Monday, 23 July 2012

Poverty is a grand design act of Money, Power and Position Hunger men

Working in the development sector of Nepal for the last 15 years observed the situation of rural Nepal, especially of Rolpa in 2008 while working for German Technical Corporation (GTZ) I realised that poverty is man-made situation.

Indeed! Poverty is the grand design act of cleaver MONEY, POWER and POSITION hunger men for their own sake of benefit whether we believe or not. Therefore, it can be said that poverty is a weapon of mass destruction of mankind. Whether or not we like to hear this but that is the bitter truth if we think and analyse the context with open mind in broader perspectives and listen what a genuine and experienced people have to say about it ! 

"Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.”- Nelson Mandela

"Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime."
-Aristotle (384-322 BC)

Due to grand design planned of the MONEY, POWER and POSITION hunger past rulers poverty is still rampant in Nepal and because of poverty still majority of Nepalese are illiterate. Based on the multidimensional approach of poverty index developed by the Oxford University experts (include 10 variables such as education, heath, electricity, drinking water, assets, etc treated as deprivation indices) the incidence of poverty in Nepal and average intensity of deprivation across the poor were estimated at 64.7% and 54% respectively [1]. For comparison, poverty ratio estimate based on US$1.25 per day criteria as per the World Bank has also been given, which was derived to be 55%. By all accounts, these estimates show that poverty in Nepal is extremely high. However,  instead of appreciating a new approach that has been followed, National Planning Commission has rejected the estimates entirely.

Without making anything concrete to contribute in the upliftment of the status of poor and man-made poverty, Nepalese literate, urban and elites youths and people say I feel proud being a Nepali or belong to this group, etc. That's an EGO of them with their illusion without knowing the fact of our country. 

Disgusting to to hear their stupidity in the false pride since "Nepal is among the poorest countries in the world and currently ranks 157 out of 187 countries on the Human Development Index."  [2]. Similarly, according to the most recent Nepal Living Standards Survey-III 2010-2011, Nepal has an adult literacy rate of 56.6%, with a huge disparity between males and females, 71.6% and 44.5% respectively [3]. And sadly literate also LOVE to remain in an illusion without trying to find out the truth! Thus culprits for the underdevelopment of the nation is literate people. Not the poverty and our leaders/politicians. We've to THINK for ourself. Question EVERYTHING we 'think' we know!

❝The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.❞ 
-Prof. Stephen Hawking, British theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author 

"The only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance."
-Herodotus, Ancient Greek historian, lived in the 5th century BC (c.484 – 425 BC), and known as the "Father of History"

Nepalese so-called literate or educated people talk BIG BIG things but our country economic is depend upon the remittance of less educated boys and girls. Shame to those literate or so-called educated people. We/They are just NATO "No Action Talk Only".

1. Online Newspaper article titled "Nepal Poverty Reduction: Myths or Reality" by Dr. Dilli Raj Khanal accessed from
2. The World Bank,,contentMDK:22147453~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:223555,00.html
3. Online Newspaper article titled "Literacy Rate Pronouncing Nepal's Fate" by Dr. Sanjaya Gajurel, March 2012 accessed from

Confusion with Education vs Intelligence among Nepalese

For those people who are illiterate we can accept whatever they have said. However, it will be illogical if we accept what an educated (literate) general people, scholars, so-called intellects say. Sadly, even general literate Nepalese people think that once people hold higher education degrees they are intelligent and supposed to share, discuss their thoughts in an intelligent manner and act  accordingly. However, they even cannot differentiate that education and intelligence are two difference things but both ideas involve knowledge. 

There is a huge confusion with knowledge and intelligence, which we must try to avoid. We must understand that individual don't need education to be an intelligent! Education has to do with the external forces but intelligence comes within an innate and natural ability that we are born with. Therefore, we can anticipate degree holders must be behave in an intelligent manner.  

