Thursday, 7 November 2013

मनुस्मृतिको प्रभाव नेपाली समाज र राज्य व्यवस्थापनमा |

कस्तो अचम्म मानिस हरु पनि यो संसारमा आज बिहानै फेसबुकमा बिनोद प्रसाद न्यौपाने भाईले यो मनुस्मृतिको श्लोक पोस्ट गरेको रहेछ |
 त्यसैले  मनुस्मृतिको बारेमा केहि जानकारी भएको केहि भन्न मन लग्यो |
प्राचिन इन्डियाको मनु महाराजा ब्राह्मण ऋषिद्वारा लिखित सामाजिक नीति नियम मनुस्मृति पददा बुझ्दा कि चाही उहा स्वयं भ्रस्ट सोच विचारको भाईरस दिमागमा पसेको र बसेको बेलामा लेखेको हुनु पर्छ कि चाही उहाको अनुयायीहरुले उहाको लेख तोडमोड गरेको हुनु प...र्छ | किन कि उहाको लेख मनुस्मृति पददा सामान्य मानिस जसको टाउको भित्र गिद्धि छ सजिलैसंग अनुमान लगाउन सक्छन कि त्यो सामान्य असल सोच विचार भएको मानवले लेखेको होइन भनेर |

उहाको लेख पढेपछि सजिलै अनुमान लगाउन सक्छ कि विगत हजारौ वर्षदेखि नेपाल र इन्डियामा भएको जातीय र लिङ्ग विभेद उहाको लेखबाट निर्देशित र संचालित छ भन्ने कुरा | एक दुईवटा उहाको लेखबाट श्लोक उल्लेख /प्रस्तुत गरेर तर्क गर्नु भनेको आफैमा एक हास्यास्पद कु-तर्क हो भन्ने लाग्छ | किन कि उहाको लेख पददा एकदम विवास्पद र हास्यास्पद छ | कतै के भनेको कति के भनेको छ आफैमा बाजिने कुरा र कु र मनगन्ते तर्कहरु छ |

यो २१ औ सब्तादी सूचना र संचारको बैज्ञानिक युगमा मानव र समाज विकासको लागि कुनै पनि काल्पनिक र तथहिन कुरा, सोच, विचार र ज्ञानको कुनै मान्यता रहदैन यदी हामी सबै मानव र जगतको भलो चाहन्छौ भने |

राम प्रसाद ज्ञवाली, साहित्यकार तथा समालोचक, "मनुस्मृतिमा शुद्र र स्त्री-२०६५" भन्ने पुस्तकमा लेख्नु हुन्छ:

"मनुस्मृतिमा हिन्दु धर्मावलम्बीहरुको चर्चित दार्सनिक ग्रन्थ हो | जीवन र जगत तथा हिन्दु धर्म सस्कृति र जीवन पद्धति का बारेमा धारणा प्रस्तुति गर्ने यो ग्रन्थ वर्णाश्रम धर्म सम्बन्धि हिन्दु सामंताबाद्को प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने शास्त्र पनि हो | मानिसमानिस बिचमा जातिभेद, वर्णाभेद, लिङ्गभेद, छुवाछुत लगायतका भेदभाव र वैमनस्य बढाउनमा यस ग्रन्थको ठूलो भूमिका रहेको छ |

हिन्दु समाज आपसमा विभाजित समाज हो | यस समाजमा शुद्र र स्त्रीहरु अचाक्ली हेपिएका छन् | यिनीहरु माथि तथाकथित कुलीन जात, वर्ग र पुरुषस्ताको चरम अत्याचर रहेको छ | यिनीहरुलाई उच्च जात र सत्ताधारी पुरुष वर्गले पसुवत व्यहार गर्ने गरको छ | धर्मको नाममा, भाग्यबादको आडमा र अन्ध संस्कृति को पासोमा परेर यिनीहरुलाई हुनसम्म सताईएको छ | यिनीहरु छोइछिटो, दासतवको विभिन्न घातक प्रहारका सिकार भएका छन् | ससाना निहुमा यिनिहरुमाथी समाजमा तिरस्कार, बहिस्कारदेखी प्रताडना र हत्या सम्मको अत्याचार गरिछ | यसो हुनुमा हिन्दु धर्म शास्त्र मनुस्मृतिको ठूलो भूमिका रहेको छ |

धर्म सस्कृति एव जीवन दर्सनका बारेमा जिज्ञासा राख्ने पाठकहरुका निम्ति फेरि एउटा काम लाग्दॊ ग्रन्थ आएको छ -"मनुस्मृतिमा शुद्र र स्त्री" |"

त्यसै गरि तिलक प्रशाद लुइँटेल, मनुस्मृतिका नेपाली अनुबाद्क विद्वान, "मनुस्मृतिमा शुद्र र स्त्री-२०६५" भन्ने पुस्तकमा लेख्नु हुन्छ:

"मनुस्मृति प्राचिन समाजको बिधीविधन निर्माण र लागु गर्ने ग्रन्थ हो |. आज पनि हाम्रा सामाजिक व्यहारमा त्यसका नियमहरु सक्रिय रहेका छन् | विविध कारणले समाजका मूल्यमान्यता परिबर्तन हुन्छन | आज मनुस्मृतिमा उल्लेख भएका नियम उहिलेकै जस्तो रुपमा समाजले धान्न सकिरहेको छैन, यो परिवर्तनको प्रमाण हो | परिवर्तित समाजले पार गरेका आरोहअवरोह व्याग्मयमै हेर्न सकिनछ | समयको विभिन्न चरणमा समाजले पार गरेका सामाजिक व्यहारतर्फ फर्केर हेर्नुले प्रगतिमा बाधा हाल्दैन र सुधारको मार्ग खुलाउछ, तर त्यसमा पूवाग्रह राख्नु भने किमार्थ हुदैन | कुनै पनि संघसंस्था थालानिमै सुव्यवस्थित हुदैन | समाज पनि त्यस्तै हो | त्यसमा समयानुकुल परिवर्तन ल्याएर सारवकालिक न्याय र संगति खोजि गर्ने दायित्व मानिसको हो | त्यस काम यस्तै उत्साही जनमानसको योगदान हुन्छ | यसलाई युगको माग प्रति सचेत भएको भन्न सकिन्छ | जातीय र लैगिग़ आधारमा मनुस्मृतिले धेरै विकृति र अन्यायको पक्ष लिएको छ भन्ने आजका विद्वानहरुको तर्क छ र व्यावहारिक बनेर हेर्दा त्यसलाई स्विकार्नु पनि पर्दछ | यो नै समयको माग हो |"

डा. कृष्ण बहादुर राना मगर, जियोटेक्निकल इन्जिनियर, "मनुस्मृतिमा शुद्र र स्त्री-२०६५" भन्ने पुस्तकमा लेख्नु हुन्छ:

“हाम्रा प्राचिन कालका आदरणीय ऋषिमुनिहरू महान एवं उदार हृदयका थिए | उनीहरुले जातिपाती, छुवाछुत र नारी पुरुषमा कहिल्यै भेदभाव गरेनन | त्यो युग अवश्य पनि अतिशय उदार हुनु पर्छ | त्यतिखेर स्वभाव र पेशा अलग भए पनि कसैलाई अशुद्ध मनिन्दैन्थ्यो | मध्ययुगतिर आएर ऋषिमुनिहरुका महान सोच र विचारहरु ओझेलमा परे | सामन्ती विचारधाराका व्यक्तिहरुको उदय भयो | ऋषिमुनिका पुस्तकहरुलाई तोडमोड गर्दै तत्कालिन पण्डित, पुरोहितहरुले आफ्नो स्वार्थ अनुकुलको कर्मकाण्ड रच्न थाले | जातिपाती, छुवाछुत र नारी-पुरुष बीच अति ठूलो भेदभाव हुन् थाल्यो | मनुस्मृति यसै बेलाको चरम सामाजिक अवस्थाको विश्लेषण हो | मनुमहाराज ब्राह्मण थिए | मनुस्मृतिमा उनले ब्राह्मण मुखबाट जन्मेको, पृथ्वीमा सबै भन्दा श्रेष्ठ, सबैको मालिक र संसारमा जति सम्पति छन् ती सबै ब्राह्मणकै हुन् भनेका छन् | शुद्र र नारीलाई मानवको स्तरमा राखेकै छैनन | उनीहरुप्रति मनुको अत्याचार, शोषण, दमन, थिचोमिचो र हेपाहा प्रवृतिको कुनै सिमा छैन |

मनुले शुद्रलाई खुट्टाबाट उत्पन्न भएको, छुन नहुने र गुदीबिनाको अन्न, जुठो खाने कुरो, थोत्रो लुगा, भाँडाको रुपमा फुटेका खबटा दिनु पर्छ भनेका छन् | शुद्रलाई वेद पद्न रोक लगाइएको छ भने मदिरा पिउने स्वीकृति छ | यज्ञ गर्न अधिकार छैन | तर शुद्रसंग भएको सम्पति यज्ञका लागि लुटेर र चोरेर ल्याउन हुन्छ भनेका छन् | शुद्रले ब्राह्मण कन्यासंग मैथुन गरेमा सुकेका पातपतिङ्गरले आगो दन्काएर जिउदै डदाउनु पर्ने, ब्राह्मणलाई कटु वचन बोलेमा प्राणदण्ड दिनु पर्ने, राजा र ब्राह्मणप्रति घमण्ड गरेर थुकेमा दुवै ओठ, लिङ्ग र मल्द्वार काट्नु पर्ने आफन्त स्वर्गीय हुदा जुठो बार्न भने तीन गुना (३० दिन) हुनु पर्ने, शारीरिक काममा मात्र जोताउनु पर्ने र शुद्रले धन जम्मा गर्न नहुने, किन भने यसले ब्राह्मणलाई बाधा पार्छ इत्यादि लेखेका छन् |

