thank you for your kind cooperation and consideration!
Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 | Natural Society
Biotech giant Monsanto has been declared the Worst Company of 2011 by NaturalSociety for threatening both human health and the environment. The leader in genetically modified seeds and crops, Monsanto is currently responsible for 90 percent of the genetically engineered seed on the United States market. Outside of GM seeds, Monsanto is also the creator of the best-selling herbicide Roundup, which has spawned over 120 million hectacres of herbicide-resistant superweeds while damaging much of the soil. Despite hard evidence warning against the amplified usage of genetically modified crops, biopesticides, and herbicides, Monsanto continues to disregard all warning signs.
In a powerful review of 19 studies analysing the dangers of GMO crops such as corn and soybeans, researchers revealed some shocking information regarding the safety of these popular food staples. Researchers found that consumption of GMO corn or soybeans may lead to significant organ disruptions in rats and mice – particularly in the liver and kidneys. This is particularly concerning due to the fact that 93 percent of U.S. soybeans are known to be genetically modified. Ignoring this evidence, Monsanto continues to expand their genetic manipulation.
Monsanto’s Genetic Manipulation of Nature
Outside of genetically modifying crops, Monsanto has also created genetically modified crops containing Bt. Bt is a toxin incorporated in GMO crops that are intended to kill different insects, however Bt usage has subsequently spawned insect populations which are resistant to the biopesticide. After being exposed to Bt, many insect populations actually mutated to resist the biopesticide. So far at least 8 insect populations have developed resistance, with 2 populations resistant to Bt sprays and at least 6 species resistant to Bt crops as a whole. Farmers are therefore forced to use even more pesticides to combat the resistant bugs.
What is the answer to this problem, according to Monsanto? To further genetically modify the Bt crop to make it a super-pesticide, killing the resistant insects.
Tests, however, have concluded that further modified Bt toxin crop provided ‘little or no advantage’ in tackling the insects, despite extensive time and funding put into the research. It seems that Monsanto’s solution to everything is to further modify it into oblivion, even in the face of evidence proving this method to be highly inefficient. The research shows that this will undoubtedly lead to insects that are resistant to the most potent forms of Bt and other modified toxins, resulting in the use of even more excessive amounts of pesticides in order to combat pests.
Then the student of environmental science from TU, Sundar Layalu writes like this on the wall of US Ambassador then I don't have anything to say. "Nepal urgently needs a solution to address the problem of Food Insecurity and related hunger and, in my opinion Monsanto , however, with several evil consequences is a short term solution, no matter the research finding, declaration or any other premises and arguments. I am not speaking on behalf of any faction but still supports monsanto involvement in nepalese agriculture sector. I would like to ask the protestors , agitating from the face book, have you ever tried (even thought) about people suffering with hunger in Karnali and Khotang? Yes , there are challenges of welcoming monsanto but not serious challenge then hunger and related conflict. And more, the nature of science is always evolving, with several errors."
Then again on the same day I posted on the wall of US Ambassor to response Sundar Layalu: Sundar ji, I'm a public health professional and nature lover I'm not protesting but just worry about its consequences that will bring to us and our country. But you as an environmental science student favour of Monsanto then I don't have anything to say. If US government and You can guaranteed that there will be no starvation, health problems and illnesses like Cancer-obesity, diabetes, environment/nature/soil will not be degradable and our famers will not suffer and no food insecurity then I wouldn't advocate against it. Please GUARANTEED these this then let's welcome MANSANTO. It might be worth watching this video "A great documentary exposing the evil agricultural nightmare called Monsanto and the story of Roundup and Roundup Ready Soybeans. A 2004 documentary film which makes an in-depth investigation into unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly made their way onto grocery stores in the United States for the past decade. It voices the opinions of farmers in disagreement with the food industry and details the impacts on their lives and livelihoods from this new technology, and shines a light on the market and political forces that are changing what we eat. The film decries the cost of a globalized food industry on human lives around the world, and highlights how international companies are gradually driving farmers off the land in many countries. Potential global dependence of the human race on a limited number of global food corporations is discussed, as is the increased risk of ecological disasters -- such as the Irish Potato Famine (1845--1849) -- resulting from the reduction of biological diversity due to the promotion of corporate sponsored monoculture farming. The issue of incorporating a terminator gene into plant seeds is questioned, with concern being expressed about the potential for a widespread catastrophe affecting the food supply, should such a gene contaminate other plants in the wild. Legal stories reported by the film related how a number of farmers in North America have been sued by Monsanto; and the defendant of the Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser case is interviewed"
Couldn't stop myself then again I posted: Sundar ji as far as I know in Nepal even in the Karnali region and Khotang our people are not dying because of hunger like in Somalia and other African region. With little technological improvement in our agriculture system food production can be significiantly increased in Nepal. Hunta you are right there is one saying in Nepal "Heeree ra marnu bhanda chheeree ra marnu janti" if people in Karnali region and Khotang are dying because of hunger if you think then it is better to bring Monsanto in Nepal. It is good for us, health professionals because we'll get more job and research opportunities for people with cancer, diabetes and other health related problems.
Mr. DeLisi response to me: "Laxmi Tamang I appreciate your comments and read through them. I don't mind in the least that you disagree with me on the issues related to hybrid seed etc. Unfortunately, your posting did not permit me to comment, however, or otherwise respond even though it was posted on my page, thus it was removed. My point remains, however, that I am not the one you need to debate these issues with -- I am not an expert on these issues and do not claim to be. More to the point, however, the discussion of Nepal's agricultural future needs to be shared by and between Nepalis who must determine the nation's course. Your points should be part of that discussion."