Education vs Intelligence
There is a vast difference between education and intelligence. Both ideas involve knowledge; however, they are fundamentally different concepts.
Intelligence is an innate and natural ability that we are born with. It involves our natural abilities. Traditionally this was measured with an Intelligent Quotient (IQ) or intelligence quotient quiz.  Psychologists have in recent years come to consider the IQ test too limited to truly measure intelligence and Gardener’s multiple intelligences pedagogy has become more established.
Gardener’s multiple intelligences state that there are eight different types of intelligences, which we all have and are present in differing amounts. These intelligences include: visual, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist.
These intelligences are within us naturally in differing degrees and they can be further developed through education and training. Intelligence is therefore an internal force that governs our capacities and our limitations in acquiring skills in different areas.
Education is something that is provided by an external force, typically a teacher, tutor, mentor or parent. Education is what helps you to develop your natural intelligence in different ways. Many people have abilities in different areas that are made to shine, when they receive education. Others do not receive the right type of education and their abilities lie latent within them.
There are many people who are perfectly talented and capable in different ways that have not had the same educational opportunities as others and are therefore not perceived to be as intelligent.
Many people consider that if you know a lot of stuff then you are intelligent, but this is not necessarily the case, it is a reflection of the level or your education more than your actual intelligence level. Such people, if presented with the same amount of intellectual capital and education as others have received, would also come across as intelligent. Other people receive a fantastic education and perhaps due to limited intelligence do not take it on board.
Most leading educational institutions these days have adjusted their view of intelligence to be in line with Gardener’s theories. Teaching pedagogy and practice these days attempts to tap into people’s natural intelligences in order to teach concepts in a way that will be understood by that person. For example if trying to teach fractions to a musically intelligent person then you would sing a song about fractions and decimals.
The difference between education and intelligence is that intelligence is internal, they are skills and abilities that we have naturally in varying degrees and education is given to us externally through teachers, books, parents and so on. Intelligence is the material that teachers use to educate and shape us and develop our natural intelligence.
1. Intelligence is intrinsic and an internal force
2. Education is an extrinsic or external force provided by a third party

3. There are many different types of intelligence that are now recognized by psychologists
4. People can be intelligent, but uneducated and vice versa

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Situation of Nepalese women in Mid and Far western regions of Nepal

It is very sad that women and children situation in Nepal is very poor and this is particularly evident in the mid and far western regions of Nepal, where religious superstitious beliefs and traditions are entrenched and highly prevalent. 

Indeed! Agreed with Rhona Shrestha (British), UK Midwife that we need birthing centre in rural Nepal to needy childbearing women rather than urban areas. However, to do so we need competent, confident, committed and  compassion skilled healthcare providers who can provide women-centred holistic care rather than deployed nurses with less competency, lack confident, not committed and having no compassion. Sadly, to date we do not have a professional midwife in the nation, who can provide such care. However, since its establishment Midwifery Society of Nepal ( together with Ministry of Health and Population, UNFPA and Paroparkar Maternity and Women's Hospital have been working together to bring such cadre in Nepal as per the mandate of the Government of Nepal's National Policy on Skilled Birth Attendant 20006, Long Term (Pre-service) Measures.  

"There is in my humble opinion a need to take the fight out of the city and into the hills and mountains...that is where birthing centres and up to date, evidence based antenatal care are needed most. From this report it seems that getting girls and boys into secondary education is failing. An holistic approach to healthcare is needed- from an early age children should be taught about their health and well-being and that needs to continue with discourse throughout their childhood and teen years. We need to empower women beginning with the girls..."-Rhona Shrestha (British), UK Midwife 

The Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (NMICS) 2011, showcasing household level data on children and women of the Mid and Far Western Regions report highlights the miserable condition of women and children in these regions. As per the survey,
- Exclusively breastfed infants for the first 6 month only around 64% infants.
- Immunized to infant was 56% before their first birthday in the regions, compared to the national average of 81 percent, according to Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) 2011.
-56% household members had no toilet facility while only 36 percent were using an improved sanitation facility which is lower than the national average of 56%.
- Only 45% received antenatal care during pregnancies at least once from skilled provider compared to the national average of 58 per the NDHS 2011 while only 29% women delivered by skilled personals compared to the national average of 36%.
- Around 42% of children under 5 years had been birth registered with civil authorities which is equal to the national average while 83% of children between 2-14 years experience violent discipline, including both psychological aggression and physical punishment.
- 44% of children between 5-14 years are involved in child labour in these regions. 
- 16% of women aged between 15-49 years got married before their 15th birthday whereas 60% women aged between 20-29 were first married or in union before age 19.
-73% of children of primary school age and 56% of secondary school age attended school.
- Comprehensive knowledge on HIV/AIDS in women only 22% while around 45% of women aged 15-49 years in the Mid-FWR knew where to be tested for HIV.
-Only 5% of women were exposed to all three types of media at least one a week – Radio 49%, television 29% and newspaper 8%.
- 85% of the women had never had alcoholic drink, 7% had had at least one drink of alcohol before the age of 15 years, and 10% had had at least once drink of alcohole on one or more days.
-91% were generally satisfied with their family life, 83% with their current job, 81% with school, self and life in general; 80% with their income; and 77% with their living environment.