यसै गरी स्त्रीहरुको बुद्धि नहुने, पति सेवा र घरको कामकाज नै नित्य हवनपूजा मान्नु पर्ने, मन्त्रले दीक्षा दिन नहुने, पुरुषलाई दुषित पर्ने र कुमार्गमा लैजाने स्वभावका हुन्छन, पुत्रहीन स्त्रीका हातको खाना खान नहुने, घरको कुनै काम पनि स्वतन्त्रतापूर्वक गर्न नहुने, कहिल्यै साक्षी राख्न नहुने र पति मरे पछि कन्दमूल खाएर शरीर सुकाउनु पर्ने इत्यादि सामाजिक नियम बनाएका थिए | बालक कालमा पिताको, युवावस्थामा पतिको र पतिपछि छोराको अधिनमा रहनु पर्ने, सम्पतिको अधिकार दिन नहुने र विषयमा आसक्त रहेका अवस्थामा पनि स्त्रीहरुलाई नियन्त्रणमा राख्नै पर्ने र पुरुषले स्त्रीलाई राति वा दिउसो कहिल्यै स्वतन्त्रता दिन नहुने बताएका छन् | स्त्रीहरुमा यति धेरै अत्याचार र दमनको सामाजिक नियम बनाएपछि सन्तानको जन्म दिने, घरको शोभा बढाउने जस्ता पुकारले पूजनीय हुन्छन, जहाँ नारी पुजिन्छन, त्यहाँ देउता रमाउन्छन र अविवाहितलाई केहि अंश दिनुपर्ने जस्तो तर्क राखेर मनु तिम्रो एउतै काम बगलीमा छुरा मुखमा राम भने उखानलाई व्यवहारमा उतारेका छन् | यस प्रकार समाजमा चरम जातीय एवं लिंगीय विभेद खडा गरी मानिस बीच फाटो, कलह र विद्रोह निम्तियाएर मनुले समाज भडुवा एवं समाज ध्वस्त पर्ने नाइकेको रुपमा आफूलाई मनुस्मृति लेखी सर्वाङ्ग रुपमा नङ्ग्याएका छन् |" अरुलाई दोष नदिनुहोस | ब्रिटिश इन्डियामा आउनु अघि १४ औ शब्तादिमा राजा जयस्थिति मल्लले इन्डियाबाट ५ जना ब्राह्मणहरु झिकाई उनीहरुको सल्लाह बमोजिम मनुस्मृति कुट पेस्ट गरि नेपालको पहिलो कानून मानव न्याय शास्त्र लादेर नेवार समुदायलाई ४ जात ३६ वर्ण विभाजन गरेको थियो |

हामी नेपालको जनतालाई भेडा र मानसिक रुपमा दाशी बनाउने र ४ जात ३६ वर्णमा विभाजन गर्ने काम राजा जयस्थिति मल्लले १४ औ सब्तादिमा लिखित नियम कानून "मानव न्याय शास्त्र" र "जयस्थिति मल्लको सुधार" जुन ५ जना इन्डियाको ब्राह्मणहरु: कीर्तिनाथ उपाध्याय कन्याकुब्जा, रघुनाथ झा मैथिली, रामनाथ झा, दक्षिण श्रीनाथ भट्ट र महिनाथ भट्टको सहयोगमा लेखिएका थिए, जसमा प्राचिन भारतको माहा ऋषि मनुले करिब आज भन्दा २१०० वर्ष अघि लेखेको नियम/कानून, "मनुस्मृति" मा उल्लेखित सम्पूर्ण नियमहरु कट र पेस्ट गरिएको छ, त्यस अनुसार ४ बर्ण भनेको ब्राह्मण, क्षेत्रिय, वैश्य, शुद्र हुन् र ३६ जात भनेको तत्कालिन काठमाडौँको नेवार समुदायलाई ३६ उपजातहरुमा बिभाजन गरेका हुन् |

सोहि अनुसार नेवार समुदायको सुधार भन्ने नीति मार्फत "४ जात ३६ वर्ण" को मिठो उक्तिको सिर्जना गरी दिए ति महान पण्डित ज्युहरुले |

अनि यही राजा जयस्थिति मल्लको पालामा लेखिएको नियम कानून अध्धयन गरि बडा महाराज पृथ्बी नारायण शाहले नेपाल अधिराज्य भरिका जनतालाई " ४ जात ३६ वर्ण" भन्ने मिठो उक्तिलाई निरन्तरता दिए हाम्रो बडा महाराज पृथ्बी नारायण शाह र जंग बहादुर राणाले मुलुकी ऎन मार्फत | जुन हाल २१ औ शब्तादीमा आएर पनि उक्त उक्ति सान्दर्भिक ठानी फलाक्ने गर्छौ हामी कुरै नबुझी |

बडा महाराज पृथ्बी नारायण शाहको व्दिया उपदेशमा पनि पुन उल्लेख गरिएको छ ४ जात भन्नाले ब्राह्मण, खस/क्षेत्री, ठकुरी र मगर हो |

यूरोपको भ्रमण पश्च्यात जंग भाहादुर राणाले सन् १८५४ मा लेखेको नेपालको कानून, मुलुकी ऐनमा पुन नेपालका मानिसहरुलाई ५ समूहमा बर्गिकरण गरेको छ छुनु हुने नहुने, चोखो नचोखो र पानी चल्ने नचल्ने आधारमा | जस अनुसार वर्गीकरण यस प्रकार छ:

क) चोखो छुन हुने जातहरु

१. "तागाधारी" (जनै लगाउने) ले खस-बाहुन, ठकुरी, छेत्री, तराईको बाहुन र राजपुत, र केहि हिन्दु ब्राह्मण नेवार जातहरु: राजोपाध्याय, भट्ट, झा |

२. नमासिने मतवाली (दासी नहुने): राई, लिम्बु, सुनुवार, मगर, गुरुङ, नेवार बुद्धिस्टहरु

३. मासिने मतवाली (दासी हुने): थारु, चेपांग, कुमाल, शेर्पा, हायू, भोटे (तामांग), घर्ति

ख) चोखो नभएको/ छुन नहुने जातहरु

४. पानी नचल्ने तर छुन हुने जात: नेवार समुदायको जोगी, कसाई, खड्गी, मुस्लिम र यूरोपियनहरु

५. पानी नचल्ने, छुनु नहुने जात:
- पहाडको कामी, सार्की, दमाई, बादी, गाइने, आदि |
- तराईको धोबी, हलखोर, चमार, दुशाद, डोम, मुसहर, आदि |
- नेवारको कुलु, पोडे, च्यामे |

मन मस्तिष्क भ्रस्ट र दाश मानसिकताको भए पछि मानिसहरुको व्यवहार पनि भ्रस्ट र दशी हुन्छन भन्ने प्रमाण हाम्रो राष्ट्रले विश्वमा प्रमाणित गरिदियो जब विश्वको १७६ राष्ट्रहरु मध्ये १३९ भ्रस्ट राष्ट्र र चौथो भ्रस्ट राष्ट्र दक्षिण एसियामा भनि सुचिकृत गरे ट्रान्सप्यरेन्सि इन्टरनेसनलको २०१२ को प्रतिवेदनले |

साथै "द ग्लोबल स्लेबरी इन्डेक्स २०१३" ले नेपाललाई पाचौ आधुनिक दाश दशी भएको राष्ट्र भनी सुचिकृत गरिदिएको छ १६५ राष्ट्रहरुको अवस्थालाई तुलनात्मक विश्लेषण गर्दा |

Monday, 4 November 2013

6 Noble Virtues of an Ideal Wife - Qualities of a Good Housewife

It is so interesting to read the article titled "6 Noble Virtues of an Ideal Wife - Qualities of a Good Housewife" by Anamika S, a Social Media Manager and Freelance Content Writer from India that is also very much applicable in the context of Nepal where women considered their husband "Lord" and "God" as per their belief.

How to be a good Housewife

Who is a good wife? How to be a good wife? What are the Qualities of an ideal life partner? What are the virtues she should have? The answers to these questions are given in Neethisaram (also referred to as Neeti Saara or Niti Sastra). According to a popular verse of Neeti Sara which is written by a man, the 6 Noble Virtues a housewife should have are summed up in the verse, 'Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri; Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha, Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri, Shat dharmayukta, Kuladharma Pathni'. Wifely virtues are also described in Tulasi Ramayana (Sri Ramacharitamanasa) Aranya Kanda verse 4 as advice given to Sita by Sage Atri’s wife Ansuya. As per the verse, ‘Devotion of body, speech and mind to her lord’s (husband’s) feet is the only duty, sacred vow and penance of a woman’.

Being a Good House Wife

Neeti Saara is a very popular collection of morals written by Telugu Poet Baddena aka Bhadra Bhupala who lived during the 13th century. Since this was written by an Indian keeping in mind the Hindu culture, it outlines the qualities an Indian bride should have.

Meaning of 'Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri; Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha, Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri, Shat dharmayukta, Kuladharma Pathni'.

