Monday 26 August 2013

Stop playing Blame Game: Start asking question to yourself!!

If you wish to Grow and Develop then STOP playing Blame Game!!

START asking question and reflecting in yourself to identify own weaknesses and strive to improve it accordingly.

We, so-called Janajati (indigenous community) and Dalit (untouchable caste) mostly love to blame Indian sage manu made upper castes, Bahun/Chhetri for our community marginalized and disadvantaged situation.

But we don't look at self and analyze how irrational and idiot we are in our own actions and thoughts in making own community backward and deprived.

In fact, we so-called janajati and dalit deserve to be suffered from our own actions and thoughts and we are deprived and marginalized because of our own actions and thoughts.

Before choosing to blame or fire to any person or just live with it, ask yourself these questions (as said by Martin Klopper and Ferdinand F. Fournies, former professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and author of Coaching For Improved Work Performance, for these questions):

1. Do I provide sufficient encouragement and help to build the confidence of my community members to step out and give it a try?

2. Do I sufficiently trust my community members to allow them the freedom to make a mistake? How do I help them to learn from the mistake(s) they have made?

3.If the thoughts, ideas, knowledge and skills of the person do not match the expectations of what is being required of them and mistakes are being made do I provide necessary training/coaching/mentoring?

4. Have expectations been clearly communicated, understood and agreed? This is the #1 reason community or team members/employees do not do what they are supposed to do, according to 25,000 managers from all over the world. Community or Team members/Employees do not know what they are supposed to do.

5. Have I followed through to see whether they have done the tasks/activities? This is the second most common reason for lack of performance.

6. Do they have sufficient resources to do the tasks/activities?

7. What are the consequences to the community members/employee if they don’t do the job?

8. If there is a motivational issue then possible corrective action needs to be taken – but first, what is the real issue? Can we move them to a new position, or do we need to let them go?

By focusing on what you as a community leader/ manager can do about poor performance, you have many more choices to help your community members/ employee, your community, organizations, and yourself.

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