Sunday 28 October 2012

The Rule of Dharma and Being a Dharmic in Hinduism

We, Nepalese and some Indian seem Dharmic/religious because they put red tika on their forehead, worship god/goddess every day at home or temples, and they often visit temples. HOWEVER , they hardly follow the RULE OF DHARMA! We do more show off kind of things rather than accept, internalize, realize and practice the rule of Dharma in our life. To be very frank we are mostly cheater in somehow because what we do and say for show off in reality we don't exhibit in our attitude and behaviour. 

What Makes You Dharmic?

Anything that helps human being to reach god is dharma and anything that hinders human being from reaching god is adharma. According to the Bhagavat Purana, righteous living or life on a dharmic path has four aspects: austerity (tap), purity (shauch), compassion (daya) and truthfulness (satya); and adharmic or unrighteous life has three vices: pride (ahankar), contact (sangh), and intoxication (madya). The essence of dharma lies in possessing a certain ability, power and spiritual strength. The strength of being dharmic also lies in the unique combination of spiritual brilliance and physical prowess.

The 10 Rules of Dharma".

According to the Law of Manu "Manusmriti" written by an ancient Indian Brahmin priest named "Manu", prescribes 10 essential rules for the observance of dharma:
1. Patience (dhriti),
2. Forgiveness (kshama),
3. Piety or self control (dama),
4. Honesty (asteya),
5. Sanctity (shauch),
6. Control of senses (indraiya-nigrah),
7. Reason (dhi),
8. Knowledge or learning (vidya),
9. Truthfulness (satya) and
10. Bbsence of anger (krodha).

Manu further writes, "Non-violence, truth, non-coveting, purity of body and mind, control of senses are the essence of dharma". Therefore dharmic laws govern not only the individual but all in society."


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