1) Karyeshu Dasi: works like a servant
2) Karaneshu Mantri : advises like a minister
3) Bhojeshu Mata: feeds like a mother
4) Shayaneshu Ramba : Pleases in bed like the heavenly beauty Rambha
5) Roopeshu Lakshmi : Beautiful like Goddess Lakshmi
6) Kshmayeshu Dharitri : Having patience like Earth
7) Shat dharma yuktah: woman who has this six virtues
8) Kula dharma Patni : good housewife (a married woman who is not employed outside the home)
In short, a good housewife should
•Be like a servant in doing the chores of the House
•give intelligent advice like a minister to her husband
•serve food to the husband as lovingly as a mother feeds her son
•like a courtesan in the Bedroom
•Beautiful like Maha Lakshmi and
•Have the forbearance of Mother Earth

As per the last line of the shloka, a woman should have all the above said quality is an ideal house wife which also implies that the absence of even one quality makes a woman a failure as a good wife. Anyone hearing these verses on Patni dharma (virtues of wife) would know that it is from a man. As per the writer, being a wife is like a round the clock service to the family. This age old concept of how the wife should be has entered the mind set of even modern men and woman because of such a shloka. I might be ignorant here but I don’t think the writer thought of writing about 6 Noble virtues of an Ideal Husband necessary. Correct me if I am wrong. Is there a similar verse describing the qualities of an ideal husband? I doubt! However, the Hindu Dharma also has references about husband and wife relationship as ‘saha dharma chariNam’ which means sharing of dharma equally. It is also said that the results or fruits of the chores would be shared equally. As per Manu, ‘where women are honored, the Gods are pleased; where they are not honored, all work becomes fruitless’.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

The etymology of the words connected wth my identity

Very interesting to learn the etymology of the words connected with my identity: 

  - Gorkha (grand daughter, niece, daughter and sister of Gorkha Army),

- Laxmi (name given by a priest in Malaysia, the place where I was born),

- Tamang (Family name/surname), and

- Dharan (the place where I grown up).

Here the etymology (the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history) of the words.

Gorkha=Cow Protector (Go: Cow; Rakka: Protector in Prakrit words) [1]

  Laxmi=Cow Matta, also the Goddess of Wealth (as per the Hinduism philosophical thought)

Tamang=Horse warrior (Ta: Horse; Mang: Warrior in Tibetan language since Tamang are considered migrated around 7th and 8th centuries through Tibet from Burma)

Dharan: A place where timber saw/Place of the Wood Cutting (as per the Khas Nepali language)


1. Guru Gorakhnath accessed from

Sunday, 13 October 2013

My passion, My Dream: Our Initiative of social enterpreneurship

My dream what a great statement by Bill Drayton (aged 69), an American social entrepreneur and one of America's 25 Best Leaders in 2005, responsible for the rise of the phrase "social entrepreneur", a concept first found in print in 1972, who said:

 "Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry."

 As a health professional without having any family background of entrepreneurship I had no idea about entrepreneurship. But I always wanted to do something different and contribute something to the society with own level of professional knowledge, experience and expertise in the field of my passion (i.e. maternal and newborn health including sexual and reproductive health in broad) without depending upon donor fund. This is because while working in different development agencies
for almost 15 years I realized that what we do work through donor funded projects are not sustainable. At the same time I thought about empowering female health professional who are mostly following orders rather than working independently like in the developed world.

 That's the reason how I conceived the plan of a Free-standing birthing center in early 2007 with the concept of social enterprise in order to serve urban poor families who are on the process of giving a new life and birth to this world.

 I believed that we, health professionals who are passionate in maternal and new born health having more than 10 years experience can provide quality cost-effective maternity care in a home like environment to encourage natural birth to pregnant mothers and their family members from our level best in order to reduce unnecessary normal childbirth burden to Tertiary Level Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital (Prasuti Girha), Thapathali, Kathmandu.

 Based on this conception we, 15 female health professionals from 9 different organizations decided to move on and took advices and suggestions from experienced medical professionals, Obstetrician and Gynecologists, namely Dr. Geeta Rana, Dr Laxmi Raj Pathak, Dr. Indra Basnett and others.
 Then accordingly with our little fund from our own pocket contribution, NPR 100,000 (US $ 1300) each we established our Independent (stand-alone) birthing centre named Aadharbhut Prasuti Sewa Kendar  in July 2007 registering in the Company Registered Office.

For more information can visit our webpage at

Saturday, 12 October 2013

खोक्रो आदर्श दिनुको कुनै तुक छैन यो २१ औ सब्तादीमा आएर |

होइन हो यो अज्ञानताको सिकार र भिखारी मुर्ख मनुष्य, लक्ष्मी तामांग कति दिन, हप्ता, महिना र सालसम्म मुसु मुसु मुस्कुराउने ?

मेरा प्यारा धार्मिक दाजु भाईहरुले जब मान्छेको दुई जात हुन्छ भन्नु हुन्छ | वहाहरु हामी जस्तो अज्ञानताले मुर्ख भएका र राज्य व्यवस्थाले मुर्ख पारिएका जनता र मानिसहरुलाई अझ मुर्ख र भ्रममा राख्ने प्रयत्न गर्दै हुनु हुन्छ भन्ने मेरो बुझाई रहेको छ | हो म मान्छु, प्रकृतिको नियम अनुसार हामी मानवको दुई मात्र जात छ | त्यो हो महिला र पुरुष |

तर धार्मिक हिसाबले त्यस्तो छैन | किन कि धार्मिक हिसाबले नेपालका जनता ४ जात ३६ वर्णमा राजा जयस्थिति मल्लले १४ औ सब्तादिमा नेपाल (काठमाडौँ) को मानिसहरुलाई उहाको लिखित नियम कानून "मानव न्याय शास्त्र" र "जयस्थिति मल्लको सुधार" जुन ५ जना इन्डियाको ब्राह्मणहरु: कीर्तिनाथ उपाध्याय कन्याकुब्जा, रघुनाथ झा मैथिली, रामनाथ झा, दक्षिण श्रीनाथ भट्ट र महिनाथ भट्टको सहयोगमा लेखिएका थिए, जसमा मनुस्मृतिमा उल्लेखित सम्पूर्ण नियमहरु कट र पेस्ट गरिएको छ, त्यस अनुसार ४ बर्ण भनेको ब्राह्मण, क्षेत्रिय, वैश्य, शुद्र हुन् र नेवार समुदायलाई  ३६ जातमा   बिभाजन गरे |

अनि यही नियम कानून अध्धयन गरि बडा महाराज पृथ्बी नारायण शाहले नेपाल अधिराज्य भरिका जनतालाई " ४ बर्ण ३६ जात" बने जुन आजसम्ममा पनि हामी त्यही फलाक्दै आएका छौ कुरै बुझ्ने प्रयत्न नै नगरी उहाले आफ्नो व्दिया उपदेशमा लेखेकै भरमा |

उहाको व्दिया उपदेशमा पनि पुन उल्लेख गरिएको छ ४ जात भन्नाले ब्राह्मण, खस/क्षेत्री, ठकुरी र मगर हो |
यूरोपको भ्रमण पश्च्यात जंग भाहादुर राणाले सन् १८८४ मा लेखेको नेपालको कानून, मुलुकी ऐनमा पुन नेपालका मानिसहरुलाई ५ समूहमा बर्गिकरण गरेको छ छुनु हुने नहुने, चोखो नचोखो र पानी चल्ने नचल्ने आधारमा | जस अनुसार वर्गीकरण यस प्रकार छ:

क) चोखो छुन हुने जातहरु

 १. "तागाधारी" (जनै लगाउने)ल खस-बाहुन, ठकुरी, छेत्री, तराईको बाहुन र राजपुत, नेवार बाहुन र केहि हिन्दु श्रेष्ठ जातहरु

 २. नमासिने मतवाली (दासी नहुने): राई, लिम्बु, सुनुवार, मगर, गुरुङ, नेवार बुद्धिस्टहरु

 ३. मासिने मतवाली (दासी हुने): थारु, चेपांग, कुमाल, शेर्पा, हायू, तामांग, घर्ति

 ख) नचोखो छुन नहुने जातहरु

 ४. पानी नचल्ने तर छुन हुने जात: नेवार समुदायको जोगी, कसाई, खड्गी, मुस्लिम र यूरोपियनहरु

 ५. पानी नचल्ने, छुनु नहुने जात:

- पहाडको कामी, सार्की, दमाई, बादी, गाइने, आदि |
- तराईको धोबी, हलखोर, चमार, दुशाद, डोम, मुसहर, आदि |
- नेवारको कुलु, पोडे, च्यामे |

अब उहाहरु जसले मानवको दुई जात मात्र हुन्छ भन्नु हुन्छ कि चाही उहाहरु संस्थागत धर्मको राजनीतिक गर्न छोडी मानवताको राजनीतिक गर्न थाल्नु पर्यो कि चाही भ्रमको खेति बन्द गरि जुन सुकै १२६ जातजाति र १० थरिका धर्मलाबीहरुसंग यूरोपियनहरु जस्तो आफ्नो बालबच्चा बिहे गर्न र गराउन राजी हुनु पर्यो मेरो बुझाइमा |
नत्र खोक्रो आदर्श दिनुको कुनै तुक छैन यो २१ औ सब्तादीमा आएर |

Monday, 9 September 2013

The world top 10 smartest people

I always love to learn from the world "A" one people who are scientifically proven and considered best or genius rather than religiously considered super by majority of people because organized religion scriptures information are just imaginative thoughts and ideas documented by some imaginative and creative mind ancient people based on their level best which are not proven with any evidence. Therefore, I don't want to fool myself !!