Then again I responded to him in this way:
Thank you very much your Excellency for your kind response to my posting about Monsanto. Apologise for your inconvenience it was my misunderstanding because as per your last comments concerning welcoming Nepalese views I posted it. I didn't realise that it was inappropriate but anyway appreciated for your concern. Now any how Monsanto is going to introduce in Nepal. Appreciated for imposing Monsanto in Nepal. It means that our people will not die due to hunger, starvation and food shortage which is happening now in our country. It also means that there will be more food production in Nepal so that we can sell to our two gigantic neighbouring countries so that we can be economically sound and also more employment will be created. In the past our farmers in the eastern region and western region already became the victim of hybrid seeds of corns and rice hopefully, it will not happen again. Also, hopefully, they don't have to commit suicide because of Monsanto and hybrid seeds in the near future. Once again thank you so much for your great worry about the food insecurity of Nepali people and thoughtful action towards it.

Then he responded my comment like this: “Keep posting, Laxmi. I DO welcome posts on my wall but sometimes I also have to limit a few. I think that the issues not just Monsanto and I also believe there are many misinformed comments on the subject. That is not the conversation I want to have ominate this page.”

Friday, 2 December 2011

How to Choose a Journal for your Scientific Publication?

Obtained from Science for All

Resources for Scientists and Science Lovers

How to Choose a Journal for your Scientific Publication?

Each journal has a set of guidelines that you will need to follow strictly before submitting your manuscript. Usually, you will find these guidelines on the Journal’s homepage under the Instructions to Authors section. You can choose the journal where you will submit your article before you start writing it and I encourage you to do so. However, most of the time, authors find it more convenient to start writing while they think about it. There are many ways to choose a journal and this is a really important decision that you shouldn’t take slightly. I recommend you to evaluate in order:

The scope. You will usually find information on the field of expertise of each journal on their homepage or in a specific rubric. Depending on the journal, the scope can be really vast or on the opposite really narrow. The larger the scope, the more difficult it is to publish an article usually, considering the number of submissions you would have to compete with. The chances are less people are working on the exact same specific field as you, so if you find a journal that specializes in it, you might have a better chance to publish your article. The country of issue of the journal can also be an important factor to consider. Why not try a journal in your own language for example?

The impact factor. This is the most widely used criterion to estimate the value of a journal and even of a scientist. The impact factor is based on the number of times a journal or article is referred to in other publications, and gives an authority index. All impact factors are indexed every year in the Thomson’s Reuter’s Journal Citation Reports and in the ISI Web of Knowledge. They can depend highly on the discipline but in any case a higher number means a more important contribution.

The last articles published and the guidelines. A good indication to what article could be accepted in a specific journal would be the publications of the last issues. Indeed, trying to publish an article on the genetics of a neurological disease in a journal of neurology that never published any genetic studies might not be a very smart decision. Thankfully, the editor who receives your paper is the one who decides if the article is suitable for the journal and if not, will send it back to you within a week. On another hand, if the journal you are interested in just published a study very similar to yours, you might want to try another journal. Check also the guidelines. Some journals are more stringent than others and if you are having trouble formatting your article, you might want to consider another journal.

The turnaround and publication speed. It is almost impossible to predict how long it will take for you to receive an answer from the editor and the reviewers, since those be different for each paper. However, the usual turnaround time varies between 1 week and 6 months. An option is to ask colleagues who published in the same journal to have an idea of how long they waited. Concerning the publication speed, you can find it on most articles, usually on the first page, where the journal will publish an article history wit the dates of reception, acceptance and final publication. If you want to publish your results as soon as possible, you might want to try a short or special report instead.

Past experience and editor. After all, who knows better than yourself where to send the article? Think carefully about your article and estimate its level of importance. Keep in mind the other articles you read on the same subject and where they were published. Remember the other articles you published and where you had the most pleasant experience. You can also investigate the editor’s identity; it’s a good indication on the authority of the journal.

Finally, considering the rush you have and the importance of your paper, one option is to try the highest journal you’d like and if it gets rejected, to send it a lower authority journal until it is finally accepted for publication.