Judging how smart a person is can be a very subjective matter. Does their intelligence quotient (IQ) score make them the smartest? Or is it more about accomplishments? The debate over this likely will never cease. Below, though, took a look at 10 people (in no particular order) nobody would deny are worthy of being called some of the smartest people alive today.


Fifty percent of people have IQ scores between 90 and 110, 2.5 percent of people are mentally deficient/impaired (under 70 IQ), 0.5 percent of people are near genius or genius (over 140,) 2.5 percent of people are very superior in intelligence (over 130).
Here is their list of 10 of the smartest people alive today:

A person takes the “title” of genius if his IQ exceeds 140, which belongs to 0.5% of the world population. 50% of people have IQ between 90 and 110, while 2.5% of the population reaches a genius level with IQ of over 130.

However, the website notes that the list is not objective, as far as there are many different factors, besides the IQ, which determine how smart someone is.

So, here are the Top 10 smartest alive people in the world:

10. Last of the top ten is the famous astrophysicist Steven Hawking, with IQ of 160;

9. American TV writer Rick Rosner (192);

8. Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov (190);

7. Billionaire co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen (170);

6. Hungarian chess player Judit Polgar (170);

5. Award-winning mathematician Andrew Wiles (170);

4. Famous actor James Woods (180), who before turning the lights of Hollywood had studied algebra at UCLA and MIT;

3. Third on the list is the 50 year old astrophysicist Kim Ung-Yong, with IQ of 210. From the age of two years he could speak four languages with ease and in the age of eight he was invited by NASA to study in the United States.

2. In second place is the 30 year old astrophysicist Christopher Hirata, with estimated IQ of 225. Among his accomplishments are the facts that he started working at NASA when he was… 16 years old, participating in studies of colonization of the planet Mars, and received his Ph.D. from Princeton University at age 22.

1. The first position in the list, with estimated IQ of… 230, is held for 36 year old mathematician Terence Tao, who was able to do simple math since the age of two, got a doctorate from Princeton University when he was 20 years old and became the youngest professor in the history of UCLA at the age of 24.


Sunday, 8 September 2013

Beauty of Nepal land: Independent forever since the earth formed and gave major scriptures to India.

Of very few nations in the world Nepal was never ever formally colonized by any nation of the world. She is independent since the earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago.

 The present day, name to Nepal has given in 1768 December 21 by the 1st King of Nepal, Prithivi Narayan Shah who expanded his Gorkha Rajya integrating more than 50 small principalities.
 Whereas India has been formed and born in 1947 August 15 after 179 Nepal has been formed at the present size.

 I came to know that many Indian has understanding and believe that Nepal was part of India before or still. This is very WRONG understanding because of CORRUPT education and thoughts that they have been flourishing from their scriptures, books and colonized mind since India ruled by British therefore they have colonized mind and want to make other the mental slavery as their own.

However, we, Nepal land people are colonized in their mind due to embracing the law of manu, Manusmriti written by the ancient India sage Manu and imposed by rulers through Nepal's legal document in 14th century written by King Jayasthiti Malla, hiring 5 learned Indian Brahmins.

In fact, Nepal has given India four Vedas (Hindu scriptures) namely, the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda, and Mahabharat as I came to know that Vedas and epic Mahabharata and 18 purans were written by Ved Vyas who was born in Damauli of Tanahu district, Nepal. Similarly, Rayaman epic was written by Valmiki (original name was Ratnakar born in Brahman family) who born in Nepal was a highway robber looting people passing from one village to another.

Based on the Mahabharat epic Bhagawad Gita, a hindu holy scripture widely read and preach was written.

Therefore, I just wonder how come Hinduism were born in India if their all major scriptures were written by ancient Nepalese sages. However, to prove that those epics and vedas were written by Veda Vyas and Valimik archeologically proven evidences are required because to date whatever had been said is just preached and believed without any evidence.

However, we've to bear in our mind that:

"A dream is a scripture, and many scriptures are nothing but dreams."
 - Umberto Eco (aged 81),an Italian semiotician, essayist, philosopher, literary critic, and novelist

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose."
 - William Shakespeare

Don't trust anything: An illusionary and delusionary world!!

It is fascinating to learn that we, human being including whatever we have in this earth and universe are made up of atoms. However, for general literate people who lack knowledge and understanding about science or who can't think scientifically it is hard to believe about this because we have been fooled our mind thinking that we have been created by a god.

Present day, great scientist and astrophysicist  from USA said:
“The knowledge that the atoms that comprise life on earth - the atoms that make up the human body, are traceable to the crucibles that cooked light elements into heavy elements in their core under extreme temperatures and pressures. These stars- the high mass ones among them- went unstable in their later years- they collapsed and then exploded- scattering their enriched guts across the galaxy- guts made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself. These ingredients become part of gas clouds that condense, collapse, form the next generation of solar systems- stars with orbiting planets. And those planets now have the ingredients for life itself. So that when I look up at the night sky, and I know that yes we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up- many people feel small, cause their small and the universe is big. But I feel big because my atoms came from those stars.”

He further said:
“Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.”  

It is said that atoms consist of 99.99999999% empty space which means the computer we are looking at, the chair we are sitting on, and we are ourselves are mostly not there.

In fact, if atoms are 99.999999999999% empty space then why don't things pass right through them?
Things don't fall through other things because they are levitating on an electrostatic field! I am not kidding! When you sit on a chair, you are not really touching it. You see, every atom is surrounded by a shell of electrons. This electron cloud presents a rather negative face to the world. Remember that like charges repel each other. When two atoms approach each other, their electron shells push back at each other, despite the fact that each atom's net charge is 0. This is a very useful feature of nature. It makes our lives a lot easier.

Now the question you should be asking is, if atoms push away from each other, why doesn't the entire universe just blow away from itself? The answer is that some, actually most atoms' electron shells are not full. When two atoms come together and have empty spaces in their electron shells, they will share electrons to fill in the spaces in both of their shells. Yes, the electrons really do go back and forth between atoms and they do so pretty fast. Electrons tend to be kind of mobile, which is also a very nice feature of nature, since without it your walkman would not work. Once both atoms' outer shells are full due to this electron sharing, they go back to their usual repulsive behavior. This, by the way, is how we get molecules and the secret to understanding Chemistry. It's all about the electrons!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Stop playing Blame Game: Start asking question to yourself!!

If you wish to Grow and Develop then STOP playing Blame Game!!

START asking question and reflecting in yourself to identify own weaknesses and strive to improve it accordingly.

We, so-called Janajati (indigenous community) and Dalit (untouchable caste) mostly love to blame Indian sage manu made upper castes, Bahun/Chhetri for our community marginalized and disadvantaged situation.

But we don't look at self and analyze how irrational and idiot we are in our own actions and thoughts in making own community backward and deprived.

In fact, we so-called janajati and dalit deserve to be suffered from our own actions and thoughts and we are deprived and marginalized because of our own actions and thoughts.

Before choosing to blame or fire to any person or just live with it, ask yourself these questions (as said by Martin Klopper and Ferdinand F. Fournies, former professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and author of Coaching For Improved Work Performance, for these questions):

1. Do I provide sufficient encouragement and help to build the confidence of my community members to step out and give it a try?

2. Do I sufficiently trust my community members to allow them the freedom to make a mistake? How do I help them to learn from the mistake(s) they have made?

3.If the thoughts, ideas, knowledge and skills of the person do not match the expectations of what is being required of them and mistakes are being made do I provide necessary training/coaching/mentoring?

4. Have expectations been clearly communicated, understood and agreed? This is the #1 reason community or team members/employees do not do what they are supposed to do, according to 25,000 managers from all over the world. Community or Team members/Employees do not know what they are supposed to do.

5. Have I followed through to see whether they have done the tasks/activities? This is the second most common reason for lack of performance.

6. Do they have sufficient resources to do the tasks/activities?

7. What are the consequences to the community members/employee if they don’t do the job?

8. If there is a motivational issue then possible corrective action needs to be taken – but first, what is the real issue? Can we move them to a new position, or do we need to let them go?

By focusing on what you as a community leader/ manager can do about poor performance, you have many more choices to help your community members/ employee, your community, organizations, and yourself.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

आफूले सोचे र चाहे अनुसार देश वा समाज परिवर्तन गर्न परिवर्तन आफैबाट शुरु गर्नु पर्छ |

मलाई केहि ज्ञानी अनि बुझाकी दाजुभाईहरुले भन्नु हुन्छ,

"लक्ष्मी जी/दिदि हरेक मान्छेले तपाईले जस्तै सोच राख्ने भए हाम्रो देश र समाज कस्तो हुन्थियो होला ? सामाजिक सदभाव पनि खल्बलिने थिएन| एकले अर्कालाई गाली गर्न पनि पर्ने थिएन | हाम्रो प्रकृतिले सुन्दर नेपाल सामाजिक सदभावले पनि सुन्दर बन्ने थियो |"

हो म यो कुरालाई मान्दछु | मैले पनि यस्तै सोच्थे | 

तर मेरो सोचाई गलत रहेछ भनेर त्यति बेला मैले महशुस गरे जब मैले यो अन्ग्लिकन बिशोप (क्रिस्टन पादरी/ धर्म गुरु) को बेलायत स्थित वेस्टमिन्स्टर अब्बेयमा उसको चिहानमा लेखिएका निम्न उल्लेखित हरफहरु पद्ने मौका पाए |

"जब म युवा र स्वतन्त्र थिए, मेरो कल्पनाको कुनै सिमा थिएन | मैले संसार बदल्ने कल्पना गर्थे/ सपना देख्थे |

जब मेरो उमेर बड्दै गयो, म पनि ज्ञानी हुदै गए अनि मैले बुझे कि यो संसार परिवर्तन हुदैन भनेर | त्यसैले मैले केहि हदसम्म आफ्नो हेर्ने दृस्टीलाई साघुरो पर्दै गए र म मेरो देशलाई परिवर्तन गर्छु भनेर निर्णय गरे | तर त्यो पनि हलचल गर्ने छाटकाट देखिन |

जब म मेरो जिन्दगीको अन्तिम, अन्तिम अवस्थातिर पुगे र एक पटक अन्तिम प्रयत्न गर्नु पर्यो भनेर मैले मेरो घर परिवार, जो मेरो नजिकका छन् उनीहरुलाई परिवर्तन गर्नु पर्यो भनेर चेस्टा गरे | तर उनीहरु कसैलाई पनि परिवर्तन गर्न सकिन |

र जब अहिले म मेरो मृत्युको ओछयौनामा छु, मैले बल्ल महशुस गरे कि यदी मैले पहिले आफूलाई परिवर्तन गरेको भए मेरो उदाहरण देखेर सायद मैले मेरो घर परिवारलाई परिवर्तन गर्न सक्थे होला र मेरो घर परिवारको उत्प्रेणा र उत्साहले सायद मैले मेरो देशलाई केहि राम्रो बनाउन सक्थे होला |

र कसलाई के थाहा सायद मैले संसारलाई नै परिवर्तन गर्न सक्थे होला |"

यी हरफहरु पदी सके पछि मैले पनि गहन रुपमा सोचे र मनन गरे | साथै संसारले मान्दै आई रहेका केहि विद्वान र दार्सनिकहरुका भनाईहरुलाई पनि गहिरो अध्धयनका साथ नियाल्ने चेस्टा पनि गरे | सबै को भनाई उस्तै उस्तै पाए |

तत्पश्चात मात्र बल्ल मेरो गैटोमा घाम लाग्यो अनि आफ्नै सोच, विचार, र व्यहार परिवर्तन गर्ने चेस्टा गर्दैछु | यस दौडनमा मैले महशुस गरेको कुरा सबै भन्दा गाह्रो वा चुनौती के हो भने "नानी देखि लागेको बानि र सोचलाई परिवर्तन गर्न |"

Be aware with an Extremist and Fanatic for the sake of humanity and prosperity

BE AWARE with an Extremist and fanatic because they might be suffering from Obession (an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind)

Anything extreme either too much or less is Danger for Humanity!!

If anyone indulged (too much attached) with any human creations, "ism" or ideological thought coined by certain person or members is DANGER like a VIRUS or ATOM BOMB, which destroy self and else because it blocks our way of thinking for the sake of humanity and prosperity of everyone.

It makes such ideological follower to think that "My Way is Highway and Yours are Shit" because that embeds (fix) in our subconscious mind.

That's why followers or believers can't accept and tolerate any constructive criticism for its improvement and ready to do and die anything for their such belief. They think that whatever is documented in their ideological books or scriptures 100 and 1000 years before are still valid and 100% corect and perfect even in modern 21st century's time and people's mind demand.
They can't think beyond that and fear to challenge their own thoughts/belief. They don't understand that there is nothing 100% and perfect in this world except in mathematics and statistics. We've to learn to understand that they might be suffering from an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and persistent thoughts and feelings and repetitive, ritualized behaviors.

They are against new thoughts and ideas and fearful to challenge their own mind and belief. They are agianst the law of mother nature because mother nature is always changing and moving forward. As per the law of nature everything in this universe is 50/50, Yin and Yang, Shiva and Shakti, Masculine and Feminine, Day and Night, and so forth. Therefore, we've to learn to balance our thoughts and way of thinking and doings if we consider ourselves that we are wise and intelligent human beings for the sake of humanity and prosperity.

Some of those "ism" are
- Racism
- Casteism
- Jingoism (fanatically patriotic)
- Nationalism
- Communism/Socialism
- Capitalism
- Maoism
- Leninsim
- Marxism
- Feminism
- Genderism
- Manuism
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
- Christianism
- Islamism
- Judaism
- Scientism
- Humanism
- Fanatism
- Terrorism
- Legalism
- Antheism
- Angnoism
- Skeptism
- Positivism
- Pessitivism
- Negativism
And list goes on.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Corruption is in we, Nepalese vein and brain

As per the Corruption Perception Index according to the Transparency International, Nepal is ranked 154th out of 186 countries with a score of 2.2. It was ranked 146th last year . The notable point is, it has gain one of the highest Bribery case in bureaucracy after the restoration of Democracy in 1990. 

I feel proud to be the corrupt nation corrupt minded literate person because everyone of us Nepal land people will be known in an international arena as one of the most corrupt nation's citizen. 

Possible solutions: 
1. Need to wash Brain or Drain Brain and Blood from vein and head and refill with rational new ideas and thoughts. 

2. Enforce Law and Order strickly!!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Protect yourself from Sociopaths: Learn to recognize the traits—then stay away

According to the evidence there are 4% population in any given society are suffering from Sociopath (also called a psychopath).

Sociopathy is a complex personality disorder. Sociopaths exhibit a wide variety of maladaptive behavior which makes the condition difficult to diagnose. Sociopathy is not one trait; it is a syndrome—a cluster of related symptoms.

Psychologist, Dr. Robert Hare,  a researcher in the field of criminal psychology has spent over 35 years researching psychopathy and developed the scale/checklist to spot out such antisocial personality.

Dr. Robert Hare has identified key symptoms of psychopathy. Excerpts from his descriptions of the symptoms appear below.

If you’re dealing with a person who exhibits some of these traits, put your guard up. If that person shows many or all of these traits, get him or her out of your life.

Key Symptoms of Psychopaths:

1. Interpersonal traits

- Glib and superficial
- Egocentric and grandiose
- Lack of remorse or guilt
- Lack of empathy
- Deceitful and manipulative
- Shallow emotions
- Antisocial lifestyle

2. Impulsive
- Poor behavior controls
- Need for excitement
- Lack of responsibility
- Early behavior problems
- Adult antisocial behavior
- The complete picture

Psychopaths are often witty and articulate. They can be amusing and entertaining conversationalists, ready with a quick and clever comeback, and can tell unlikely but convincing stories that cast themselves in a good light. They can be very effective in presenting themselves well and are often very likable and charming.


1. Hare, R. 2011. Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, Guilford Press.


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

My Question to all literate and educated people of Nepal and India ?

 Nothing is perfect in this world created by human being we've to learn to accept this fact first of all if we are progressive and evolving mind creature if we believe and think. 

In fact, we've to learn to understand that both Religion and Science are human mind creations and human mind is always evolving as per the time factor of this universe. We've to learn to think that whatever we think are right based on our understanding and leve of consciousness because it is our belief system that has been embedded in our deeper subconcious mind that creates reality. What I mean to say is we've to learn to be rational rather than blind followers of any ancient man creations becoming sentimental and emotional only for the sake of humanity. Religion is a theological aspect of study and it is a part of science. We must know that science is a knowledge and way of thinking. To think science is different thing is rudimentary thoughts and ideas. 

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." as said by great mind of this world, Albert Einstein. Similarly, "Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes." as said by great religious mind and leader, Pope John Paul II. 

We've to learn to understand that thoughts are things so to change the things from negative to positive first of all we've to learn to change our thoughts. In a day (24 hours) we've around 70,000 thoughts but mostly we don't know how to use it productively and effectively to make things happen in the ground reality.

To transform society first of all we've to learn to transform self and self transformation can only be done by changing our thoughts from negative to positive, irrational to rational and so forth. 

Our mind is shaped and control by our belief system therefore we've to make sure what kind of belief system is governing our mind!!

"Belief creates the actual fact. 

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.

The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.

- William James (1842-1910), an American philosopher, psychologist, physician and the first educator to offer a psychology course in the United States 

Interesting to learn that there are over 21 formal world religions and belief systems.

My question to all my nearest and dearest Indian subcontinent basically Nepalese and Indian follow literate friends.

Isn't it time for Nepalese and Indian literate/educated people to think critically and ask the question

WHY out of  around 7.1 billion of the world population 1.1 billion people have no faith ?

Why they didn't follow the belief system what their ancestors used to follow and believe?

Are those who didn't follow their ancestors belief system are idiot, stupid and foolish and those who follow are intelligent and genius ?

Of the 1.1 billion people professing no faith, over 62% of them live in China alone and make up more than half of its population. Japan is the most unaffiliated country with 57% of its population with no link to any established faith. America closes out the top 3 with 16.4% of it’s population in disbelief.

As per the recent figures in the world there are

1. Christianity - 2.1 billion

2. Islam – 1.5 billion

3. Hinduism - 900 million

4. Buddhism -376 million

5. Sikhism - 23 million

6. Juche -19 million

7. Judaism - 14 million

8. Bahaism - 7 million

9. Jainism – 4.2 million

10. Shintoism - 4 million


Monday, 1 July 2013

Reason WHY mid-western and far-western regions are under developed compared to other regions ?

WHY far mid-western and far-western regions of Nepal are relatively under developed compared to other development regions of Nepal?

In my deeper analysis I realised that among the five different development regions of Nepal WHY compared to the eastern, central and western, mid-far and far western regions are backward despite having many Raja (Kings) and Maharaj in the past and also there are good numbers of literate/educated people in the far and mid-far western regions who are working in the government sector.

As a learned human that gives priority for humanity without any prejudice in my mind in fact, one of the major reasons in my deeper analysis is to do with the prevailing belief system where superstitious practices are still massively exist and deeply rooted in societal mindset. 

To change any society first of all we've to change ourselves in our mind. 

But mostly superstitious practices like Chaupaddi, Badi, Kamalari, Jhuma, Deuki, child marriage, casteism, gender-based discrimination, etc are more prevail in the far and mid-western region compared to the others. 

Therefore, we've to think about this factor (superstitious belief system) as well so that we can make our society to think rationally without making them feeling sad and bad for hurting their sentiment. In fact, no one can hurt anyone sentiment though for educated people if they can think about rationally as Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), an Indian speaker and writer on philosophical and spiritual subjects said:

Being hurt throughout life

"Take for instance the hurt that each human being suffers from childhood. One is hurt by one’s parents, psychologically; then hurt in school, in university, through comparison, through competition, through saying one must be first-class at this subject, and so on. Throughout life there is this constant process of being hurt. One knows this, and that all human beings are hurt, deeply, of which they may not be conscious, and that from this all forms of neurotic actions arise. That is all part of one’s consciousness—part hidden and part open awareness that one is hurt. Now, is it possible not to be hurt at all? Because the consequences of being hurt are the building of a wall around oneself, withdrawing in one’s relationship with others in order not to be hurt more. In that there is fear and a gradual isolation. Now, we are asking: Is it possible not only to be free of past hurts but also never to be hurt again?"

Self analyasis: Whether or not we are suffering from Fear (Fearism) or Neurosis and Psychosis ?

It is worth to do self analysis and self reflection to identify oneself whether or not we or our friends network circle people are suffering from fear, fearism or neurosis and psychosis that are related to our mental health and well-being.
FEAR and FEARISM have been occupied in our mindset some of the clever mind telling us,
If you don't believe in God and Religion You Go to Hell.
If you don't study You will be Failed!
If you don't obey Government rules and regulations You go to Jail!
If you don't follow political party You won't get jobs or opportunities.
These are very much applicable to Nepal only I suppose because I've heard even from Professors and Associate Professors of Tribhuvan University saying so while I was having conversations with them. I was amazed to hear such from such a high level scholars and academicians who lack confidence in themselves and don't trust self. It might be because of their own ignorance.

"Fear  doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind."
- Dale  Carnegie (1888-1955), an American writer, lecturer, and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills.

"All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry."
- Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), an American author, poet, editor and literary critic

"Gripped by fear people go to sacred mountains, sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines."
- Buddha

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty."
 - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States.

"People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn't they? People feared coal, they feared gas-powered engines... There will always be ignorance, and ignorance leads to fear. But with time, people will come to accept their silicon masters."
- Bill Gates

"We fear to know the fearsome and unsavory aspects of ourselves, but we fear even more to know the godlike in ourselves."
- Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), an American psychologist, best known for creating Maslow's hierarchy of needs

"Fear is the passion of slaves."
  - Patrick Henry (1736-1799), an attorney, planter, politician and best known orator during the movement for independence in Virginia in the 1770s

"I don't believe in an afterlife, so I don't have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse."
- Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), an American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy."
 - Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), an American writer, lecturer, and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills

"Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions."
 - Thomas Stephen Szasz (1920-2012), a psychiatrist, author and professor emeritus of psychiatry at the State University of New York Upstate Medical University in Syracuse

Exploitative traditional religious practices to young Nepalese girls

Nepal being a multi-ethnics, multicultural, multilingual and multi-religious is a very religious country where 126 different caste/ethnicities traditions, rituals, customs, cultural values and norms have been set by religious beliefs. In relation to this there are many social injustice practices and problems that are unethical act of people which hinders societal growth and development include

1. Gender based discrimination and exploitation
- Girl trafficking
- Dowry system
Chaupadi pratha
Deuki system
Jhuma pratha (tradition)
- Kamlari pratha
Badi partha (tradition)Witch craft practicing and exploitation

2. Caste based discrimination and injustice
Untouchability and marginalisation

3. Child labor
4. Drug abuse
5. Corruption

Despite having so many social problems in Nepal here I'm going to discuss about the religious practices that have been exploitation Nepalese young girls in the name of maintaining and preserving culture, custom and tradition in Nepalese society. The prevailing practice that generally one can find in Nepalese society is offering a young girl to gods and goddesses in hindu temples and buddhist monstaries. These include Deuki system in the far western region of Nepal among Hindu community, Jhuma tradition among Buddhist in mountain region of Nepal and Kumari tradition among Newar community in the Kathmandu valley. 

1. Deuki system

The Deuki system, similar to India’s notorious Devadasi or temple slave  and prostitution custom that has been outlawed in all of India in 1988 but still exist as shown in a 2004 report by the National Human Rights Commission of the Government of India, exists in far western Nepal where families “gift” a young daughter to a temple, abandoning her to a fate of poverty, exploitation and often enforced prostitution despite being abolished by the government of Nepal in 1990 considering the deoki practice as human trafficking and exploitation in the name of religion and culture. 

Deuki means to consecrate one's own or a poor family's newly born female child to god in order to fulfill a promise made earlier to gain religious merit [1]. Based on blind belief, the practice of deuki is to offer an innocent female child to the local temple to serve the god or goddess in order to gain a son, to cure a sickness, or to fulfill any other desires. This system has started by the  REIGN of King Nagi Malla of Doti district in the Far-western part of Nepal in the 17th century due to the Natural calamities, drought and cholera consumed his kingdom. Relief would come, the royal priests predicted, if he gave his daughter to the temple of Bhageshwor Mahadev. 
At present the center of this practice is located in Baitadi district's Melauli Devi temple. It is disheartening to know that despite these measures, the number of Deukis is increasing.  According to the UN report the number of deukis increased over 30,000 in 2010 compared to 17,000 in 1992 [2, 3, 4].

Bought from poor families for NPR 10,000 (U.S.$140) to NPR 100,000 ($1400), no one takes on the responsibility to care for these children offered to the temples [1]. 

The flesh trade of the deukis is on the rise. Misguided by their own selfishness, prominent locals spread the blind belief that sex with a deuki will give them religious merit.

Is some cases, it has been reported that the families of those who sell such deukis to the temples have sexually exploited them. 

Girls born from such copulations themselves are sold into deukis, while sons become religious healers.

2. Jhuma tradition

Jhuma is yet another disgraceful traditional practice in the name of religion generally in western  region of Nepal among Buddhist communities. As in the Deuki system, the second daughter of the second daughter of the family is offered to the god in the ghumba and the girl have to spend her remaining life in the care if the  ghumba [3, 4]. This is completely based on blind belief, it sanctions separating a daughter from her family and putting her in the service of a Buddhist monastery. 

No one knows exactly when the Jhuma culture actually started. But because of a hypothetical fear of committing a sin if one's daughter is not put into the service of a monastery, many young girls have been forced to serve from time immemorial.

Jhumas exist in the Buddhist districts of west Nepal like Manang and Mustang, but the custom is also practiced in Kathmandu itself.

Many from the Sherpa community are compelled to make girls into Jhumas, who can be found in monasteries on the western side of Swoyombhu.  These children are sent to the monastery before menses, with a shaved head and dressed in red ochre colored robes.

Though they are not cut off from education and care, their life to some extent resembles to that of the deukis.

It is believed that Poverty has led to the perpetuation of a religious practice—the Jhuma tradition—among Tamangs and Sherpas Buddhist communities of western Nepal.

“As land is scarce in the mountains, families with several children seek to prevent it from being split up,” says Uttam Niraula, executive director of the Society for Humanism Nepal (SOCH Nepal), a non- government organisation campaigning against superstition and paranormal practices. “While the eldest looked after the family, the one in the middle was sent off to become a monk or nun. This is the Jhuma tradition.” [4] 

Buddhists, too, are not ready to see the Jhuma tradition end.  “It will be a violation of our cultural rights,” says Ang Kaji Sherpa, general secretary of Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities. “The government needs to consult the stakeholders and initiate social reforms first instead of trying to impose a law unilaterally.”  

3. Kumari tradition

The Kumari – Nepal’s famous Living Goddess – is the tradition of choosing a girl at pre-puberty, sometimes as young as three years old, as the guardian deity of the city and installing her in her own palace, away from her family. She does not go to school and is not allowed to walk outside. Her reign ends when she nears puberty and is replaced by another young girl.

SOCH Nepal worked with Nepal’s women, children and social welfare ministry to produce a draft law to prevent discrimination and violence in the name of social malpractices, many of which stem from religion, like Jhuma and two more celebrated traditions, the Kumari and Deuki [3].

“All these customs violate a child’s rights and are clearly banned by Nepal’s Children’s Act of 1992,” says Niraula. “The Act says a child should not be separated from the parents, should be allowed to go to school and play and should not be dedicated to god. It specifically says that a child under 16 can’t be made to become a nun or monk. But the implementation is weak. The new act will have tougher deterrents.” [3].

1.  Dahal, Isha, 2006. Deuki: A Stain on Nepalese Civilisation, Traditional custom misguided, exploitative accessed from
3.  Sudeshna Sarkar, Sudeshna (2011), NEPAL: Religious Practices Oppress Women
accessed from
4. Dahal, Isha, 2006.  Old Traditions Die Hard in Nepal:, Jhuma: a disgraceful act committed in the name of religion accessed from  


Why politicians need to be changed regularly ?

Recently in Australia 6 ministers resigned from their political career and previously also main leader of the Federal Parliamentary Australian Labor Party, Mark Latham (aged 52)  and also the 25th Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard (aged 73) resigned from his political career.


Wonder WHY in our part of the world, especially developing nations politicians never ever want to resign from their political career and make politics their profession.

If such love and attachment those politicians have then citizens/public have to think about changing unproductive coward of politicians considering them as diapers as Mark Twin (1835-1910) said

"Politicians are like baby diapers: they both need to be changed regularly for the same reason."

I said it because

"It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea."

as said by Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007), an American author, polymath, novelist, philosopher, psychologist, essayist, editor, playwright, poet, futurist and civil libertarian

Friday, 28 June 2013

Women status in Hindu religious scriptures

I'm so much passionate about learning and understanding the root cause of any societal problem that we have in our society so that problem we can think of addressing the problems from its root. In relations to this I've been exploring about root cause of gender-based discrimination that we have in our society. It is well known fact that societal mindset is shaped by its cultural values, norms, beliefs and traditions that are created by society and human beings in the course of their development and civilisation. Therefore, it is always contextual and evolving as per the time and people's mind development and advancement as per the theory of evolution. 
Nepal was a Hindu nation for the last 47 years that was abolished in 2006 after people's movement. However, since the early time as per the offically documented evidence, Manav Nyaya Sastra, the first codified law of Nepal written during 14the century by King Jaysthiti Malla hiring five Indian learned Brahmins Nepalese had incorporated hindu holy text, Law of Manu (Manusmriti) verses since then societal mindset both rulers and general public have been always influenced by the philosophy of Hinduism. 
As per the official figure from the Census 2011 in Nepal majority (81%) follow Hinduism and from this also anyone can refer that societal mindset is govern by the philosophy of Hinduism. Relatively Nepalese women's status is considered very low compared to men as per the available evidences to date demonstrated. However, there are some difference even among Nepalese about their societal status based upon the types of their origin, Tibeto-Burman and Indo-Aryan. It is believe that Tibeto-Burman origin community members women status is better than Indo-Aryan though in this society women are considered symbol of goddesses. 
Naturally, seeking shelter under such religious sanctions, unscrupulous women disgraced women to the maximum possible extent and made them means of satisfying their lust. No one wanted a daughter. As a result; female infant came to be considered unwanted. No one wanted a daughter. Everyone was interested in having a son. The birth of the son was celebrated, but the birth of the daughter plunged family into gloom. This attitude still persists, even though certain other customs have undergone changes. In Hinduism Veda is considered the pure knowledge that educate hindus believers and shape their thoughts and belief. There are four vedas namely Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, Sama Veda and Yajur Veda. Besides these there are many others smritis and purans written based upon these holy texts.
As per the scriptures it is believed that women in ancient vedic society (India) used to be very respected. There is no exclusion of women according to the Vedas. Motherhood is considered the greatest glory of Hindu women. The Taittiriya Upanishad teaches, "Matridevo bhava" – "Let your mother be god to you." In this mantra of Brahmcharya Sukta, it is emphasized that girls too should train themselves as students and only then enter into married life. The Sukta specifically emphasizes that girls should receive the same level of training as boys.
Rig Veda:
"Parents should gift their daughter intellectuality and power of knowledge when she leaves for husband's home. They should give her a dowry of knowledge."Rig Veda 10.85.7 
"The right is equal in the fathers property for both son and daughter."- Rig Veda 3.31.1 
'Rig Veda' censures women by saying:
"Lord Indra himself has said that women has very little intelligence. She cannot be taught"
 - Rig Ved 8/33/17
At another placein Rig Veda  it is written:
"There cannot be any friendship with a women. Her heart is more cruel than heyna" 
- Rig Ved 10/95/15.
The idea of equality was most forcibly expressed in the Rig Veda (Book 5, hymn 61. verse 8): The commentator explains this passage thus: "The wife and husband, being the equal halves of one substance, are equal in every respect; therefore both should join and take equal parts in all work, religious and secular."
 "The wife should do agnihotra (yagna), sandhya (puja) and all other daily religious rituals. If, for some reason, her husband is not present, the woman alone has full rights to do yagna."
Rigveda Samhita, part 1, sukta 79, sloka 872 
"O women! These mantras are given to you equally (as to men). May your thoughts, too, be harmonious. May your assemblies be open to all without discrimination. Your mind and consciousness should be harmonious. I (the rishi) give you these mantras equally as to men and give you all and equal powers to absorb (the full powers) of these mantras."
Rig Veda 10–191–3 
Like wise in so many other mantras a woman has been presented to play an essential role in family and as wife. Similarly she has been given the lead stage in society works, in governmental organizations, and for ruling the nation is also mentioned in Vedas.
Rigevda contains several Suktas containing description of Usha as a God. This Usha is representation of an ideal woman. As per the "Usha Devata" by Pt Sri Pad Damodar Satvalekar as part of "Simple Translation of Rigveda (Rigved ka subodh bhashya)" page 121 to 147 for summary of all such verses spread across entire Rigveda. In summary:
  • Women should be brave (Page 122, 128)
  • Women should be expert (Page 122)
  • Women should earn fame (Page 123)
  • Women should ride on chariots (Page 123)
  • Women should be scholars (Page 123)
  • Women should be prosperous and wealth (Page 125)
  • Women should be intelligent and knowledgeable (Page 126)
  • Women should be protector of family and society and get in army(Page 134, 136)
  • Women should be illuminating (Page 137)
  • Women should be provider of wealth, food and prosperity (Page 141- 146)
Moreover, 'Rig Veda' itself says that a women should beget sons. The newly married wife is blessed so that she could have 10 sons. So much so, that for begetting a son, 'Vedas' prescribe a special ritual  called 'Punsawan sanskar' (a ceremony performed during third month of pregnancy).  During the ceremony it is prayed:
"Almighty God, you have created this womb. Women may be born somewhere else but sons should be born from this womb" 
- Atharva Ved 6/11/3

"O Husband protect the son to be born. Do not make him a women" 

- Atharva Ved 2/3/23
Atharva Veda
"Girls should train themselves to become complete scholars and youthful through Brahmcharya and then enter married life."
Atharva Veda 11.5.18 
"Parents should gift their daughter intellectuality and power of knowledge when she leaves for husband's home. They should give her a dowry of knowledge."
Atharva Veda 14.1.6 
When girls ignore external objects and develops foresight and vibrant attitude through power of knowledge, she becomes provider of wealth of skies and earth. Then she should marry an eligible husband.
"Oh wife! Give us discourse of knowledge"
Atharva Veda 14.1.20 
The bride may please everyone at her husband's home through her knowledge and noble qualities.
 "Teach the husband ways of earning wealth. Protector of children, having definite knowledge, worth thousands of prayers and impressing all directions, O women, you accept prosperity. O wife of deserving husband, teach your husband to enhance wealth."
Atharva Veda 7.46.3 
 "Oh woman! You are the keeper of knowledge of all types of actions (karma)."
Atharva Veda 7.47.1
 "Oh woman! You know everything. Please provide us strength of prosperity and wealth."
Atharva Veda 7.47.2 
"Oh woman! Utilize your vedic intellect in all directions of our home!"
Atharva Veda 14 January 1964 
"Oh groom! This bride will protect your entire family."
Atharva Veda 1.14.3 
"May this bride become the queen of the house of her husband and enlighten all."
Atharva Veda 2.36.3 
"These women are pure, sacred and yajniya (as respected as yajna); they provide us with subjects, animals and food."
Atharva Veda 11.1.17 
"Hey wife! Become the queen and manager of everyone in the family of your husband."
-Atharva Veda 14.1.20 
Thoses verses proof that women used to be very respected. These women are pure, sacred, worth being worship, worth being served, of great character, scholarly. They have given subjects, animals and happiness to the entire society.
 "Ensure that these women never weep out of sorrow. Keep them free from all diseases and give them ornaments and jewels to wear."
-Atharva Veda 12.2.31 
"Hey wife! I am holding your hand for prosperity."
-Atharva Veda 14 January 1950 
"Hey bride! You shall bring bliss to all and direct our homes towards our purpose of living."
Atharva Veda 14 January 1961
"Hey wife! I am knowledgeable and you are also knowledgeable. If I am Samved then you are Rigved."
Atharva Veda 14 February 1971 
"This bride is illuminating. She has conquered everyone's hearts!"
Atharva Veda 14 February 1974 
"Women should take part in the legislative chambers and put their views on forefront."
Atharva Veda 7.38.4 and 12.3.52 
"O bride! May the knowledge of the Vedas be in front of you and behind you, in your centre and in your ends. May you conduct your life after attaining the knowledge of the Vedas. May you be benevolent, the harbinger of good fortune and health and live in great dignity and indeed be illumined in your husband's home."
Atharva Veda 14–1–64 
In 'Shatpath Puran (shatpath Brahman)' a sonless women has been termed as unfortunate.
'Yajur Ved (Taitriya Sanhita)'m- "Women code says that the women are without energy. They should not get a share in property. Even to the wicked they speak in feeble manner" 
- Yajur Ved 6/5/8/2
"There are equal rights for men and women to get appointed as ruler."
Yajur Veda 20.9 
"There should be a women army. Let the women be encouraged to participate in war."
Yajur Veda 16.44 
 "In this mantra it is enforced that the wife of ruler should give education of politics to the others. Likewise the king do justice for the people, the queen should also justify her role."
- Yajur Veda 10.26 
Shatpath Puran, preachings of the 'Yajur Veda' clubs women, 'shudras' (untouchables), doga, crows together and says falsehood, sin and gloom remain integrated in them. (14/1/1/31)
In 'Aiterey Puran', preaching of the 'Rig Veda' in harsih chandra -Narad dialogue, Narad says: "The daughter causes pain"
To insult and humiliate women further, the religious books speak of women having sexual intercourse with animals or expressing desire for intercourse with them. What further insult can be heaped on women.
In 'Yajur Veda' such references are found at a number of places where the principal wife of the host is depicted as having intercourse with a horse.
For example consider the following hymn:
"All wife of the host reciting three mantras go round the horse. While praying, they say: 'O horse, you are, protector of the community on the basis of good qualities, you are, protector or treasure of happiness. O horse, you become my husband.'"
- Yajur Veda 23/19.
After the animal is purified by the priest, the principal wife sleeps near the horse and says: "O Horse, I extract the semen worth conception and you release the semen worth conception'"
- Yajur Veda 23/20.
The horse and principal wife spread two legs each. Then the Ardhvaryu (priest) orders to cover the oblation place, raise canopy etc. After this, the principal wife of the host pulls penis of the horse and puts it in her vagina and says: "This horse may release semen in me."
-Yajur Veda 23/20.
Then the host, while praying to the horse says:
"O horse, please throw semen on the upper part of the anus of my wife. Expand your penis and insert it in the vagina because after insertion, this penis makes women happy and lively" - 23/21.
In the Vedic age, the customs of polygamy was prevalent. Each wife spent most of the time devising ways and means to become favorite to her husband.
Clear references are available in 'Rig Veda', (14/45),' and Atharva Veda (3/81)'
Custom of Polygamy
The Aryans in those days used to attack the original inhabitants of this place, or other tribe within their own race; loot them and snatch away their women. Thus, militant and wicked men had more wives. This custom of polygamy helped a great deal in bringing down the women.
In 'Rig Ved' (10/59) it is written that Lord Indra had many queens that were either defeated or killed by his principal wife.
In 'Aitrey Puran', preachings of 'Rig Veda', (33/1), there is a reference to the effect that Harish Chandra had one hundred Wives.
'Yajur Veda' in the context of 'Ashva Medha' (Horse Sacraficing ceremony), says that many wives of Harish Chandra participated in the 'Yagyna' (religious sacrafice).
In 'Shatpath Puran(Shatpath Brahmin)', preachings (13/4/1/9), of the Veda, it is written that four wives do service in 'Ashva Megha'. In another Puran (Tatiraity Brahamin, 3/8/4), it is written that wives are like property.
Not only one man had many wives (married and slave girls), but there were cases of many men having a joint wife. It is confirmed from the following hymn in 'Atharva Veda': "O men, sow a seed in this fertile women"
- Atharva Veda 14/1
Both these customs clearly show that a women was treated like a moving property. The only difference between the two customs was that whereas according to former one man had a number of movable properties, in the latter, women a joint movable property.
'Vedas' also sanction 'Sati Pratha' 
Widow was burnt at the funeral Pyre of her husband. The widow was burnt at the funeral pyre of her husband so that she may remain his slave, birth after birth and may never be released from the bonds of slavery.
 " Let these women, whose husbands are worthy and are living, enter the house with ghee (applied) as corrylium ( to their eyes). Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned."
- Rig Veda 10.18.7 
"The Garudapurana favourably mentions the immolation of a widow on the funeral pyre, and states that women of all castes, even the Candalla woman, must perform Sati. The only exceptions allowed by this benevolent author is for pregnant women or those who have young children. If women do not perform sati, then they will be reborn into the lowly body of a woman again and again till they perform Sati."
- Garuda.Purana. II.4.91-100 
"A sati who dies on the funeral pyre of her husband enjoys an eternal bliss in heaven."
- Daksa Smrti IV.18-19 
According to Vasishta's Padma-Purana, a woman must, on the death of her husband, allow herself to be burnt alive on the same funeral pyre.
Yajnavalkya, a legendary sage of Vedic India, credited with the authorship of the Shatapatha Brahmana, and the most important law-giver after sage Manu, states that sati is the only way for a chaste widow."
- Apastamba.I.87 
The Yogini Tantra enjoins upon Brahmana widows to burn themselves on the funeral pyre of their husbands [ Yog.T. II.303-308 ]. Vaisya and Sudra widows were also allowed to do it. It was prohibited to unchaste women and those having many children. [ 1200, p.67 ]
The Vyasa Smrti gives one of the two alternatives for a Brahmana widow, ie. either to become a sati or to take up ascetism after her tonsure [ Vyasa Sm. II.53 ] [ Sm.S. p.362 ] [ 1200, p.67 ftn.136 ]. 
"If a woman's husband dies, let her lead a life of chastity, or else mount his pyre" - Vishnu Smirti.XXV.14
"It is the highest duty of the woman to immolate herself after her husband."- Brahma Purana.80.75 
The Atharva Veda says:
"O dead man following the religion and wishing to go to the husbands world, his women comes to you."  In the other world also may you give her children and wealth in the same manner. In the 'Vedas', widow is treated inhumanly. For example it is mentioned that on death of her husband, the wife was handed over to some other man, or to her husband younger brother.
Swami Vivekananda opines that even at that time women used to have sexual intercourse with a person other than her husband to beget a child. The hymn says:
"O woman, get up and adopt the worldly life again. It is futile to lie with this dead man. Get up and become the wife of the man who is holding your hand and who loves you."
- Rig Ved 10/18/8
Apparently this shows that woman is considered to be a property. Whenever and whosoever desired, could become her master. If the women was not remarried, then her head was shaved. This is evident from Atharva Veda (14/2/60).
This custom was obviously meant to disgrace her. For what connection does shaving of widows head has with the death of her husband ? The condition of widows was miserable. She was considered to be a harbinger of inauspiciousness and was not allowed to participate in ceremonies like marriage. This custom is still prevalent in some places. She has to spend her life alone In Rig Veda therre are references to slave girls being given in charity as gifts. After killing the menfolk of other tribes, particularly of the native inhabitants, their women were rounded up and used as slave girls. It was custom to present slave girls to one other as gifts. The kings used to present chariots full of slave girls to their kith and kin and preists (Rig Veda 6/27/8). King Trasdasyu had given 50 slave girls. It was custom to present slave girls to Saubhri Kandav (Rig Veda 8/38, 5/47/6).
Intercourse without marriage
A slave girl was called 'Vadhu' (wife), with whom sexual intercourse could be performed without any kind of marriage ceremony. These girls belonged to the men who snatched them from the enemies, or who had received them in dowry, or as gifts. Only the men to whom they belonged could have sexual intercourse with them. But some slave girls were kept as joint property of the tribe or the village. Any man could have sexual rlations with them. These girls became the prostitutes. The 'Vedas' also talk about 'Niyog', the custom of childless, widow or woman having sexual intercourse with a person other than her husband to beget a child.
In simple words 'Niyog' means sending a married woman or a widow to a particular man for sexual intercourse so that she gets a son. Indication of this custom is available in 'Rig Veda' In 'Aadiparva' of 'Mahabharata' (chap. 95 and 103), it is mentioned that Satywati had appointed her son to bestow sons to the queens of Vichitrvirya, the younger brother of Bhishma, as a result of which Dhratrashtra and Pandu were born.
Pandu himself has asked his wife, Kunti, to have sexual intercourse with a brahmin to get a son (Aadi Parva, chapters 120 to 123).
Chastity of woman was not safe
In the name of 'beejdan' (seed donation), they used to have sexual intercourse with issueless women. This was a cruel religious custom and the chastity of the women was not safe. The so called caretakers of the religion were allowed to have sexual intercourse with other man's wife. From 'Niyog pratha' it csn be inferred withouth fear of contradiction that women were looked upon as mere child producing machines.
In 'The Position of women in Hindu Civilization' Dr. B. R. Ambedkar writes:
"Though women is not married to man, she was considered to be a property of the entire family. But she was not getting share out of the property of her husband, only son could be successor to the property."
Gajdhar Prasad Baudh says: " No woman of the Vedic age can be treated as pure. Vedic man could not keep even the relations brother-sister and father-daughter sacred from the oven of rape and debauchery/adultery named 'Niyog'. Under the influence of intoxication of wine, they used to recognize neither their sister nor their daughter and also did not keep the relations with them in mind. It is evident from their debauchery and adultery what a miserable plight of women was society in then. (Refer 'Arya Niti Ka Bhadaphor'. 5th Edition page 14).
In the 'Vedas' there are instances where daughter was impregnated by her father and the sister by her brother. The following example of sexual intercourse is found between father and daughter in the 'Rig Veda':
"When father had sexual intercourse with his daughter, then with the help of earth he released his semen and at that time the Righteous Devas (deities) formed this 'Vartrashak (Rudra) Devta' (Pledge keeper diety named Rudra)"
- Atharva Veda (20/96/15).
"Women are worthy of worship. They are the fate of the household, the lamp of enlightenment for all in the household. They bring solace to the family and are an integral part of dharmic life. Even heaven is under the control of women. The gods reside in those households where women are worshipped and in households where women are slighted all efforts at improvement go in vain."Manusmriti 3–56


1. Legal rights of women in history accessed from

2. Sati - Brahmin Annihilation of Widows, Chapter 5, Genocide of Women in Hinduism by

Sita Agarwal accessed from